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Grayson Knight-Campbell

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Grayson Knight-Campbell

Dad wasn't around on Thursday morning. Mom was happy to see that I was sticking to my wake up early policy. Breakfast was cereal today so we were done on time.

Tendai didn't try to call me again. I hope he got the hint now that I wanted nothing to do with him. I felt mostly emotional pain from the beating I had received now. The pain in my stomach had reduced.

Mom dropped us at school once Soren and I were ready. Today we had Geography. Tendai went silent when I walked into class. The Geography teacher Mr. Callum Thomas came in after me. Kemi came in after him.

"Why are you late?" he asked her.

"I was feeling a bit sick," she lied.

He allowed her to enter the class. He didn't punish her even though he knew she was lying. Everyone knew her untouchable status in this school, including the teachers.

The day was better than it had been since Monday. Kemi and her friends didn't attack me. Even the days that followed, they never said a word to me. I wasn't talking to her ex, there was no need for her to lash out at me.

During design and technology classes I listened to music. I refused to talk to Tendai no matter how much he tried. He gave up after a while. Mr Ngonzi wasn't coming to class so it was easier for me to get away without talking to him.

Only Grayson and his friends continued abusing me. I noticed they stopped insulting me in front of Tendai.

Their abuses were the same nowadays, Adessa you're dark as midnight, here comes my shadow, you're so black, when the lights went off the only thing they could see were your teeth, you're so black you look like a burnt cookie. Those weren't their only insults. There were so many more.

One month passed since the beating I had received in the toilet. Everything went back to normal and I liked it this way because it was what I knew. Being a Wednesday, I had to go to the greenhouse to tend to the crops. I was a member of the Horticulture club.

I spent the evening weeding onions with Siobhan Nilsson who was the only classmate of mine in the Horticulture club. We got done at 6pm. There were only a few students left on the school campus save for the soccer team and the spectators.

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