Chapter 29 - Womb Raider

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The day started messy as Paige had opened to ‘The Seer’ page in the Book of Shadows. “It says here the Seer has served multiple Sources. Looks like she’s been around for thousands of years.”

“So she's old?” Paris asked.

Leo nodded to her. “Yes.” He replied.

Just then, Piper and Phoebe walked in. “Hey.”

Leo looked at them. “What’s going on?”

“My baby did magic.” Phoebe replied.

“What?” Paris exclaimed. “Even my baby can't do that!”

Piper looked at them. “And almost killed my doctor.”

“It was self-defence.” Phoebe added.

Paige sighed. “Well, I guess that’s what you get when you breed with the Source of all evil.”

“Okay, can we not say breed. You know, I’m not a horse. And Ben wasn’t all evil, he was part good, and I’m all good, so this baby has a lot of good in him.” Phoebe comment.

Paris snored. “We need to see it first, i guess.”

“What if there’s not?” Piper asked.

“Then there will be. My love was able to save Ben, it’ll save our son too.” Phoebe replied.

“He was a demon first.” Paris told her. "And he was half human, that’s why he fell in love you.”

Piper looked at Phoebe. “Let’s hope so.”

“No, we’ll make it so. Okay.” Phoebe disagreed. “So what did you find out about the Seer?”

Paige spoke up. “Well, she’s immune to spells and charms but the book does classify her as an upper level demon.”

“So we can make a vanquishing potion.” Leo added.

“Mm-mm, not without a tissue sample.” Piper told them.

Phoebe spoke up. “Actually, the Seer mixed her own blood into my prenatal tonic.”

“I’m gonna be sick!” Paris exclaimed.

Piper made a face. “Nasty.”

Phoebe nodded. “Yeah, and Ben kept some extra bottles in the safe at the penthouse.”

“You think you’re ready to go to the penthouse?” Paige asked her. “You haven’t been there, you know, since, since he died.”

Phoebe looked at her. “I don’t think I’ll ever be ready but I can’t keep borrowing your clothes.”

“Okay, let’s go.” Piper comment.

Phoebe looked at Paige. “Wait, don’t you have to work?”

Paige shrugged. “Ah, I’ll take the afternoon off, who needs vacation time.”

“Paige, you can’t keep…” Phoebe was interrupted.

Paige looked at her. “Yes, I can.”

“Thank you. Bitch!” Phoebe pushed Paige and she smashed through the window.

Then, Paige orbed back in the attic. “What the hell was that for!”

Phoebe pointed at her stomach. “Uh, I don’t know, you’d have to ask him.”

“Okay, why did your mummy push Paige out the window?” Piper asked. Paris face palmed.

Phoebe sighed. “No, it’s not like that. It’s just, he took over for a split second, I had no control.”

“Strange.” Paris comment.

Paige frowned. “But why me? I have nothing against that little f… foetus.”

“I’m sure he’s sorry.” Phoebe comment, then she spoke to her stomach. Paris face palmed again. “Aren’t you sorry? Kids at this age, they don’t know any better, you know.”

“Strange.” Paris repeated.

“Okay, I think I’d better go check with the Elders, see what they know about this baby.” Leo orbed out.

Piper looked at Phoebe. “Whatever it is, I’m sure it has something to do with the Seer. Let’s go get that blood.”

“Yeey.” Paris muttered.

Then, they walked down the stairs and Darryl walked up. “What was that out there? Flying practice?”

“Baby shoved me out the window.” Paige replied.

“Straight to the point.” Paris comment.

Darryl had his eyes widen. “Wait, hold on a second. I left four messages here, has anybody in this house learned the magic of a telephone?”

“No.” Paris deadpanned.

Piper sighed. “Darryl, it’s been a very rough week.”

Darryl nodded. “Right.” Then, he l9oked at Phoebe. “Phoebe, how you holding up?”

Phoebe shrugged. “Uh, depends on what part of the day you ask me.”

Darryl looked at her. “Look, I know you’ve got a lot to deal with already, but there’s some business I don’t think can be put off any longer.”

“I’m sure it’s pressing, but not as pressing as the demon that’s after Phoebe.” Piper told him.

Then, they all walked into the foyer. Darryl spoke up. “Don’t count on it. Ben worked at a high profile law firm. Right now you three are the only one’s who know he’s dead.”

They put on their coats. Paige sighed. “Listen, can this wait, we really need to get to the penthouse.”

“Good, ‘cause that’s where I need you to handle this business.” Darryl told them. Then, they leave.


In Phoebe and Ben old apartment. There was a black stain on the carpet and the windows were still broken. Piper, Phoebe, Paige, Paris and Darryl walked in. “It has to look like Ben left in a hurry, that means packing up all of his stuff and personal belongings.”

Piper looked at Phoebe. “Are you okay?”

Phoebe nodded. “Yeah, I’m fine.” Then she looked at Darryl. “I’m sorry, so why do you want me to pack up his stuff?”

“I, uh, made an appointment for you at missing persons today.” He replied.

Paige frowned. “Wait, you want Phoebe to report Ben as missing?”

Darryl nodded. “She has to otherwise somebody else will and she’ll become to prime suspect in his disappearance.”

“Makes sense.” Paris comment.

Phoebe looked at Darryl. “So you want me to pack up his stuff so it looks like he left me.”

“That’s right. We can not give the police any reason to suspect foul play. I mean, technically you three did kill him.” Darryl spot the black stein. “What is that?”

“Ben.” Paris replied.

“Well, that’s where we, you know.” Piper added.

Darryl looked around. “This place looks like a crime scene. Is there anything you can do?”

“A spell, of course.” Paris glanced at her sisters.

“Let the object of objection become but a dream, as I cause the seen to be unseen.” Paige used a spell. The stain disappeared and the room returned to normal.

“Thanks.” Phoebe thanked her.

Paige moved closer to Phoebe. “I just wish I could make the rest of your pain go away that easily.”

“So do I. Murdering witch!” Phoebe hit Paige in the face and she was knocked to the floor.

“What the hell?!” Paris exclaimed.

“Phoebe!” Piper also exclaimed.

Phoebe pointed at her stomach. “The baby made me do it.”

“Bad baby.” Paris scolded it.

“You know what? Now we split up.” Piper pointed at Darryl and Phoebe. “You two go pack, we’ll find the Seer’s tonic.”

Darryl frowned. “Okay, where is this baby that everybody keeps talking about? Is it an invisible baby? Am I gonna step on it?”

“Well, my stomach you can see.” Paris pointed at her small stomach.

Phoebe sighed. “No, Darryl, it’s a little more complicated than that.” Phoebe and Darryl walked into the bedroom.

Paige looked after them. “Am I the only one who’s worried about that thing growing inside of her?”

“No.” Paris replied.

“No. But right now the Seer is our first priority.” Piper added.

“I think she said it’s behind this painting over here.” Paige pointed at it. They walked over to a painting hanging on the wall. Paige pulled it open and a safe was built into the wall behind it.

“Okay, so now what?” Piper asked to them. “She doesn’t know the combination.”

“Whoops.” Paris comment.

“We don’t need it. Safe door.” Paige added. The safe door orbed into Paige’s hands. “If financial disaster ever strikes you’ll find I come in handy.” She put the door down.

“Yes you are.” Paris comment.

Piper looked into it. “Uh, there’s nothing in here.”

“No tonic?” Paris asked.

“No.” Piper pulled out a letter. “But there’s this. It’s Ben’s handwriting.”
Paige frowned. “Ben the human, or Ben the Source?”

“Human.” Paris replied.

Piper shrugged. “I don’t know, that’s for Phoebe to find out.”

Just then, they heard shouting and they rushed in and tried to pull Phoebe back in. “Let go of me!” Phoebe grabbed the Seer’s earring and ripped off her earlobe. Piper, Paige, Paris and Darryl pulled her back into the room and the portal closed.  Phoebe held up the earlobe. “Here’s your tissue sample.”


Later, Paige was making the potion. Paris helped her. Piper picked up a plate of fruit. “Okay, I’m gonna bring this to Phoebe, you stay here, I don’t want you provoking her baby anymore.”

Paige frowned. “Provoking him? Like it’s my fault.”

“Oh, you know what I mean.” Piper comment as then she walked out.

Moments later, Paige and Paris walked out of the kitchen to where Piper and Phoebe were. Paige came in holding a saucepan. “It’s done, it just needs to cool a little bit.” Phoebe throws fire at Paige and she dropped the saucepan. “That baby needs a serious time out.”

“That he does.” Paris added. 

“Go, go, go into the kitchen.” Piper urged her. Paige went back into the kitchen.

“So much for the vanquishing potion.” Leo comment.

“How come your baby only attacks me?” Paige asked.

“I don’t know, Paige, he must resent you. You know, you never really liked his father.” Phoebe replied.

Paige scoffed. “With good reason. Hey, maybe you resent me and the baby’s just modelling after mum.”

“Paige, how can you say that?” Phoebe asked.

“Okay...” Paris trailed off, frowning.

“Alright, enough, the two of you will not address each other, you will not set foot into the same room until further notice, got it?” Piper addressed the sisters. Then she looked at Paige. “You, you got enough ear left to make another batch of that potion?”

Paige nodded. “Yes.”

“Then do it.” Piper comment then she looked at Phoebe. “You, you’re gonna hit the Book of Shadows and you’re gonna figure out a way to control Chucky there.”

Phoebe sighed. “I can’t, I told Morris I’d meet him at missing persons in a half an hour.”

Leo looked at Phoebe. “I would strongly advise against that. Your baby…”

Phoebe waved it off. “Is fine, just as long as he doesn’t feel threatened and doesn’t meet anyone with unresolved issues with his father.”

Paige called from kitchen. “I heard that!”

Piper looked at Phoebe. “Phoebe, how can you say that? How can you risk going out in public with… in your condition.”

Phoebe sighed. “Because if I don’t report Ben missing, someone will, and the police will be knocking on our door. Besides, Morris put himself on the line, I can’t let him down.”

Piper nodded. “Alright, but Leo is going with you in case of any trouble.” Phoebe and Leo head for the door. “And I will hit the book and figure out how to deal with… demonic foetuses.”

“I will help.” Paris comment.


Later, Piper hung up and went into the kitchen. Followed by Paris. Paige looked at them. “You are just in time. One bottle of Seer vanquishing potion. What about you? Anything in the book about how to control demon spawn?”

“Uh, I thought about binding his powers but, uh, then that would leave Phoebe without hers.” Piper replied.

Paige nodded. “Yeah, well, you might want to keep that option open, there’s something seriously wrong with that baby.”

“There is.” Paris added.

Piper nodded. “Yeah, I know, but it doesn’t matter. He’s part of us, part of our family. And who knows, he may be the only baby in the Halliwell family.”

“Oi!” Paris exclaimed.

Paige saw the look on Piper’s face. “Okay, what’s going on? Spill.”

“That was Dr. Harris on the phone. I got the results for my fertility tests.” Piper replied.

Paige frowned. “And?”

“There’s some problems. Um, he said something about scarring or scar tissue, something about blunt trauma injury.” Piper replied.

“Oh, God.” Paris exclaimed.

Paige looked sad. “Oh, honey.”

“He asked me if I had suffered any serious blows to the abdomen. He seems to think, um, it would be difficult, if not impossible for me to conceive.” Piper continued.

“I’m so sorry.” Paige comment.

“Me too.” Paris added.

Piper sighed. “It’s weird, ‘cause when I went to the future I met that little girl, I saw my little girl. I saw what she looked like and what she sounded like and the sound of her laugh. I just, I can’t imagine not knowing her.”

“You still might.” Paige comment.

Piper sighed. “I might not. I just, don’t know what to tell Leo. He’s so excited about having a baby. You should’ve seen him…” They heard the front door open.

“Piper?” Leo called. Piper, Paris and Paige raced into the foyer. Phoebe was still holding her stomach. “She’s getting worse.”

Piper frowned. “Can’t you do something?”

Leo shook with his head. “I tried to heal her, I can’t.”

“Stand back, stand back.” Phoebe called. Flames shoot out the top of her head. She groaned and fell to her knees.

Piper looked at Paige. “Alright, you stay out of her sight for your own safety, go.” Paige runs around the corner.

“Oh, make it stop, make it stop.” Phoebe groaned.

“Oh, my god.” Paris comment in shock.

“Leo, go get some ice water or something.” Piper ordered Leo. He went into the kitchen. Piper held Phoebe. “It’s okay, just try to breathe through it. Breathe, breathe.”

Just then, the tall man appeared. “Piper, look out!” Paige shouted.

Piper tried to blow him up but nothing happened. “Uh-oh.”

Leo rushed back in. “Hey!” He grabbed a chair and throws it at the demon. He sucked the whole chair inside of him, kind of like a portal.
“Get up, get up, come on.” Piper helped Phoebe up. Paris helped.

“Whatever you do don’t touch him.” Leo comment.

“Okay.” Paris comment.

Tall Man smirked. “You can’t run from me, I’ll always find you.”

Paige runs in. “Phoebe, I’ll orb you out of here.”

Phoebe kicked Paige and she fell into the tall man. They disappeared. “That wasn’t me, it was the baby, I couldn’t control him.”

“What the hell?!” Paris exclaimed.


Phoebe was sitting on a couch looking through the Book of Shadows. Paris sat the side. Leo orbed in. “Did you sense her?”

Leo shook with his head. “No, if she’s in the underworld I can’t get a read on her.”

Phoebe sighed. “If anything happens to Paige I will never forgive myself.”
Just then, Piper walked in carrying some iced tea. “Anything on that demon?”

“I think so, come look.” Phoebe put down the tea and looked at the book. Paris stood up and also looked.

Piper read out loud. “Oral tradition tales of a giant whose body served as a portal to other dimensions. Because he was imprisoned centuries ago, nobody knows what this demon’s name is or if he even exists.”

Phoebe sighed. “It gets worse. There’s no known vanquish for him, the Source was so threatened he condemned the giant to spend eternity in a cage.”

Paris rubbed her forehand. “It’s not good at all.”

“The Seer must have set him free to capture Phoebe.” Leo agreed.

Phoebe sighed sadly. “But he got Paige instead thanks to me.”

“It wasn’t your fault.” Paris comment.

“No, that had nothing to do with you. How are you feeling?” Piper asked.

Phoebe looked at her. “Uh, better, I think the baby’s resting. It’s when he’s active and using magic that it hurts the most.”

“Here, have some iced tea, it will cool you off.” Piper handed Phoebe a glass. She went to have a sip and then throws it across the room.

“What the hell? I can’t even enjoy some iced tea!” Phoebe exclaimed.

Piper sighed. “Uh, it wasn’t iced tea. It was a binding potion. Paige suggested it to help control the baby and I couldn’t tell you because if I did he would’ve stopped you…”

“He stopped me anyway. He knows things that I don’t know. He’s trying to take control of me.” Phoebe comment.

Leo looked at her. “You can’t let that happen, if he takes control he’ll never let go.”

Phoebe nodded. “I know. It’s not me and it’s not Ben, it’s the Source.” 


Moments later, Phoebe got a premonition. “I saw the Seer, she was killing Paige.”

Leo frowned. “How can you get a premonition without touching anything?”

“I don’t know, maybe the Seer sent it to me.” Phoebe shrugged.

“Strange.” Paris comment.

Just then, the tall man appeared. Piper looked at him. “That is not all she sent.”

“You don’t say.” Paris deadpanned.

“Come with me now or your sister dies. You’ve already seen how.” Tall Man hissed to Phoebe.

Piper shook with her head. “No, Phoebe, don’t.”

“It’s a trap.” Leo added.

“Always the bloody traps!” Paris exclaimed.

Phoebe looked at them. “It doesn’t matter, I have to save Paige, it’s the only chance left.”

“No.” Leo exclaimed. Phoebe pushed Leo out of the way. Piper gasped. “You’re letting your baby control you, Phoebe.”

“That wasn’t the baby, that was me. I got Paige into this mess, I’m gonna get her out of it.” Phoebe told them.

Piper pulled the Seer vanquishing potion out of her pocket. “Oh, no you’re not. Not if I kill the Seer first.” She headed towards the tall man and a beam of blue light shined out of Phoebe’s hand. It hit the tall man, before Piper managed to leap into the Tall Man, both of them were knocked to the ground. The potion bottle broke and Piper cut her hand. “Damn it! Did that come from you?”

Phoebe sighed. “I’m sorry, Piper, I can’t let you take the fall for me.”

Piper frowned. “Well, why not?”

“You can’t use the baby’s powers like that.” Leo added.

The tall man got up. “Come here, witch.”

The blue light came out of Phoebe’s hand again and started to vanquish the tall man. Piper spoke up. “Phoebe, don’t!” The tall man was vanquished. “Phoebe, nobody has ever been able to vanquish that demon. Do you realise what you just did?”

Phoebe’s eyes turned black. Leo warden them. “Stay away, that’s not Phoebe anymore.” She flamed out.


Piper closed the Book of Shadows. “There’s nothing left, we’ve tried everything.”

“Well, there’s gotta be something missing, something we haven’t thought of.” Leo turned his back to her and paced across the attic. Piper and Paris disappeared.


Piper and Paris appeared in the cage. “Oh!”

“What the hell?” Paris exclaimed.

Phoebe was relieved. “Oh, thank god it worked.”

“Oh, my. Where are we?” Piper asked.

“Uh, trapped in a cage.” Paige replied.

“Mm-hm, okay, so lets bust out.” Piper comment. 

Paige looked at her. “No, you can’t use your magic in here, it’ll just bounce off and probably kill us.”

“Not great then.” Paris comment.

Dark Priest looked at the Seer. “Repeat the oath after me.”

Piper frowned. “Ah, what’s going on out there?”

“The Seer’s being coronated as the new Source.” Phoebe replied.

“Oh.” Paris comment. 

Piper frowned. “Huh.”

“Yeah, then she’s gonna sacrifice us.” Paige added.

Paris had her eyes widen. Piper looked angry. “Lets get this straight, you guys summoned me to a cage where my powers don’t work, so we can all die together!”

“Well, the plan has some flaws admittedly.” Paige comment.

“We just have to stay positive. We have the power of three here, there is nothing stronger than that, right?” Phoebe asked.

The Seer started glowing and floats up into the air. Piper looked at her sisters. “Are you sure there’s nothing stronger than the power of three?”

“Power of four.” Paris replied.

The Seer floated back down the ground. She turned to the cage and got a shock when she noticed Piper and Paris. “What an unexpected surprise. You just made my…” Flames shoot out of her head and she groaned.

Council Leader looked in shock. “What? What? What I don’t know what just happened? What happening?”

“It’s the baby. He has too much power for her. That’s how I felt, it felt like I was gonna explode.” Phoebe replied. The other council leaders were heard talking about what was happening to the Seer.

“What are we gonna do?” Paige asked.

“We need to make her tap into the baby’s power, all of it.” Phoebe replied.

Paige frowned. “How the hell are we gonna do that?”

The flames disappeared. Seer snarled. “I command all-in attendance to witness the power of the Source.”

“Power of three spell?” Piper asked.

“Power of four.” Paris added.

“And the death of the Charmed Ones!” Seer shouted.

“Uh, okay.” Phoebe comment. 

The four sisters joined hands. “The power of four will set us free, the power of four will set us free.” The blue beam of light hit the cage but the spell protects them. “The power of four will set us free, the power of four will set us free.”

Dark Priest panicked. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong!” Seer replied/ shouted.

They continued chanting and the blue light rebounded back and hit the Seer. “It’s working. Keep going.” Piper comment. It then rebounded from the womb onto every demon in the room and they were all vanquished. “Where did everybody go?” Piper kicked the cage and one of the sides fell off. They got out.

“Wow.” Paris comment.

“The blast took everyone out. The Seer, the council leaders.” Phoebe replied.

“Well, I’d say that the scales of good and evil just dramatically tipped in our favour.” Piper comment.

“Look, the Grimoire, still untouched.” Paige added, looking at it.

“It’s time we get rid of that book once and for all.” Phoebe comment.

“I agree.” Paris added.


Later, they were in the Living room sitting on the couch. Leo orbed in. “Well, the Grimoire has a new home in a mountain of rock in the West Andes.” He sat beside Piper.

Piper looked at him. “Thanks, honey.”

Leo nodded. “Sure.” They kissed.

“How many times have we vanquished the Source now?” Paige asked them.

Paris shrugged. Phoebe looked at Paige. “Three, but who’s counting.”

“Upstairs.” Paris replied, pointing up.

Paige looked at Leo. “Did we get him?”

Leo nodded. “I think that’d be safe to say based on how the Elders are reacting, it’s like a holiday up there. They still can’t believe you did it.”

“Yeah, well, let’s not forget the cost.” Piper told him.

Leo looked at her. “Well, I gotta say after all this, I’m still looking forward to having a good baby in this house.”

“Yeah, I haven’t had a chance to talk to you about that yet. I heard from Dr. Harris today.” Piper told him.

Leo looked at her, hopeful. “And?”

“And we’re in for a rough road.” Piper replied.

Leo frowned. “Rough road? What does that mean? What did he say?”

“Shh, it’s okay, it doesn’t mean that we’re giving in or giving up, there are a lot of options in the world, don’t worry.” Piper replied.

“Don’t worry, Leo. I’m sure the Charmed line isn’t supposed to end with us.” Phoebe comment.

“It doesn’t.” Paris added.

“Um, Phoebe,” Piper got up and picks up the letter. “I found this in Ben’s safe. It’s for you.” She handed it to Phoebe. She grabbed it and walked out of the room.


Author's note: Who wants to see the last episode? Or should I conclude it into the next one?

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