Chapter 13

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Summary: Draco is attacked by Buckbeak. Harry and Emma talk to Lupin. Sirius Black invades the castle.

I spend the rest of the day looking forward to meeting Harry and telling him about my brief conversation with Professor Lupin, but something happens in the third year Care of Magical Creatures class that makes it difficult to talk to my brother. Draco (who has now 'affectionately' earned the nickname Malfoy Junior thanks to me) is attacked by a hippogriff (knowing him well, the attack is most likely deserved). So that ends up being the talk of the day at school. 

I take advantage of finding Harry sitting at the Gryffindor table with Ron and Hermione, just before dinner time, and go over to them. I sit down facing Harry, next to Ron.

"Have you heard that your little friend Draco was attacked by Buckbeak, Hagrid's hippogriff?" comments Ron. 

I roll my eyes at Ron's attempt to pick on me. "Of course, there isn't a soul in this school who doesn't know that. But come on, is it all just jealousy at seeing me hanging out with little Draco?"

Ron turns red, I can't tell if from embarrassment or anger.

"But I didn't come here for that." I say, turning to Harry and ignoring Ron. "I wanted to talk to you." 

 "What about?" Harry asks curiously.

"Professor Lupin called me for a chat straight after class today, he told me some interesting things." I say.

Ron, Harry and Hermione move closer to the table to hear what I have to say.

"Apparently he was a friend of our parents, Harry." I say.

The three of them have expressions of surprise and shock on their faces.

"What? Lupin?" says Ron.

"No, your rat... Of course Lupin, Ron!" I say sarcastically. "Who else are we talking about..."

I see Hermione roll her eyes, equally impatient with Ron's sluggishness.

 "There's one more thing..." I start to say. "Lupin told me that he's my godfather."

"What?" Harry says in shock.

"If Professor Lupin is your godfather... Who's Harry's?" asks Hermione, clearly the most intelligent and sensible of the three, asking the right question.

I shake my head. "I don't know, we spoke for a short time, he didn't tell me much more. But I've agreed with him that we'll talk more at another time." I look at Harry. "Maybe then you'll go with me?"

Harry nods. Gradually more students arrive in the Great Hall. As the Gryffindor table fills up, I decide to get up. 

"I'll see you later." I say, standing up and giving a smile to Carina, Ginny and the other second year Gryffindor girls who are approaching the table. 

As I sit down at the Slytherin table, I realise that everyone is focused on the conversation. 

"Do you think he'll lose his arm?" Crabbe asks.

"Poor thing... I hope not! It was a pretty big wound." says Pansy. 

"Please..." I say, rolling my eyes. "I bet he won't even get a scar."

"And how do you know?" asks Goyle.

"You didn't hear the poor guy's screams. He even thought he was going to die." says Pansy.

"We're talking about the same boy who panicked and thought his sister was going to die when she got her period." I say, using what Carina had told me earlier.

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