May 7th, 2024, 12:00PM

5 2 0

Dear Diane,

It really isn't a good thing that I was late for work again today. Staying up all night to fight off wall-banging ghosts was not how I wanted to spend my evening, and waking up an hour after my alarms was not how I expected today to start out.

Usually on a Tuesday, I can sneak in, but now I have the problem of sharing a cubicle with someone else, who can definitely rat me out.

Except, she didn't. She watched me walk in, smiled, and handed me a granola bar. All without saying a word.

Stephanie is an interesting anomaly that has been introduced to my life. She doesn't talk much (or I'm just unapproachable) she's tall and her hair is this beautiful black, chopped short. She styles it in like, this way that makes it go all over the place, but like, in a controlled sort of way? She's exactly the kind of girl I would've dated in high school, if they had liked me back. She sits at her desk all day and does her job, mostly without saying anything to me. Do cubicle mates become friends? Is that a thing? I haven't had to share something like this with someone.

Should I invite her to lunch?

Knowing me, I'll chicken out at the last second.

Thinking, Diane 

Dear DianeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora