May 14th, 2024, 11:30PM

2 1 0

Dear Diane,

Steph is asleep, so I can write this before we wake up for the investigation. I'll be honest, I have not been able to sleep since we got back from dinner.

Dinner was incredible. I was nervous, as I hadn't really been to a fancy dinner since the last time Riley and I went out before we broke up.

The restaurant was cute. It is an old Victorian house that was converted into a small mom-and-pop Italian restaurant. It was super busy, but we were able to get a table. It was right down the street from the crescent, which was really convenient, we just walked there rather than drive.

The vibe was completely different than with Riley. Steph and I were talking the whole time, through the bread they brought to the table, the main meal, we even ordered dessert! We must have been there for two hours talking and eating. It was like time didn't exist for a moment, and it was so magical.

And the best part? Steph asked if we could start dating! I didn't even have to broach the subject. She just flat out asked if I wanted to date her.

Of course, I said yes. We aren't girlfriends, yet, just going on dates and seeing where things go. She wants to take it slow because apparently the whole reason she moved to my city was to get away from a bad breakup. She wanted to start over, and she found me instead. I'm not complaining in the slightest. We already talk 24/7 and are around each other all the time. We have decided to not broadcast it to the world yet, because again we want to see where things go.

I'm over the moon. I'm so happy.

Oh! One more thing, our room is actually haunted. I do believe her on that. When I woke up, I saw a figure glide right through the wall into the room next to us. It was a younger man, with brown hair and eyes, and wearing some older clothes. I think they looked like something from the 1800s, but I'm not an expert in these things. It looked at me as it glided away, which was a little concerning. I wish Oliver were here, maybe they could find some ghost friends to hang out with instead of bothering me at my house.

I will tell Steph when she wakes up, but I didn't want to disturb her sleep. I'm sure more ghosts will be seen before the night is over.

I'll update you as the night goes on, little journal friend.

Sincerely, Diane 

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