Chapter 12 - Charmed Again, Part 1, part 1

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Phoebe looked up to find Leo entering the parlor with Ben, Cole and Paris. The men were dressed in suits as Paris had her dress on. "Look who's back." Leo comment, glancing at Ben.

"Ben!" Phoebe runs to him and embraced him in her arms as then released him. "I was afraid you weren't going to make it to the funeral."

"Well, I - I can't make it... or, shouldn't anyway. The Source has got every demonic bounty hunter out there looking for me." Ben told her.

Phoebe shrugged. "Yeah. So what else is new?"

"This is different. Saving you makes it a different, makes me a traitor... and he not going to stop until he finds me and I don't want that happening at Prue's funeral." Ben replied to her.

Phoebe looked at him. "So, we'll protect you."

Ben looked back at her. "You can't protect me."

"Why not? We're still witches, aren't we?" Phoebe asked to him.

"Yeah, but you're not the Charmed Ones anymore." Ben replied to her.

Phoebe found herself at the partially repaired, unpainted wall where Prue died. Leo stepped in. "He's right, Phoebe. Without the Power of Three..."

Then, Phoebe raised her hand. "I don't understand. Isn't it harder to track a demon in a cemetery, Ben? You have to go. I need you there." Ben nodded.

Victor escorted Darryl in through the front door. "Hey, how are you holdin' up?"

"Okay." Phoebe and Darryl hugged and slowly stepped away from each other. "It's sweet of you to stop by."

"Had to. Besides, I thought you should know..." Darryl told her. "they're assigning Prue's case to another inspector."

"Has this to do now?" Paris groaned as Cole stood beside her, side hugging her.

Leo frowned. "What case?"

Darryl raised am eyebrow. "What case? Are you kidding? Prue and a prominent doctor were killed here, Leo. Made a lot of press. People want answers. Important people."

"They can lick my ass and say goodbye, cause I'm not gonna tell anything to them." Paris hissed, angry. Cole had to held in his laugh as did Ben.

"So, what's this guy gonna find? That it was a demonic hitman? Gimme a break." The brothers snored.

Darryl looked at them. "He might. Look, you don't know him like I do. He'll keep looking until he finds something, believe me."

"I'm not worried." Ben comment.

"Ha, me neither." Paris added.

Leo told them all. "Well, I am. I saw what happened when they were exposed as witches. Time may have reversed itself, but it still cost Prue her life."

Just then, Victor spoke up. "Would you people mind? For God's sake, we're burying my daughter today. Can't this wait?" Phoebe moved over to hug her father, who's struggling to hold it all together.

"Yes." Paris replied to him.


Later, they all were at the Mausoleum. A beautiful ivory-colored coffin sat on a pedestal amongst the flowers. An ivory-dressed, Wiccan Priestess stood before a blue silk covered altar table, which was adorned with a ceremonial chalice. A tied, silver cord laid before the chalice, three lit candles surround it, symbolizing birth, death, and the rebirth. To the unaware mourners, however, the service comes across a part traditional, part New Age. Piper, Phoebe, Paris, Leo, Ben, Cole, Darryl, and Victor were seated close to the priestess. Piper and Phoebe dabbed at their eyes and Ben kept his eyes peeled for any trouble. The funeral program, which bared the symbol of the triquetra above the name, read: 'PRUDENCE HALLIWELL, 1970-2001; Forever in our Hearts'. The Priestess told to them all. "That which belongs to fellowship and love. That which belongs to the circle, remains with us. The wheel turns. As life is a day, so our sister has passed into night. Nothing is final, and we who remain behind know that one day, we will once again share the bread and wine with our sister. O' blessed spirit, we bid you farewell, for you await a new destiny." With that, she untied the silver cord and gently lays it into the chalice. She blow out the candles. Moments later, mourners standing, shaking hands, crying, etc. Darryl went over to Piper, Paris and Phoebe to hug them and people began to pay their respects. Phoebe thanks another mourner, then turned to the last of the mourners, whom she doesn't recognize... Paige, who shifted over anxiously. "I'm so sorry for your loss."

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