Care and affection

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Next day- afternoon

Tae: Come on dude, they're waiting
Jm:I'm nervous okay? My hands are sweaty af

Tae holds jm's hands and says
Come on I'm here

Jm:i clearly look nervous.. Now he'll think I'm weird
Tae:jeez calm down. You didn't do a crime or something
Jm:okay let's go then

They entered the cafeteria as they saw nj and yg waiting for them

Nj:here they come control yourself yoongi, okay?
Yg looks back -oh shit

Nj: anddd there you go
Yg: shut up

Nj waves at jm and tae.
Here guys!

Jm: hello nj hyung!
Nj: Hi there bud! How have you guys been?
Jm and tae:pretty good! How about you?

Nj:tiring but it  was all worth it
Nj notices yg being weird and fiddling around

Jm:how about you yg?
Yg:pre.. Pretty good
Nj:i ordered us some food.. Umm jm could you get that please?

Jm:yeah sure.. Let's go tae

As soon as they left, nj turned to yg who was looking at jm from the back

Nj:dude wtf was that

Nj:why are you so awkward? You're being way too obvious
Yg:that's not the reason

Nj:then wth is it?
Yg:he sent me something last night that still has be struck

Nj:I'mma need some context here
Yg:it was some photos- places his hand on his chest and takes a deep breath..
He's so attractive

Nj:don't make it too obvious tho. Why did you keep looking away when he looked at you? Why were you avoiding eye contact?
Yg:because dude it takes a hell lot of courage to look into his eyes and not fall for him

Nj:you've already fallen for him tho
Yg:looked down with a faint smile
Well.. That i have

Nj: oh shit he heard you
Yg:oh fuck - he turned around while still keeping his head down

Look it's not what you think
Upon getting no reply, he looked up to se no one there

Yg: namjoon! That scared the shit out of me. Fuck you!
Nj:love you too bro
Oh! They're back

Yg:i ain't falling for that again
Jm taps on yg's shoulder
We're back with the food!

The four of them kept talking and having food while yoonmin exchanged awkward glances. Nj and tae noticed that.

Jm: okay gtg.. Sorry i have practice!
Yg:you guys I'll have to leave as well. Joon don't be late!

Yoonmin leave as taejoon turn to each other

Nj:what's up with these two?
Tae: idk they were pretty awkward today

Nj:tae i need to tell u something
Tae: what is it?

Nj:i think there's something going on between these two
And also i heard from yg that they're hanging out this weekend
Tae:but looking at the awkwardness, i don't think that's gonna happen

Nj:hmm yg and jm might try to invite us as well to avoid being alone.
Tae: knowing jm, i strongly agree to that. Jm will definitely try to drag me along

Nj:okay listen. No matter what they say, if they ask us to accompany them, what do we say?
Tae:oh sorry I've some work to do that day
sorry something came up

MY DEAR LOVE:"A Serendipity's Embrace" |Yoonmin Ff|Where stories live. Discover now