May 12th, 2024, 3:00PM

3 1 0

Dear Diane,

I think I have done it, everything is working out in my favor, and I have somehow gotten the house cleaner than it was before AND packed my bags.

I feel like I severely overpacked, but that's okay I think.

I think I am going to reward myself with video games and a nice nap before bed.

Sincerely, Diane.

May 12th, 2024, 11:00PM

I have decided to name the thing Oliver. It just kind of fits. Until Oliver has given me a name, that's what it's name will be. Since I don't know a gender, it'll just be a they for now.

Oliver is staring at me right now as I write this letter to myself. I asked them if they liked the name, but they didn't really respond. So I just went about my business as usual.

I just wanted to update myself that I have given the poor thing a name-and that it doesn't seem to want to kill me for giving it a name.

What's in a name anyway?

Sincerely, Diane

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