Chapter 34 - Happily Ever After

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Piper, Paige, Leo and Grams walked in as Paris shimmered in. “I'm telling you, that was a demon. No crazy person off the street is that good with an axe.”

“So, demon attack?” Paris asked as then she saw Grams. “Oh, hi Grams.”

Grams looked at her. “Hello, my dear.”

Piper sat down and opened the fairy tale book. Leo looked at Paige. “Except, since when do demons attack with an axe?”

Paige shrugged. “Athame, axe, what's the difference?”

Grams opened the Book of Shadows. “Oh, who cares? Let's just see if there's anymore where he came from. I mean, I certainly don't want a body if it's gonna get chopped up.”

“Well, Piper says you're the super witch, what do you think he was?” Paige asked to her.

“I don't know.” Grams replied. “Although there was something about him that looked familiar.”

“A little like this maybe?” Piper held up the picture of the Woodsman in the book.

Grams looked at her. “Oh, the woodsman, of course. Oh, you recognised him too.”

“Right.” Paris muttered.

“I read fairy tales to my baby just like you read to me.” Piper told to Grams.

“Oh, darling.” She giggled. “Well, I'm glad you're finally doing something.”

“Wait, you're saying a fairy tale character came to life and attacked us? Come on.” Paige rolled her eyes.

“Well, why not?” Grams shrugged. “They're real, I mean, at least they used to be.”

“Huh?” Paris was confused.

Paige looked confused. “What?”

“Oh, Paris, Paige.” Grams looked at the sisters. “I can see I have lots to teach you two too.”


Grams looked at them. “Fairy tales are not all fables, my dear. Some are recountings of ancient battles between Good and Evil. And they're as much apart of our heritage as anything in the Book of Shadows.”
Paige looked in disbelief. “You expect me to believe that there are giant beanstalks and gingerbread houses that actually existed?”

Leo looked at her. “You used to think that the Evil Enchantress was just a fairy tale too, didn't you?”

“That was different.” Paige replied. “That was...”

“A past life.” Piper interrupted her. “Yours.”

“I still don’t believe it.” Paris told them.

Just then Phoebe walked in carrying the gift. “Hey, you guys, was anyone here when this got...” Then she noticed Grams. “Grams!”

Grams smiled. “In the flesh. So to speak.” They hugged.

Phoebe frowned. “Oh, it's so good to see you. Wait, what did I just hug? Where did you get the body from?”

“Oh, it's a long story.” Paris replied.

“And speaking of stories, a fairy tale just tried to slice our heads off.” Piper added.

Phoebe frowned. “A fairy tale?”

“The Woodsman from Snow White.” Leo replied.

“Okay, well, that would explain where these came from, glass slippers.” Phoebe showed them the gift. “Cinderella's no doubt. Ben knows it's my favourite.”

Piper frowned. “Ben? You think Ben is doing all of this?”

“Why would he do this?” Paris added.

Phoebe looked at them. “Who else has enough power to turn fairy tales against us? I told you he was gonna attack.”

“Except it was an evil witch who sent the Woodsman in Snow White.” Grams replied.

“I think I'd better go check with the Elders.” Leo suggested to them.
Piper nodded. “I think you better.” Leo orbed out. Phoebe took off her shoes. “What are you doing?”

“Proving that I'm right.” She replied.

Paris frowned. “Why would you do that?”

“Hey, that's risky. You don't know what could happen.” Paige added.

“Well, I know that Ben won't hurt me, physically anyway.” Phoebe opened the box and pulled out the slippers.

“Well, as much as I distrust him, we don't know that it's him behind this.” Paige comment.

Then Grams spoke up. “All the more reason to play along, find out who is. We can't just sit around here and wait to be attacked.”

Paige looked at the other sisters. “She could get killed. Piper, Paris, a little support here.”

“I don’t think its a good idea.” Paris told them.

Piper shrugged. “Uh, if Grams thinks it's a good idea who am i to disagree?”

Phoebe put the slippers on. “See, no problem. I'm fine.” A blue light swirled around her from her feet to her head and her clothes changed into a ball gown. “Actually, I'm better than fine.” Phoebe's legs started moving her towards the door. “Whoa.”

“Where are you going?” Piper asked.

“Whoa.” Phoebe exclaimed.

“Where are you going?” Piper repeated.

Piper, Paris and Paige followed her. Phoebe was panicking. “I don't know! I can't stop!”

They try to hold her back. Then Piper spoke up. “Well, get out of them.”

“I can't. The door. The door.” Phoebe held onto the door frame.

“Grams, what do we do?” Piper asked.

Grams looked at her. “Just let her go. We're never gonna be able to get to the bottom of this if you don't.” They let Phoebe go and she walked downstairs. “Paige, follow her, orb her out if she gets in trouble.”

“She's already in trouble.” Paige told her.

“Help!” Phoebe shouted. Paige followed Phoebe.

Grams looked at Piper. “I'm gonna have to help you get ready to be a mother later. Right now we've got to deal with evil witches.”

“Oh and not me?” Paris asked.

“Right.” Piper head for the Book of Shadows.

“Oh, uh, not that book.” Grams picked up the fairy tale book. “This one.” Then she looked at Paris. “I can help you as well.”

“Yeah, I would like that.” Paris nodded.


Later they were in the attic. Paige was with them again. “She's already in danger. We never should have split up. No offence, Mrs. Halliwell.” She told them.

“Grams.” Grams told her. “And none taken.”

Piper looked at the others. “Yeah, well, if what we heard is true, then Phoebe could be in a lot more danger than we think. We all could.”

“If somebody's using fairy tales for evil, it could rewrite them, corrupt them for every future generation.” Leo told them.

“What?!” Paris exclaimed.

Paige looked in disbelief. “How? How can you rewrite them? They're already in print.”

“Every copy is a manifestation of an original, an original that was entrusted to the Keeper of the fairy tales, long ago for protection.” Leo replied.

“Well, that’s something.” Paris comment.

“The Elders think something has happened to him, that somebody took over the fortress from the inside.” Piper concluded.

“An evil witch i might add.” Grams added.

Paige looked at them. “Why don't we just orb to this fortress and kick her butt?”

“Yeah, why not do that?” Paris added.

“Because nobody knows where it is. It's location has been kept secret, even from the Elders.” Leo replied to them.

Paige looked at the others. “Where was their infinite wisdom on the day that was decided?”

Piper sighed. “The point is we have no way of finding her.”

“Piper, I'm surprised at you.” Grams looked at her. “I mean, she's a witch isn't she? Just scry for her.”

Piper blinked. “Oh, right.”

“Then after you find her, you lure her back here to us and we vanquish her with a potion.” Grams told them.

“What potion?” Paris asked.

Grams looked at her and Paige. “Oh, one that works wonders on evil witches. Come, I'll show you two.”

Paige shrugged. “Errr.”

“Uh, maybe we could also work on your protection potion if we have time.” Grams picked up the Book of Shadows. Paige and Paris nodded and they leave the attic.


Paige, Paris and Grams were making a potion. Grams was cutting up some mandrake root. “You must take care to cut the mandrake root to expose the meat, otherwise it doesn't do any good. And then you simply roll them in mustard seed, but not too heavily and then,” She throws it into a pot and the potion exploded. “goodbye evil witch.”

Paige blinked. “Wow, I can't believe you did that without looking at the book once.”

“Impressive.” Paris comment.

Grams looked at them. “Honeys, I wrote the book. All the good potions anyway. Oh, would you be a dear and get me a vial?”

“Oh, yeah, sure.” Paige went over to a cupboard and pulled out a vial. The apple in the fruit bowl glowed for a second. Paige noticed and stared at it.

Grams looked at her. “Paige, the vial.”

“Um, sorry.” Paige comment.

Grams looked at her. “You know, it's a good thing you quit your job. You catch on quickly and you have a real gift for the craft.”

Paris had a small smile as Paige frowned. “How'd you know I quit my job? How'd you know I even had a job?”

“She looks sometimes.” Paris comment.

Grams shrugged. “Oh, I peek, I mean, you know, sometimes. Oh, but never during a private moment.”

“Thanks. I guess.” Paige comment.

Grams looked at her. “I mean, what choice do i have?”

Paige sighed. “Okay, no offence, Mrs. Halliwell...”

“Grams.” Grams interrupted her.

“Okay, that's my point.” Paige told her. “I already had a Grams. One I really, really loved and yes, technically we're related and you're my grandmother too. I guess it just feels a little odd because I don't know you.”

Grams nodded. “I understand and I wouldn't dream of trying to replace someone as special to you as that. But isn't it possible that maybe there might be a little room left in your heart for me too? Someday.”

“Well, you are in room.” Paris comment as Grams smiled at her.

Paige smiled. “Well, at least I can see where I get my stubbornness from.” Grams chuckles. “I'd better get a couple of vials for Phoebe and Piper too.” She went to the cupboard and the apple catches her attention again. She moved closer to it.


Grams and Paris were stirring the potion. Paige picked up the apple and took a bite. Her hair turned long and black and her clothes change into a white robe. “Paige...” Paige fell to the floor. “Paige!” A wolf growled at Grams and Paris at the kitchen doorway. It ran towards them as Grams stood before Paris and leaped for them. “No!”

Paris hide as Grams/Wolf picked her teeth. She looked down at Paige. Leo and Piper orbed in. Piper's holding the cloak. “What happened?”

Paris stood up. “She just bent over from eating an apple.”

“I'm afraid she's dead.” Grams/Wolf added.


Moments later Leo was trying to heal Paige. Piper was flipping through the Book of Shadows, Paris helped her. Grams/Wolf was pacing through the kitchen, acting rather strange. “I know there's something in here somewhere about poison. Leo?” Leo looked at her. “No, we are not giving up. This is a stinkin' fairy tale. If Snow White can come back to life then Paige can too. Right, Grams?”

Grams/Wolf scratches her head as if she had fleas. “Uh, well, I wouldn't get my hopes up.”

Piper frowned. “What are you talking about? You're supposed to be the expert. There has got to be some way.”

“Yeah, what she said.” Paris added.

“What about a kiss?” Leo suggested.

Piper looked at him. “A kiss?”

“Like a fairy tale.” Paris understood.

Leo nodded. “It worked for Snow White. It's worth a shot.”

Grams/Wolf sniffed Piper and Piper gave her a look. Grams/Wolf moved back. “A Kiss. Yes, by all means.” She grabbed Piper's arm and pulled her. “Come, let's find her boyfriend.”

“Sh-She doesn't have a boyfriend, remember?” Piper asked confused.

“Right. Sorry.” Grams/Wolf chuckled. Her stomach grumbled loudly. “Stomach is really upset.”

“Wait, I got a spell. ‘Here our call, for those who fall, purge her to awaken, from this toxic taken.’” Piper told them.

Leo felt Paige's pulse. “Nothing.”

“Oh no.” Paris breathed out.

Piper looked at Grams/Wolf. “Grams, what do we do?” She just shook her head.

“Focus on vanquishing the Evil Witch in hopes that it reverses the dark magic. It's our only hope.” Leo told them.

“Yeah.” Paris nodded.

Piper looked at Grams and Paris. “Did you finish the vanquishing potion?”

Grams/Wolf shook her head. “Um, no. Unfortunately, ugh, bad batch.” She picked up the pot of potion and tipped it down the sink. The doorbell rang. “Oh, Leo, would you be a lamb and see who that is?”

Leo leaves the kitchen. Grams/Wolf sneered at Piper behind her back. Grams/Wolf move away when Leo spoke. “Honey? Paris? Honey, Paris you might wanna come look at this!” Piper and Paris leaves the kitchen.

Then Piper and Paris walked to Leo, who stood by the door. “What? What is it?” They noticed seven dwarves standing on the porch.

Head Dwarf looked at them. “Someone here eat a poison apple?”


Later Paige was lying in a glass case. The dwarves were standing around it, some cleaning the glass. Head Dwarf looked at the others. “When's her prince getting here?”

“She doesn't have a prince.” Paris replied.

Head Dwarf looked sad. “No prince? Then who's gonna kiss her?”

Dwarf #2 spoke up. “I'll do it.”

Dwarf #3 scoffed. “In you're dreams, stinky. I'll do it.”

Dwarf #2 rolled with his eyes. “I told you not to call me that.”

“People! A little professional decorum here please.” Head Dwarf told them, hen he looked at Piper and Paris. “Forgive them, it's been a while.”

“Mm-hm.” Piper walked over to the stairs and picked up the Woodsman's axe.

“Uh, um, sweetheart.” Grams/Wolf went over to Piper. She got nervous when she saw the axe. “What are you doing with that?”

“Well, I'm not gonna sit around and wait for the wolf to attack.” Piper replied.

“Obviously.” Paris comment.

Grams/Wolf frowned. “Wolf? What wolf?”

“From Little Red Riding Hood. This cloak is meant for me.” Piper pointed to the cloak hanging over the rail.

Grams/Wolf laughed. “Oh, you don't believe that silly old story do you?”

Piper looked at her. “Grams, you're the one that says fairy tales are based in truth.”

“That’s what you said.” Paris added.

Grams/Wolf sighed. “Well yes, but that one was made up to scare little kids. I mean after all, a little girl gets eaten in the end, what a downer.”

Piper disagreed. “No, the Woodsman comes and cuts open the wolf's stomach and frees her and the grandmother.”

“Well, that's not the popular version.” Grams/Wolf told her.

Piper looked at her. “Well, it's in our version.”

Grams/Wolf piped up. “Really? Show me.” Piper went upstairs, carrying the axe. Grams/Wolf grabbed the cloak and followed.

Paris saw the Dwarfs whispering as then she looked at her other sister Paige. Who laid still in the glass coven.


Moments later Paris heard growling as then she rushed upstairs with her pregnant belly as fast as she could. There she saw the wolf was growling viciously at Leo. Leo was holding the axe. “Where's my wife?” The wolf barked. “Where's my wife?!” The wolf spot the fairy tale book and jumped for it. “No!”

“What the hell?!” Paris exclaimed.

Suddenly, the wolf was blown into a million pieces and Piper and Grams fell out of the wolf. They land hard on the ground. Leo dropped the axe and rushes over to them, followed by Paris. “Piper.” They got up. “Are you okay?”

Piper nodded. “Yeah, I think so.”

“How did you...?” Leo asked.

Grams looked at him. “She blew him up from the inside.” She laughed. “Although it took her long enough.”

Piper looked at her. “Ah, back off Grams. I just saved your ass.”

“Ha!” Grams exclaimed.

Paris face palmed. “Gotta love the family.”

Leo smiled. “She's back.”

Just then Ben appeared, holding the pumpkin. “Your sister, and, uh, I had nothing to do with this, I swear.”

“What in the world?” Paris asked.

“Oh, my...” Piper trailed off.

Grams looked at them. “What are we going to do now?”

“Well, we do what we were gonna do in the first place. We find the witch who did this and vanquish her.” Piper replied.

“Do you know how to find her?” Ben asked.

Piper sighed. “No.”

“Wait a minute, I think I do.” Leo exclaimed. “The wolf was trying to get into the book of fairy tales. Perhaps it's a portal of some sort. Although I don't know how we access it.”

“Right.” Paris muttered.

“Well, we can't. But maybe Little Red Riding Hood can.” Piper picked up the cloak. “I knew I was gonna have to put on this stupid thing sooner or later.” She put it on.

Grams handed her a vial of potion. “Don't forget the potion. Go on, show her who's the most powerful witch of all.” They smiled. Piper touched the book and was sucked into it.


Later Paris fell asleep on the couch as the others were talking. Paige had woken up. “Alright, can someone please tell me how I got in a coffin?”
“You were dead, dear, but bright side, at least now we have something in common.” Grams replied.

Then Cole shimmered in. “Where is my sleeping pregnant girlfriend?”

“Over by the couch.” Leo replied.

Cole nodded. “Thank you.” He walked over and grabbed her, then they shimmered out as then they appeared hone. Cole laid her to their bed as Paris was sleeping still.

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