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Summary: Harry and Emma are rescued from their aunt's house by the Weasleys. They go to Diagon Alley to by school supplies. Emma's first year at Hogwarts begins.

I can't even put into words everything that has led me here. Last year my brother and I found out we are wizards, which led to my brother being accepted at Hogwarts, the school for kids like us; in his very first year at Hogwarts my brother already had to face none other than the wizard who killed our parents; the very year I received my letter, my imbecilic aunt and uncle decided to ban us from going to Hogwarts; an exotic creature has appeared in our room, he says he's called Dobby, the house elf, and he says it's too dangerous for Harry and I to study at Hogwarts this year; and finally, Ron Weasley, Harry's best friend, has appeared in a flying car with his twin brothers to rescue us from here.

That's basically all it took to get to where I am right now: facing the cosy home of the Weasley family.

"It's not much," says Ron, when he sees that Harry and I are staring at his house.

"It's brilliant," Harry and I say at the same time.

"Now, we'll go upstairs really quietly," one of the twins says behind us.

The three of them's plan almost works, if it weren't for a woman crossing the yard and coming towards us.

"Oh dear," says the other twin.

Even I'm afraid of her. I'm glad her anger isn't directed at me or Harry.

"Have you any idea how worried I've been?" Mrs Weasley whispers in a frightening way.

"Sorry, Mum, but see, we had to..." Ron tries to explain himself.

"Beds empty! No note! Car gone... could have crashed... out of my mind with worry... did you care? ... never, as long as I've lived... you wait until your father gets home, we never had trouble like this from Bill or Charlie or Percy... You could have died, you could have been seen, you could have lost your father his job..."

"I'm very pleased to see you, Harry, dear," she turns first to Harry, whom she already knows. "And you must be Emma, right? It's nice to meet you, darling. Ginny will be delighted to have another girl in the house, especially as you'll both be classmates."

Ginny is certainly Ron's younger sister, who Harry had told me about. When she sees that we're not moving, Mrs Weasley calls out to us. "Come in and have some breakfast."

I could easily pass for a Weasley, especially when we're all together. The biggest difference is the colour of my hair: while the Weasleys have a lighter shade of red, mine is darker, coppery.

We all have breakfast as soon as Mr Weasley arrives, I meet Percy and Ginny, our Hogwarts letters arrive (I learn that the headmaster seems to be keeping an eye on Harry and me, since he knew we were with the Weasleys), and then we go to Diagon Alley to buy our school supplies.

Harry and Ron find their friend Hermione and the three of them, together with Mr Weasley and Ron's other brothers, go into some shops to buy materials while Mrs Weasley takes Ginny and I to buy our wands and uniforms.

The three of us meet up with Harry and the Weasleys after we had finished buying our wands and uniforms. Harry, a celebrity everywhere he goes in the wizarding world, is immediately recognised by Gilderoy Lockhart, a book author, and gets his entire collection.

As we're leaving the shop, we're stopped by a voice I don't know, but which Harry, Ron and Hermione seem to know very well.

"Bet you loved that, didn't you, Potter?" When I turn around to see who it is, I see a blond boy, who I immediately recognise from the stories my brother told me, he is Draco Malfoy.

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