May 15th, 2024, 1:00AM

3 1 0

Dear Diane,

I am going to write this entry in sections, hopefully with timestamps as I go.

1:00AM- I am sitting alone in a hallway while Steph gets the keys for the haunted rooms in the hotel that we are allowed to investigate because they're empty for the night.

1:10AM- Steph is back and we are going to the lobby to meet the other investigators.

1:30AM- They want to start in the morgue. I am creeped out. I do not like the Morgue.

1:34AM- I am sitting in a rocking chair while they set up all their equipment. We are going to do this for every section of the hotel. There is a time-lapse camera, a video camera, a voice recorder, and these other things that make noise when people touch them? When ghosts touch them? I don't know, they have been beeping on and off since we got down here and no one is around them.

1:45AM- We are asking the ghosts questions. They seem to be responding? There is a flashlight, on for yes and off for no, and they've been answering the questions as we go. There's also a spirit box thing that Steph is wearing. It's like a box that shifts through radio signals really fast and sounds like white noise. As we ask questions, words are supposed to come through it, so Steph is also answering some of our questions as we go.

1:50AM- The spirit box said my name, I am officially creeped out.

1:55AM- The spirit box said "My name is not Oliver, it's Charles." And now my heart is beating really fast. It was more broken up than that, more like "Name" then "not" then "oliver" then "it's" then "Charles".

1:56AM- Charles apologized for breaking my vase. It said "sorry" then "vase" then "broke". Steph is really confused. I asked if Charles was talking to me. He said "yes". Steph ripped off the headphones when it said her name.

1:58AM- I have to tell Steph about Oliver/Charles. She is really freaked out because it said "hello" and "Steph".

1:59AM- Steph is not upset about me not telling her about Oliver/Charles, but wants to talk about it more later when we are home.

2:00AM- we are moving to our hotel room.

3:00AM- Nothing else has really happened outside of the Oliver/Charles incident.

3:05AM- Charles made an appearance. Apparently, he is not confined to my house.

3:06AM- It looks like one of the investigators thinks that Charles is attached to me somehow, and they're all freaked out by him just vibing in the corner of the room.

3:15AM- I told the whole crew about the stuff with me and Charles, they have all decided that they are coming to my house soon to investigate more there. We are going to research Charles and myself a little more closely.

3:45AM- Charles just disappeared. He didn't communicate anymore to anyone. He looked a little more formed here than he did at my house. I could tell he's a younger man with blonde hair and blue eyes. He's handsome, like in an all-victorian-age-guys-are-cute kind of way.

4:00AM- we are going to check the footage in the morning of the investigation and try to get a really good look at Charles, who overtook the night.

4:30AM- Steph asked if I could cuddle with her, she seems to be scared of Charles, just a little.

That's all for tonight.

Goodnight, Diane. 

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