Chapter 36 - Baby born

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Paris and Cole’s son was born, he was named Samuel. Their family came to visit, first the sisters and Paris's father. Not all at ones. Paris's father went first, he walked into the room. Raoul looked proud, very proud. “Samuel, a strong name for my grandson.”

Paris looked at her father. “It is.” She beamed.

Baby Samuel made noises at his grandfather. Raoul smiled at him, he held out his finger and Baby Samuel grabbed it. “Strong reflexes.”

“Yeah, he has.” Cole comment, smiling.

“Indeed.” Paris added.

Raoul looked at baby Samuel, he noticed that he looked like Cole. “Though, the looks could have been better.”

“Dad!” Paris exclaimed.

“Hff.” Cole pouted and huffed.


Later, the other sisters couldn’t help themselves and went inside all at ones, ones Raoul walked out. “Aahhh cutie.” Paige comment happily.

“Yeah, he is.” Paris agreed.

Piper smiled, holding out her finger as baby Samuel grabbed her hand. “He is beautiful.”

“Yes, he is.” Paris comment, smiling.

“He looks like Cole.” Phoebe told them.

Cole looked at her. “Raoul also said that.”

Phoebe blinked. “He did?”

“Yeah, he did.” Cole nodded.

Then Piper looked at Paris. “May i hold him?

“Yes.” Paris smiled, handing Samuel over to her.

Piper hold Samuel close as the little one opened his eyes, the other sisters looked at him as well. “Though, he looks like Cole, he has your eyes. Mom eyes.”

“He does.” Phoebe comment.

Paris looked unsure. “You think so?”

Just then Prue’s spirit appeared. “Oh, i do think so.”

“Prue!” The sisters exclaimed.

“How are you here?” Piper asked surprised.

“I’m here, because I wanted to meet my nephew.” Prue replied to her. “The Elders wishes you all well.”

“Tell them, thank you.” Phoebe told her.

Just then, Penelope and Patty appeared as well. “Hello.”

“Grams!” The sisters exclaimed, then they saw Patty. “Mom!”

“Its getting busy in here.” Cole comment, laughing a bit.

Then Paris looked at him. “It’s our family.”


A little while later, the sisters moved out of the room as Patty and Penelope (Grams) stayed. Patty sat on the bed. “Oh, he is beautiful.” She cooed.

“He is.” Paris agreed.

“He looks like Cole.” Grams comment.

“Yeah, though he has my eyes.” Paris told her happily.

“He has.” Grams agreed.

Patty nodded. “I agree as well.”

“But we can’t stay for very long, sweetie.” Grams told her.

Paris looked sad. “I know.”

“But we will watch over you all.” Patty told her.

Paris looked at her. “I know.”


Prue walked into the room again. “Hey.”

“Hey, Prue.” Paris greeted her.

“How are you doing?” Prue asked.

Paris looked at her. “I’m doing good, besides I miss you around.”

“I miss you too, but I’m watching over you and our sisters.” Prue replied, she was a bit sad.

Paris was also sad. “I know. Mom and Grams said that too.”

“Good.” Prue smiled. “Oh and i heard that you and Cole can marry.”

“The Elders said that?” Paris asked surprised.

Prue nodded. “They did.”

“Well, its time they did that.” Paris comment, sounding relieved.

“Yeah, I would better tell Cole.” Prue comment, smiling at her sister.

Paris nodded. “Yeah, I need a nap anyway.”

Then Prue walked out of the room.


A while later, Paris had woken up from her nap and sat right in her bed as then Cole walked into the room. “I heard from Prue that we would marry.”

Paris nodded. “Yeah, that’s right.”

Cole smiled at her. “Your sisters and i are planning something.”

“Oh god.” Paris exclaimed. “A surprise?”

“Yep.” Cole replied, nodding.

“Well, i hope its a good one.” Paris comment, hopefully.

Cole looked at her. “It is.” He promised.


A few days later, Paris was out of bed and Cole had planned a surprise for her in the P3, the sisters helped him.  Then Paris walked in P3 and saw it was decorated as then Cole walked towards her with Baby Samuel in his arms. “Wow!” Paris exclaimed happily. “How in the world?”

“Your sisters and I worked on this.” Cole replied to her.

Paris looked around. “It’s beautiful.”

Cole looked at her. “It is.”

“So, what have you planned?” Paris asked.

“Dinner.” Cole replied to her.

Just then, Piper came in and grabbed Samuel from Cole as then she walked away again. Then a waiter came for them with food. “Oh, wow.” Paris exclaimed. “It looks good.”

“It does.” Cole comment.

After Paris took a bite, she comment. “This is good.”

“Hmm.” Cole hummed as then he grabbed something, it was a small box. Then he sat on 1 knee, Paris had her eyes widen. He opened the box. “Will you marry me?”

“Yes! Omg, yes!” Paris exclaimed happily as then Cole put the ring on her finger. “Omg! This is beautiful.”

Cole smiled widely as then the sisters came in with Samuel. “He did it!” Paige exclaimed.

“Wahoo!” Phoebe cheered.

Piper had Samuel in her arms. “Congratulations.”

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