Trademark Power Play

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"I win!" I announced triumphantly after implementing my trademark power play move to finish off Conrad...

In our friendly game of checkers, of course. Remove your minds from the gutter, please and thank you.

"Dang," he replied, stroking his chin and staring at the board in dismay.

I narrowed my eyes at him, suddenly realizing that a romance could never work between the two of us.

How can it?

Not with that unruly temper and his apparent mouth of a sailor. I was destined to be cursed, I guess. Every man I met had uttered cuss words such as shucks, dang, or gee willikers. 

And what's worse is that they only seemed to be using me for my knowledge in an attempt to learn how to play checkers. But why wouldn't they?

I was amazingly skilled at the game, even though I had to be cautious about letting people know that. It was taboo for a woman to have too many checkers partners and I had unfortunately, earned myself the reputation of a fast girl who spent her evenings playing checkers with men.

And it appeared that Conrad was just another meaningless opponent to add to the list.

With a wistful sigh, I began packing away the game pieces. On to the next, I suppose.

Win it and bin it.

That was my motto when it came to love and checkers. I could easily crush my companion in a rousing match and then just as simply flee for fear of committing to a checkers partner for far too long.

It was just too risky.

What if they learn my secret power play move and managed to beat me?

It would shatter my soul. Checkers and just generally being dull was my thing and no man would ever be allowed to rip that away from me.

So with a brush of my hands, I stood up and faced Conrad. He gave me a saintly grin. "This was wholesome," he announced. "When can we play again?"

I bit my lip. This was the part I had always hated. "Listen, Conrad, this was swell and I really appreciate that you insisted on wearing protection while handling my checker pieces." I gestured at his gloved hands. "Because I would hate to catch a checkerly transmitted disease but..."

He slapped his forehead. "Dang! I was too forward, wasn't I? I'm an utter scoundrel. Let me rephrase that. I'm happy to be in your presence again if you so choose."

I smiled at him but not too broadly as I didn't want to give the impression that I was up for a second match of the game. "I appreciate your eagerness to put my comfort first but since honesty is a virtue and I'm seeking to work on my morals, I'm going to have to formally decline."

I felt proud of myself. I may have been viewed as a corrupt woman by society because of the pleasure I found in playing checkers with men but that didn't mean that I couldn't be pure in other ways. 

"Okie dokie," he answered, his beaming smile showcasing his pearly white teeth. He straightened out his shoulders as he extended his hand. "Well, Miss Addison, I am tickled to have made your acquaintance."

I accepted his palm, relieved that he was still donning his glove. Who knows how many hands he had shook in his lifetime. I shuddered. 

As the door closed behind him, I dreamed of the day that I could find a reoccurring opponent to play checkers with. But perhaps, that just wasn't in the card for someone as untamed as me.

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