𝘱𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘯

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Y/N gently wrapped Toby's arm with the gauze, making sure it was tight enough to hold but not tight enough to be uncomfortable. She felt Toby's heavy stare, and she hesitated to meet it. She took a bigger bandage and pressed it over one of the not-very-taken-care-of cuts.

"How'd you get all these?" Y/N asked, changing the subject slightly. Toby itched his jaw, where some stubble was starting to grow back.

"A lot of them are from me being clumbsy or stupid," Toby said, looking down at his scars—some of them healed, others are newer. "But some of them are from falling off my ATV or getting hurt on the missions I have to do," he said, rambiling slightly. Y/N's eyes widened.

"You have an ATV?" Y/N questioned, pausing with one of the bandages in hand. Toby nodded.

"Yup, I stole it," he smirked, causing Y/N to roll her eyes.

"Do you even know how to drive it?" She asked, putting the bandage on a spot on his chest.

"I am a great driver," Toby stated as he crossed his arms. Y/N uncrossed his arms to access one of the small cuts. She put a few butterfly strips across the cuts in the hope that it would seal them shut.

"That's not what the scratches on my car say," Y/N said in a matter-of-fact tone. Toby rolled his eyes.

"I wanted to show you my ATV, but now it's raining." Toby looked out the window, where the view was distorted by raindrops. Y/N followed Toby's gaze outside, and his hand slipped down to hold Toby's hand. Now that the bandages and gloves were off, she could see just how mutilated his hands were. His palms had thick callouses, and the skin on his fingers had a bunch of divits and bumps from uneven healing.

Toby's eyes went to look at where Y/N was touching his hand. A small stab of embarrassment formed in his chest as she skimmed her thumb over his knuckles. He didn't let the feeling get to him as they sat so close. The silence wasn't loud or awkward; it was calm—maybe even peaceful. The sound of the rain on the metal roof was very relaxing, making Toby's frame unwind a bit.

Toby wrapped his arms around Y/N, enveloping her in his embrace. Y/N felt her cheeks warm as she was tugged towards him, her head resting close to his neck. She rested there for a few moments before biting his neck. Toby jumped slightly at the notion.

"Ah!" He looked down at Y/N, who was giggly internally. A confused, but amused, smirk crossed his face. "What was that for?"

"Payback," Y/N snickered, wrapping her arms around his waist and biting him again.

"Hey! Quit that," Toby said, trying to sound tough but failing miserably. He leaned his head away.

"Maybe you should learn to wear a shirt." Y/N bit his neck again, harder this time, and it was enough to leave a mark. Toby sighed in defeat before he was struck with an idea. He picked Y/N up from around the waist and started to carry her towards the door. Toby grinned and put her over his shoulder.

"Toby!" Y/N's eyes widened quickly as she felt him carry her outside. The drizzle from the sky started to soak her clothes.

"We just dried off! Put me down!" Y/N said in a serious tone, but she couldn't escape the smile on her lips.

"Put you down? Alright," Toby said before plopping Y/N down on the wet forest floor. She gasped at the cold rain that started to pour down on them even harder.

"TOBY!" She grabbed his wrists and yanked him down beside her. She forgot that Toby wasn't wearing a shirt, and now his bandages were getting soaked all over again.

"Okay! okay! Maybe we should go back inside," Toby's said, his hair dripping from the rain. Y/N nodded, and before she could get up herself, Toby scooped her up and hurried back into the cabin. The cool air of the cabin met Y/N's skin, making her shiver. Toby put Y/N on the floor in front of the furnace before searching for a lighter. Y/N hugged her knees to her chest, tucking a strand of her wet hair behind her ear.

"Cold?" Toby chuckled. Toby took his thick coat from the table and draped it over Y/N as he started the fire.

"Yeah, a little bit," she said, gritting her teeth in order to stop their chattering. She pulled the coat around her to cover more of her body. The coat smelled like Toby—like a campfire and a little bit of musk. Toby was focused on making some sort of warmth for Y/N. He couldn't really feel the cold, but Y/N definitely could. Fire is hot, Toby thought, and it's easy to make.

The small flame inside the furnace soon turned into a large fire, and Toby tossed a few logs in to keep it going. Y/N scooted closer to the fire, and Toby sat next to her, putting an arm around her shoulders.

"You're so cold!" Y/N said, putting her hands on his cheeks. It didn't make him any warmer, and it was an odd sensation to feel the open scarring on Toby's cheek. Her finger tips seemed to trace the edge of the scar. Toby's face lit up with blush, and he froze.

"I honestly couldn't tell," Toby shrugged, shifting a little to a more comfortable seated position. Feeling cold, Y/N pushed her arms through the sleeves of the coat, leaning slightly against him. The fire crackled, and the rain clicked on the roof. Toby started to relax against Y/N until there was a knock at their door.

The police station was buzzing with Roger's case now that it had been brought out of the dark. Officer McKenny was in Detective Jardine's office, discussing the new evidence.

"So, we're going to send out a couple guys tonight to patrol around the forest that is just off of Denver," Jardine stated, leaning back in his seat.

"In this weather at night? That sounds risky; I mean, have you not heard of the things that happen in that forest?" McKenny said this, crossing her arms over her chest.

"It's not going to be anything serious. It's meant to see if there's anything suspicious happening in those areas. Forget that paranormal rumor bullshit. That's just a story that parents tell their kids so that they don't try to go places they shouldn't be," Jardine scoffed, clicking a few files on his laptop. The files included a bunch of paperwork about Tobias Rogers. Their only suspect.

"What if he's dead? How do you know that it's him?" McKenny questioned, standing behind the detective's desk to look at the files as well. Jardine clicked a pen in his hand before going over to a different file.

"Each of the victims knew each other, or they went to school together," he said, pulling up old class photos with certain people circled. "None of these disappearances happened until Tobias' house burned away. The victims just so happen to be the people on athletic teams like football, cheer, and baseball."

McKenny raised an eyebrow. "What does that have to do with anything?" She asked. Jardine shrugged.

"Well, high schoolers are assholes. They probably picked Tobias because they were quote-on-quote better." Jardine said, not really sugarcoating the truth.

"And what about her?" McKenny pointed to the separate picture—Y/N's photo. Jardine tossed the pen on his desk.

"Love interest?" Jardine said it hesitantly, scratching the back of his neck. McKenny gave him a bland look. "She has no connections, or records, to being a bad person, except for..." Jardine paused, typing on his laptop.

"Except for what?" McKenny said, staring at the screen in front of her. Jardine pulled up a picture of Brad.

"This is one of the victims; he was supposedly with Y/N since high school; he also played football and basketball." Jardine said, turning in his chair to look at McKenny.

"Are you trying to tell me about some love story between some killer and a random girl?" McKenny said. She was not totally convinced of this story, but they needed something if they wanted to arrest the person behind the crime.

"Yes, but there's a lot more to it." Jardine closed his laptop, standing on his feet. McKenny sighed.

"Then let's get this wild goose chase started."

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