The Claim

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 Annabeth led us to one of the safehouses she, Thalia, and Luke had made when they were on the run. It wasn't nearly as home-y as the safehouse I visited during the schoolyear when I'd gone to the college party. But it looked safe enough for the four of us to stay in at least for a while.

On the way here, Annabeth and Percy had sent an Iris Message to Chiron. It didn't really sound like the conversation was useful in any way but I guess I wouldn't really know. I didn't pay attention at all. I was too busy thinking about the friend we had just zoomed away from. Tyson was kind enough to give me a side hug when he realized I was zoned out. After Percy recapped the motor Thermos thing, we figured out we were near Virginia Beach, which led us to where we were now. Percy sent Tyson away pretty soon to try to find food. I was sure that he just wanted the three of us to be able to talk without the Cyclops around.

"Are you sure Luke won't look for us here?" Percy asked.

"We made a dozen safe houses like this. I doubt Luke even remembers where they are. Or cares," Annabeth mumbled the last part.

I let out a heavy sigh and shook my head, "I'm not sure. He remembers where at least a few of them are."

"How do you know?" Percy asked, "Come to think of it, you said some strange stuff like that last night too but you didn't go into any details. I think it's time you explain what's going on. Where did you disappear to last night? Why didn't you tell me that you saw Luke after the stabbing?"

This was not going to be an easy conversation to have. But it was a necessary one. I told them everything, starting from the night of the stabbing. I didn't go into complete details since there was stuff that I didn't exactly want them to know about. The lovey-dovey stuff for example. I mentioned that some things had happened and there were feelings between us. But the kisses and touches were not mentioned. It was something that maybe I could discuss with Annabeth. But I most defintiely was not talking to Percy about that, especially with what just happened with Luke. But I did tell them about the party and what happened after as well as the meetings over the summer. Finally, I got to last night and seeing Kronos when I woke up the first time. They did well with listening and not asking any questions until I was done.

"Wow, that was... a lot," Annabeth said quietly.

"Now you see why I didn't tell you," I gave her a grim smile.

Annabeth nodded but Percy didn't seem so convinced. He was avoiding eye contact with me and was instead analyzing the shelter.

"Percy?" I asked cautiously, "What's on your mind?"

"Nothing much, just the fact that my sister has been sneaking around with her... what do people call it now-a-days? Pookie bear?" Percy sneered.

I raised my eyebrows in shock and glanced at Annabeth. She looked like she was trying her best not to laugh. Okay, good to know I was not the only one who just found Percy saying that completely ridiculous, "One: Please never say that again. That was horrible."

That broke Annabeth's dam. She broke out into giggles. Percy shot her an annoyed look but it did nothing to silence her. I gave her an amused smile before turning back to my brother.

"Second: I did not sneak around. Just because I didn't tell you does not mean I was being secretive about it. Your mom knew."

"You told my mom that you were seeing Luke and not me?"

"Considering how pissed you were that he stabbed me, I figured it was the best option. Besides, your mom knows about complicated situations like the one I'm in. She did fall for our father after all. And you know how Sally is. If she didn't like what was going on or got a bad feeling about anything, she would've told me," I sighed, "Percy, I know that it sounds like I'm on Luke's side but I promise you I'm not. If I got any feeling that he was going to come after you, I would've pulled back. Sure, I like him romantically. But you and Tyson are my brothers and Annabeth is like my sister. You guys are very important to me and I'd give my life for you."

Tidal Wave (Luke Castellan)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum