Chapter 14 - Hell Hath No Fury, part 2

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Later, Paris went home as she didn’t feel like hunting down every single demon that was around. She sighed and put on the tv as then she went over the refrigerator and grabbed some food. Then, she went back to the tv and saw that Cole had shimmered in. “Hey, babe.” Paris said, spoon full of from what’s she eating and went over to him. She plopped down. “How’s on you end?”

“Oh, the little demons ran away.” Cole replied, sarcastically.

Paris gave him a look. “Right.” She comment. “Were they screaming?”

“Yes.” Cole shrugged. 

“You are one of a kind, Cole.” Paris shook with her head, but was smiling.

“Well, I have twin brother that looks like me.” Cole comment.

“Don’t ruin it.” Paris wacked him in the chest. Cole just shrugged. “Be luckily that I love you.” She chuckled.

Cole looked at her. “I love you too, Paris.” He said to her as then he kissed her.

Paris smiled at him. “So, can I eat further?” She pointed at her food.

“You love your food?” Cole asked to her.

“What can I say? I’m a food lover.” Paris shrugged.

“Now you are ruining the mood.” Cole muttered.


Later that day, Paris received a text from Phoebe, saying that Paige took the book, even Paris wasn’t that stupid to do and she was the youngest! Now, Piper and Phoebe get out of the car and walk towards the building. Paris had shimmered her way to them and greeted. “Hey.”

“Hey.” Phoebe greeted back.

Piper sighed and went straight to the point. “I don't understand how someone can be that stupid.”

“I don't understand why you haven't stopped ranting since we left the house.” Phoebe comment to her as Paris gave her a look, saying, huh.

Piper nodded. “You're right. You're right. I'm sorry.”

“Yes, Paige made a mistake.” Phoebe told her.

“A mistake? She stole from us.” Piper exclaimed.

“She borrowed. Borrowed.” Phoebe corrected.

“Without permission.” Paris muttered.

“She… she threw our family heritage out of the window!” Piper nearly shouted.

Phoebe looked at her. “Well, that's because we never took the time to explain its significance. It was just a book to her.”

“Okay, Phoebe, it is not just a book. It's like, it… it… it is like a part of our family.” Piper coughed.

Phoebe put her arm around Piper. “Paige is not a killer. She didn't kill anyone. And she's not a demon that we're on our way to vanquish.”

“I agree with Phoebe.” Paris added.
Piper sighed. “I get that, Phoebe.”

“Do you?” Phoebe raised an eyebrow. “Because I don't think that you do.” Piper coughed. “You all right?”

Just then, Donnie runs out of the building with a bunch of women following him. “Hey! Hey! Get away from me!” They surrounded him.

“What the hell is going on?” Piper asked confused.

Paris laughed as the looked at her. “What it is funny.”

“Come on. Give Mama some sugar.” A woman shouted to Donnie. He sank to the ground and they fell all over him.

Then, Paige came out of the building holding her bag so it covering her chest. She went over to Piper, Paris and Phoebe. “You are so...” Piper began as then they noticed something wrong and opened her coat to reveal her very large breasts. “Busted?”

“Hello!” Phoebe exclaimed.

Piper blinked. “You stole our sacred book so you could perform magical plastic surgery on yourself?”

“You think I did this on purpose? My body was perfectly fine just as it was. Thank you.” Paige scoffed.

“Side affects from spells that you used for personal cane.” Paris comment.

“I mean it! Get away from me!” Donnie shouted as Piper froze the crowd.

Phoebe looked at Piper. “Piper, you could have just blown up a dozen innocent people.”

“I took a chance.” Piper shrugged.

“See? Are you listening to yourself?” Phoebe asked to her.

Piper ignored her as she looked at Paige. “What happened?”

“I don't know. They just... grew.” Paige replied to her.

“And I’m the youngest.” Paris muttered. “I feel older than that.”

Piper raised an eyebrow. “Oh, right. And you had nothing to do with that.”

“Did you cast any spells?” Phoebe asked to her.

“One.” Paige shrugged as Phoebe gave her a look. “Five.” She admitted.

“Five?” Piper asked in disbelief.

“Nice going.” Paris added.

“Okay, what did you do just before you turned into Betty Boop?” Phoebe asked to Paige.

“Well, I cast a spell on this slime ball I work with so I could give him a taste of his own medicine.” Paige pointed at Donnie with the women all over him.

“Uh-huh. That the slime ball?” Phoebe asked, looking where she was pointing. Paige looked at Donnie and nodded.

“And that's the backfire.” Piper concluded.

Paige had her eyes widen. “Backfire?”

Phoebe nodded. “You misused magic to make him the object of ogling, and the spell backfired and did the same thing to you.”

“Which you would have learned if you had bothered to ask. But now instead of vanquishing demons, we're gonna have to spend the afternoon fixing your mess.” Piper added.

“Better, than hunting demons.” Paris muttered.

“Okay, Piper, call Leo and get him to orb this slime ball back home. And we have to protect him until we can figure out a way to reverse the spell. Paige, Paris and I will grab the book and meet you there.” Phoebe told them. Piper looked at Paige and shook her head. She walked away. Paige looked down at her breasts.


Phoebe, Paris and Paige were driving along the road in Paige's car. Paige was driving and Phoebe's sitting in the passenger seat looking through the Book of Shadows. Paris sat in the back. “Are my boobs gonna stay this way forever?” Paige asked them.

“Not if I can ever find the spell.” Phoebe replied to her.

“What about Piper? Is she gonna stay mad at me forever?” Paige asked, feeling guilty.

Phoebe sighed. “No. It's just, um... she hasn't really been herself lately. You know, a lot of ups and downs since Prue, you know, like us all.”

“The last thing I wanted to do was add to your guys' stress. I just wanted to get back at Donnie.” Paige told them.

“Understandable.” Paris comment, really understanding her. “I would do the same thing.”

“Yeah, and I understand the temptation, Paige, I really do. But I told you the book does not leave the house.” Phoebe told her.

“Right. Sorry.” Paige tried to change into third gear but had a little trouble. “My boobs are in the way. Can you put it into third for me?”

“All right. Ready? Here we go.” Phoebe moved the gearstick into third. The tyres screeched. “All right.”

“Did you find the spell yet?” Paige asked her.

Phoebe found a page about furies. “No, but I found the demons. Oh my God.”

“What’s wrong?” Paris asked to her.

Paige glanced at her. “What? You can't say ‘demons’ followed by ‘oh my god’. I'm new at this, I'm likely to panic.”

Phoebe read out of the book. “Okay, uh, fury smoke kills bad guys, right? But in good people, it looks for a portal of unexpressed fury.”

“And?” Paris asked, wanting to know more.

“It builds until it consumes your humanity and it turns you into a fury. Um, we fought the furies today. Piper got smoked.” Phoebe replied to her.

“Not good.” Paris comment.

“Wait. Are you saying that Piper's turning into a demon?” Paige asked.

“It wouldn't be the first time.” Phoebe comment at Paige gave her a funny look. “Uh, step on it and hit the clutch. I'm going into fourth. Ready? On three. One, two, three.” She changed to fourth.


Later, Phoebe, Paris and Paige walked in. They saw that Ben had thrown a energy ball at Piper. “Ben!” Phoebe exclaimed.

“I, well...” Ben was interrupted.

“That wasn't very nice.” Piper disappeared in a puff of smoke.

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