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Maybe this wasn't the best time to give her the necklace with the proxy symbol.

Toby sat on the floor with Y/N, trying to figure out what was happening. Y/N's crying slowly came to a stop as she came to the realization that this couldn't be some normal "pregnancy."

"What does this even mean...?" Y/N asked, leaning her head against Toby's shoulder. Toby leaned his head on top of hers, his neck creating a pop as he did. Toby had a dreadful feeling that he knew what could be happening.

"It could be lying." Toby suggested, but he didn't sound very convincing. He was in just as much denial as Y/N was. He knew he shouldn't just sit here and do nothing about it, so he stood. "You need to rest on the couch," Toby said in a soft voice.

"Okay," Y/N agreed in a tired tone.

Her eyes were sore from all her sobbing, and her head was pounding with a headache. Y/N set the pregnancy test on the bathroom countertop and took Toby's hand. He brought her to the living area and set her on the couch. Toby brought her a blanket and offered it to her, which she gladly accepted.

"Do you want some tea?" Toby asked. Y/N smiled meekly at the question. She wasn't very used to being pampered like this.

"Sure, tea sounds nice," Y/N responded, and she picked up the TV remote and started to just flip through the channels.

Toby walked over to the kitchen and put the kettle on the stove. Thank God, water cannot burn. Toby looked through the cabinets, trying to find a mug now that they were reorganized. He found a nice green and blue swirly mug that he didn't even know he had. Toby took it into his hands before giving it a rinse to make sure there wasn't any dust inside.

The kettle started to boil, making it whistle a loud, screechy noise. Toby grabbed the kettle so it would stop making that wretched noise, and he poured the hot water into the mug. He dropped a teabag inside and brought the tea over to Y/N. He also brought over the sugar for her to add as much as she'd like.

"I have to go talk to my boss about something," Toby said, planting a kiss on her forehead. Y/N held the warm tea in her hands. She seemed a tad bit worried about being left alone this time.

"When will you be back?" Y/N asked, taking a sip.

She was delightedly surprised by the taste. It didn't taste like black sludge! The tea was still hot, but it didn't burn her mouth in the slightest.

"I'll be back before dark, I promise," Toby said, going over to the door and slipping his boots on. Y/N was put at ease hearing that he wouldn't be gone for long. Toby had on his usual "going out" outfit: orange goggles, an olive jacket with striped sleeves, jeans, hatchets, and a mouth guard.

"L-Love you!" Toby shouted as he shut the door.

"Love you too!" Y/N shouted back impulsively.

Those words made her a bit giddy, though the thoughts of a potential pregnancy still lingered in the back of her mind. He clicked through TV channels before something dawned on her.

How the hell are they getting utilities all the way out here? She hasn't seen any sort of solar panel or rainwater collection system, so how? More and more didn't add up as she thought about it. Could it be the supernatural, or possibly a miracle?

Y/N was taken out of thought as she heard a deep rumble from outside.

Toby stomped through the woods with a newfound anger. He wanted to make sure he was far enough in the woods not to be heard or seen. Toby glanced around the tall trees.

"Alright, where the hell are you!?" Toby blurted, clenching his fists. Anger was an understatement. Slenderman thinks that it can just mess with Y/N without his say in it? Fuck no!

A familiar voice started to speak through the back of his mind. The voice was low, like the rumble of thunder before a storm.

"Why are you raising your voice at me?" Slenderman inquired.

Toby was frustrated that it wouldn't so itself. He wanted to talk face-to-face.

"I want to know what the hell you did!" Toby said, his voice still disrespectfully loud.

His eyes darted all over the trees, trying to find the one that would move. A low, malicious laugh came from the back of Toby's mind, sending dread down his spine.

"I suppose I should warn you," Slenderman said.

Toby was just about fed up with Slenderman's mind games, but he was quickly interrupted by its voice.

"You see, I gave you what you wanted for the simple price of what I needed."

"Stop talking in riddles and just tell me, goddammit!" Toby said bitterly, spinning around as he tried to find the figure talking to him.

An annoyed sigh came from Slenderman. It appeared directly in front of Toby, which gave him a bit of a jump scare. Toby quickly regained his angry state as he was confronted.

"I saw what you did last night, despite my hatred towards it. For some reason, humans try to continue their disgusting bloodlines, so your pathetic attempt to conceive a child didn't surprise me. I gave you what you wanted."

"YOU IMPREGNATED MY GIRLFRIEND!?" Toby was outraged by the news. He has so much pent-up anger by now that he doesn't know what to do with it, but he holds on, knowing that this is not the time.

"For lack of a better word, I did," Slenderman started. "I need you to understand that this will not be a human child. It has human DNA, but it also has mine."

"Well, NO SHIT!? That's how pregnancy FUCKING WORKS!" Toby screamed. Toby was about to burst a blood vessel. His usually pale face was now red, and he almost had veins popping out of his neck.

"It's not like I had sexual relations with her. Calm down"

"Oh, yeah, like that's any fucking better!" Toby shouted. He had a thought come to mind. Even though he tried not to, everything that came from his mouth had an edge of bitterness.

"So what do you get out of it, huh? Some sadistic pleasure!?" Toby snapped, his body trembling with emotion.

"A proxy with similar powers to mine," Slenderman said flatly, staring down at Toby.

Toby's anger came to a halt. That's what this was all about? It sickened Toby, but what could he do? Nothing. He couldn't say no because he had to follow Slenderman's orders. Toby's grip on his hatchet tightened before it fell loose in defeat.

Slenderman only wanted kids to do his bidding.

"Will I get to raise it, or are you just going to take it away?" Toby said it in a calm manner.

It was like someone flipped a switch. Now he seemed cold and collected, but there was still his passive-aggressive way of speaking.

"I will allow you to raise it, but I expect you to raise it correctly. I did not give you much time to prepare, for you only have nine days until the child is born."

Toby's heart dropped. Nine days? They didn't even have anything ready, not to mention they barely accepted the fact that Y/N is pregnant.

Toby watched as the forest shifted around them. It was normal for him at this point. That's how Toby has stayed hidden for the past ten years. Slenderman could manipulate the forest to the point that someone could get lost with the first step they take.

"Okay," Toby said with a dullness in his voice.

Toby didn't even notice when Slenderman left. He tucked his hatchet into one of his belt loops. His head turned to see that the cabin was close by because of Slenderman moving the forest around. With a sigh, he started to walk back home.

There was an ache in his heart. He was going to be the one who had to tell Y/N all of this. What was he supposed to say?

Surprise! You're pregnant with my boss's abomination!

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