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Poppy Knight

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Poppy Knight

During the recess, mom went to talk to dad. Sabrina was escorted away by some police officers. The burn expert was going to analyze her hands. She looked worried. Kemi wanted to go in with her mom but she was rejected. Soren and I talked to Eloise, Jensen and Tendai. "Sabrina is such a good actress and liar," Tendai said. He had noticed it too. "That woman is the devil incarnate, what she did to your mom was absolutely evil," Jensen said. She is not remorseful, it's easy to tell. "She deserves to rot in prison," Eloise said. I agree with that, I hope she gets a hundred years. Recess ended and we went back to our seats.

Prosecutor Davies: Your Honor, the prosecution calls Dr. Emily Collins to the stand as a burn expert.

Dr. Collins: (After being sworn in) Your Honor, members of the jury, I have examined the hands of Sabrina Barre and conducted tests to determine the nature of her burns. Based on my findings, the scars on Ms. Barre's hands are consistent with burns caused by exposure to a corrosive substance, such as acid. The distribution and pattern of scarring align with typical patterns seen in acid burn injuries. Additionally, there are no indications that these burns resulted from exposure to fire or heat. Therefore, it is my expert opinion that the injuries on Ms. Barre's hands are consistent with acid burns.

Judge Turner: Thank you, Dr. Collins. Defense, do you have any questions for the witness?

Defense Lawyer Isabelle: "Dr. Collins, you've testified that the burns on my client's hands are consistent with those caused by exposure to a corrosive substance, correct?"

Dr. Collins: "Yes, that's correct."

Defense Lawyer Isabelle: "And you mentioned that the distribution and pattern of scarring align with typical patterns seen in acid burn injuries?"

Dr. Collins: "Indeed, that's what my examination revealed."

Defense Lawyer Isabelle: "But isn't it true, Dr. Collins, that other substances could potentially cause similar types of burns?"

Dr. Collins: "In theory, yes, but based on my expertise and analysis, the characteristics of these burns strongly suggest exposure to acid."

Defense Lawyer Isabelle: "Yet, there's no concrete evidence directly linking these burns to the acid attack on Afua Kamara, is there?"

Dr. Collins: "While I cannot definitively link the burns to a specific incident, the pattern and nature of the injuries are highly consistent with acid burns."

Defense Lawyer Isabelle: "But without direct evidence tying my client to the attack, isn't it possible that these burns could have been caused by a different substance or incident altogether?"

Dr. Collins: "It's conceivable, but based on my professional assessment, the likelihood of these burns being caused by anything other than acid is minimal."

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