Chapter 44 - Stuff to do

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Author’s note: This chapter is from the episode The Return from Season 1.


In next few days stuff happened and Mary Margaret, friend of Emma and her mother. She was falsely assumed that she murdered Katherine Nolan, but she didn’t do anything. They heard it was Sidney Glass. Emma didn’t belief it for a word and found Regina crazy. And then there was August W Booth, he was to be believed that he was the son of Mr. Gold. Paris and Cole were watching the younger man.

Now they were at Mary Margaret’s apartment, as most of the citizens of Storybrooke were gathered for Mary Margaret’s welcome home party. Mary Margaret and Emma were at the punch bowl watching everyone. Granny looked Archie. “Hi!”

Archie grinned. “Hey. How are you? Would you like some?”

Mary Margaret looked at Emma as Paris and Cole stood close by, with their son in Cole’s arms. “All of these people… Just to welcome me home?”

“You’ve got a lot of friends.” Emma replied to her.

“Didn’t feel like that yesterday.” Mary Margaret leaves to serve drinks. “Here you go.”

“Thank you.” A man thanked her.

Then Henry walked up to Mary Margaret. “Hey. I have something for you.” He handed her a present and a giant card.

Mary Margaret smiled. “Well, thank you.” Then she opened the card. “We’re so glad you didn’t kill Misses Nolan…”

“It’s from the whole class, and I got you a bell.” Henry interrupted her.

Mary Margaret smiled. “Thank you. Tell everyone I’ll be back soon.”

Henry nodded. “Okay.”

“Hey, Henry, we should get you home before your mom finds out. That won’t be pretty.” Emma and Henry headed for the door. They found David standing on the other side. Emma turned around to look at Mary Margaret, whose face clearly showed disapproval. Emma had told to leave and suggested that he took Henry with him.

Then David and Henry leave, and Emma shut the door. Mr. Gold approached her. “Hard to let him go, isn’t it? Your son.”

Then Paris walked up to them. “Gold not now, lets not be mayhem yet.”

Emma blinked. “Yeah. Pretty much the hardest thing. Speaking of something we weren’t talking about, was it you?”

Mr. Gold frowned. “Was what me?”

“Did you make Kathryn suddenly materialize?” Emma asked to him. “Cause it sure played that way to me. Was that the magic you were going to work? Because if you kidnapped that poor, innocent woman, just to let her go...”

Mr. Gold eyes narrowed. “Are you proposing I’m working with Regina, or against her?”

Emma shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe, diagonally.”

“And you did it.” Paris muttered.

“Well, you keep working on that one.” Mr. Gold looked at August. “My question’s about something else... what do you know about him?”

Emma looked at him. “Goes by August. He’s a writer. Typewriter wrapped in an enigma, wrapped in stubble. Why?”

“He was poking around my shop today.” Mr. Gold replied to her. “August Wayne Booth. Clearly a false name. There’s one thing I know about... it’s names.”

Emma frowned. “Writers go by pseudonyms. What does it matter?”

“You trust him?” Mr. Gold asked to her.

Emma nodded. “Yeah. A lot more than I trust you.”

“Be careful who you trust.” Paris comment seriously. “A pretty face can be a snake and a snake someone who’s telling the truth.”


The next day, Paris and Cole were walking into the woods with son Samuel. They walked further into the woods as they heard voices, two male voices. They walked closer to hear who were and was Mr. Gold and August. “It’s remarkable.” They heard August saying. “By the power of the darkness, I command thee… Dark One.”

Mr. Gold sounded angry. “You’re trying to control me?”

“I command thee, Dark One!”

“You’re not my son. You’re not Baelfire.”

“Papa, why would you say that? I’m just trying to use your power to help us.”

“Enough! It’s over, Booth. Or whoever you are. My son would never try to use me. And he would know, that this Knife cannot harness any magic in this world, because there is no magic in this world. That’s why he chose this place. He didn’t want me…” Mr. Gold grabbed the dagger from August. “Dabbling.”

“So, why bury a useless Knife?” August asked.

“Oh, I wouldn’t say it was useless. It still cuts through flesh rather nicely. It’s about time you start answering some questions, sunshine. Why the theatrics? Why didn’t you just come to me?”

“I needed you to work for it. I needed you to want it so bad, you would ignore what your eyes were seeing. Do I even look like him at all?”

“How do you know about this Knife?”

“I hear things.”

Mr. Gold pointed the dagger at August, until he ended up backed up against a tree. “No one here knows about this Knife.”

“No one here remembers.”

“And, yet, you do. You’re from there, aren’t you? From my world.”

“The fact that you’re asking the question means you know the answer.”

“Well, now that that’s settled…Mr. Gold lunged at August, pinning him against the tree behind him. He held the dagger to his throat. “How about my other question? Who told you about me and the Knife?”

“A little fairy.”

“Why did you want it? If you know who I am, then you know who I am. The chances of you surviving this little encounter are pretty slim. So, why take the risk?”

“Because I’ll die anyway.”


“I’m sick. I’m sick, and I need magic. I was going to get the saviour to believe. But that woman… I don’t think I’m going to make it long enough to see that happen.”

Then Paris and Cole popped up and let themselves known. “She will believe.” Paris comment seriously. “And yeah you won’t be here to see it.”

Cole smirked. “I agree to that.”

“So what the choice shall it be. Let you turn to wood or heal you.” Paris told to August.

August had his eyes widen. “You can to that?” As Mr. Gold removed the dagger from August’s throat.

“Really?” Mr. Gold asked annoyed.

“Yep.” Paris replied. Then she looked at August. “What shall it be?”

“If you can heal me.” August replied. “I would be very happy.”

Paris smirked, glancing at the other men. Cole knew what she’s gonna do. Paris waved with her hand and August turned into a small wooden doll. “Don’t worry, my dear. You will turn back when the curse is broken.”

Then Mr. Gold looked at them. “I like you.”

“Thanks.” Paris smiled at them. “People like August aren’t to be trusted.”

Mr. Gold was still angry. “He was posing as my son.”

“That’s what I mean.” Paris comment.  “You have a son?”

Mr. Gold nodded. “Yes, Baelfire.”

“Beautiful name.” Paris smiled. “So, he’s here in this land?”

“Yes.” Mr. Gold nodded.

“If he’s here. We can find him.” Cole comment.

“We can.” Paris added. “I have to ask my sisters, but we can find him.”

Mr. Gold had teary eyes. “You can really find my boy?”

“We can and will find your son.” Paris replied to him seriously. “Please, trust us.”

Mr. Gold nodded. “I hope you keep your word.”

Paris had small smile on her face. “We will bring him home.”

“I will use it as a favour that you owe me.” Mr. Gold told her.

“Okay, I understand.” Paris nodded.

“We will keep our word.” Cole added.

“Do you have something of your son?” Paris asked.

“Yes.” Mr. Gold replied.

“We are going to need it.” Paris told him seriously.


Back in the hotel room, Paris was on the phone with Piper. “Can you find someone for me?”

“Who do I need to find?” Piper asked back.

“Mr. Gold’s son, Baelfire.” Paris replied to her.

“Do you have something of him?” Piper asked.

“Yes, i have.” Paris replied. “I will need Leo to pick it up and to bring over.”

“Okay.” Piper comment as then Leo orbed in with Wyatt.

“You had something?” Leo asked.

Paris grabbed the thing and gave it to Leo. “Please, be careful with it.”

“I will.” Leo nodded as then he orbed out with Wyatt.

Then Paris spoke over the phone. “You have it?”

“Yes.” Piper replied to her. “We will find him and call you back.”

“Okay, bye. Hear from you soon.” Paris comment.

“Yes, bye.” Piper told her as then she hung up.

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