The New Brother

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 I had no clue what happened during that taxi ride. There were four of us in the backseat. My cheek was smashed against the window as we drove rather recklessly through the city. The views were an absolute blur and I had to keep my eyes locked shut so I wouldn't get carsick. That didn't do much to help though since the car jerked back and forth. It didn't help that there was only one eye between the Three Fates, who were our drivers for the day. The relief I felt when the car came to a screeching stop was unmeasurable.

That didn't last long though because there were loud shouts from the hill. As much as I wanted to puke, there was no time for that. There were two bronze bulls charging at a group of campers.

"How are bulls on the hills? The barrier should've stopped them," Percy asked.

"That doesn't matter right now. That's Clarisse up there. We have to go help her," Annabeth said.

That's all she needed to say for me to spring into action. I drew one of my swords and advanced carefully up the hill. Considering these bulls were breathing fire, I had to assume that they were extremely hot. I had no plan going into this but then again, I wasn't the daughter of Athena. I just knew I had to help my friends.

"Hey Tin Can!" I called out, "Over here!"

One of the bulls turned and placed its bright eyes on me. It snorted smoke. It pawed the ground a few times before charging at me. I threw my sword like a javelin and it embedded in a kink in the sheets of metal. Instantly, it started to melt. Thank goodness it was a sword I'd gotten from camp and not the sword Poseidon had gifted me. Unfortunately, it didn't stop the bull from continuing to charge at me. I dove off to the side and it rushed past me. Flames lit the grass from where it had stepped. I got to my knees and watched it pause and turn to me again. It tried again, following the same path from the first time. I dove the other direction again and rolled to my feet. I couldn't keep playing cat and mouse with the bull. There was a chance that it could figure out my pattern and then I'd be in serious trouble.

"BAD COWS!" I heard Tyson scream before he stepped in front of me. He grabbed the head of the bull and tore it clean off. The body of the bull fell lifelessly to the ground.

I looked up at Tyson in wonder. He looked at me, "You okay?"

"Yeah," I managed to say, "I'm okay. Thank you."

He helped me up and I surveyed the scene. Two metal bulls were disabled on the ground. Clarisse was yelling up a storm at Annabeth and Percy. I didn't know why considering they were the ones that just saved her butt. But leave it to Clarisse to be ungrateful when it came to being saved in a fight.

"She is not nice," Tyson commented as we watched them.

"Eh, it depends on who you are. Some people just worm their way into her rotten little heart," I couldn't help but smile. No matter how mean she could be, I actually really missed her.

Once Clarisse was done yelling and she started tending to wounded campers, Annabeth and Percy came up to us.

"You didn't die," Percy said, looking at Tyson.

"I am sorry. Came to help. Disobeyed you," Tyson's face was filmed with shame.

"My fault," Annabeth cut in, "I had to let Tyson cross the boundary line to save you guys. Otherwise, you both would've ended up dead."

Tyson disobeyed Percy? Annabeth had to give permission for Tyson to cross the boundary? What did I miss when I recklessly ran into battle?

"Let him cross the boundary line?" Percy asked.

"Percy," she cut in, "Have you ever looked at Tyson closely? I mean... in the face. Ignore the Mist and really look at him."

Percy started to argue but then his eye caught what mine did. Tyson didn't have two eyes like those of us standing in front of him. He had one big one in the middle of his forehead. It was brown and watery. Tyson was crying.

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