There Is Nothing More Terrifying Than 'The People'

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It was cold on the day that Matt, Vanessa, and I decided to go to the park and feed the ducks.

The turn in weather was unfortunate. 

"I'm done," I announced, shoving my hands into my pockets to keep warm.

Vanessa turned around to glance at me. "Huh?"

I gestured at the sky. "I quit. I'm finished. The temperature isn't turning out how I wanted it to, so I think I'm going to move on to another activity."

"That's your choice," my friend replied absentmindedly, stooping low to give a duck a chunk of bread. "But that's not going to change what I decide to do. I want to feed our web-toed friends, so by golly, that's what's going to happen."

Addison sighed. "You're right. I shouldn't even be here with you both. I'm third wheeling, and I'm completely irrelevant to this scene."

With raised brows, Matt looked over at me. "Pssh. Hogwash. We want you here though. You're our friend."

I grimaced as I studied the both of them interlocking fingers, wishing that I had a steady boyfriend to feed ducks with. Suddenly, I didn't feel so useless as I knew what my purpose was.

Time to stir up some drama, I thought to myself with a sinister smile on my face. Tantrum incoming in

"Hey, Matt!" I called, snatching the bucket of bread from his hands. "Did it ever occur to you that I might want to feed the ducks too?"

His jaw dropped. "You just stated that you were cold and wanted to go home."

"I'm not leaving!" I shouted. "Don't you get it? I'm not going anywhere. I'm here to stay."


"Shh..." I pressed my fingers to his lips. "I'm important and I matter. Believe it or not, your girlfriend isn't the star of the show."

At that, Vanessa whipped her head up. "I'm not?"

I laughed bitterly. "Oh honey, you're only just the first act." 

Matt furrowed his brows as he looked me up and down with a frown. "I'm so confused right now. Why are you upset, Addie?"

I exhaled loudly. "I'm tired of being told to go away. Don't I deserve a boyfriend that I can be cutesy with?"

"No body said anything about that," he retorted.

I gave him a pointed look and a light of understanding dawned upon his face. "Oh, you're referencing the people."

With a panicked expression, I glanced around me, afraid that someone might have overheard. "Don't utter that word, Matt. They might be listening now."

The truth was, we were scared of the people. If we weren't perfect, they would come after us loudly and make certain that the rules were being enforced.

But there were a lot of them. Both people and rules that was.

It was hard to know when a law was going to be broken. Sometimes, one didn't know until it was too late. It put a lot of pressure on us to act a certain way, and we lived in a constant state of anxiety over what new rule would pop up next. 

In fact, there was a very high chance that I may have even fallen out of line just by being jealous and arguing with Matt. 

What if the people don't take kindly to that? Am I forever doomed? 

One could never recover once they got on the bad side of the people.

Vanessa set down the bread bucket and wandered over to us. "It's okay," she reassured. "I'll protect you." 

She raised her gaze towards the sky. "Everything is fine between me and Addison. I swear. She's my friend, and I don't care that she's hanging out with my boyfriend."

I rolled my eyes. I knew she meant well and appreciated her for it, but Vanessa didn't know what it was like to be in trouble with the people.

Sure, she had a few mishaps and brush-ins with their scrutiny, but overall, they loved her, and she could basically do no wrong.

What must that be like?

Sighing, I brushed the crumbs from my hands and gazed out at the soft ripples of the lake. It was time for me to leave. I wasn't even a duck feeding type of girl anyways.

I was the kind who played checkers and attended parties, but the people didn't approve of social gatherings either.

I just yearned to exist in a world where I could freely be me, but I knew that it would never be possible. It would never please the people. One of them would always have something to say.

"I think I'm going to see if Leo wants to play a game of checkers," I whispered to my friends.

Vanessa's eyes suddenly twinkled. "Wait, I just thought of something. I know this guy who would be a perfect opponent for you. His name is Ryan."

I bit my lip, skeptical. "He sounds cute solely based off his name, but I would have to get him approved by the people first before I can be clear to spend any time with him."

She nodded her head vigorously. "He is. I did some research on him earlier, and it was an enthusiastic yes."

"Oh, okay," I answered.

She briefly glanced over at Matt before grasping my arm and ushering me off to the side. "If I'm being honest, I was scoping him out for myself since Matt and I are going to break up soon, but the people vetoed my request."

I furrowed my brows. "Gee willikers," I sympathized. "That isn't swell. But what if he's your perfect match?"

She rolled her eyes. "It doesn't matter. You know how it goes. If the people say no, then I can't pursue him."

Suddenly, the wheels began spinning in my head. "What if there's a way to overthrow the people and do whatever we want?"

My heart skipped a beat at merely even suggesting the idea. It was a wild concept. The people were powerful and not to be messed with. But at the same time, could we truly be happy by continuing to conform to their demands?

Vanessa hesitated. "I don't know, Addie. It's risky."

I clasped her hand. "Just think about it. Don't you want to be with Ryan?"

My friend glanced over her shoulder at her boyfriend who was petting a duck and she exhaled. "Yes, but only because Matt clearly loves ducks and fish more than he does me. Being insecure is exhausting." 

He yelped as the creature nipped at his finger. "Yea, I get it," I agreed. "I can understand why you would rather date Ryan."

We shared a chuckle at the expense of Matt but as long as we were bonding and I stayed well away from her boyfriend, the people wouldn't mind.

Well, I should rephrase that. They wouldn't care that Vanessa laughed at him because as I stated earlier, she was their golden child.

I, however, would certainly receive a ding on my file for being perceived as a fake friend who shared a laugh with her while secretly being heck bent on conspiring behind her back to steal her mediocre boyfriend. 

Yes, I thought with a nod of my head. It's definitely time to take a stand against the people.

Question of the day: Who do you think the people are?

My Best Friend's Mediocre BoyfriendOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora