The Storm

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 There was a storm brewing outside. Dark clouds gathered in the sky and rolled in towards us. Most campers didn't look worried but there was a certain tenseness in the air . Bad weather had always passed around us since Zeus controlled it. He hardly even had it rain here. I had a bad feeling about this particular storm though. The way it was coming at us was unlike any storm I'd ever seen here before. If it had a face, I'm sure it would've looked very very angry. The person controlling it had a reason to be though.

"What's got you so worried?" Luke asked as we walked towards the ocean. Percy wasn't with us this time. Grover had shown up to our cabin earlier and brought him to see Mr. D.

"I don't like the look of that storm," I admitted, trying to avoid looking at it.

"It does look pretty nasty. It'll probably pass over us like usual though," Luke said.

"Will it though? Zeus decides whether or not the weather gets bad here. And with the arrival of Percy, he's bound to be in a bad mood right now."

"Hey," He nudged his shoulder with his own, making me look at him, "Everything's going to be okay, remember?"

I nodded and echoed, "It'll be okay."

"Exactly. Now onto something less grim. Did you ever find out what was up with that sword you found?"

"I don't really know anything about it. I really like it though," I pulled it out of its sheath. I added a sheath to my other hip after I'd played around with it for a while, "It's perfectly balanced and it's lightweight. It's almost like it was made for me."

"Maybe it was."

"What do you mean?" I gave him a sideways glance.

Luke shrugged, "I'm just saying that you found it in the ocean. Maybe your dad finally sent you a gift."

I hadn't thought about it that way. Some campers were lucky enough to get gifts from their godly parents. Clarisse had gotten her now broken electric spear from Ares. Annabeth had gotten a hat that could turn her invisible from Athena. Luke had gotten flying shoes from Hermes. I'd never gotten anything like that from Poseidon. I'd always assumed that my gift from him was my life. There was never any confirmation that he had been the one to guide me to camp, but who else would it have been?

But this sword being a gift from Poseidon made sense. I'd found it in the ocean, which was his domain. It was slightly hidden under the sand but it also peaked out enough for me to find it. And it had only shown itself when I was done finding the seashells. So that's what it had to be right? Part of me thought this was a false hope. But another part of me knew there was no other way I couldn't find a sword in this condition where I did, when I did. So maybe I could hope a little.

I smiled at the sword, "Maybe he did. Wouldn't that be something after all this time? I was thinking about learning how to fight with two swords."

"That'd look pretty badass. Not that you don't always look badass though," Luke grinned.

"You think so?" I looked at him, the smile still on my face.

"Yeah, of course I do. You might actually be able to beat me in a fight then too."

I sheathed my sword and shoved his shoulder, "Oh shut up, I beat you all the time. I'm the one who trained you, remember?"

"Remember? You won't let me forget. Everytime we talk about training you bring it up."

"I do not! I-"

It started to pour cold rain. Both of us froze. This wasn't supposed to happen. The only way it could was if Zeus allowed it to. Word about Percy must've reached him then. Zeus couldn't punish the whole camp with lightning due to Percy's existence but he could send the rain to ruin our day.

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