The Warning

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 "So where were you?" Sally asked when we got in her car.

I didn't know how to answer at first. I couldn't just say that I was with the person who stabbed me a few months ago. That would make her worry too much.

"Where did you go Cass? Diana said you disappeared at one point and she didn't see you for the rest of the night. So what happened?"

The party. Now that I didn't have Luke to distract me, what really happened last night came crashing down on me. Damon. Where did he go after Luke had hit him last night? Did Diana know that he was secretly a creep? Did he do anything to anybody else last night?

Sally laid a hand on my shoulder, "Cass? You look really freaked out. You know you can talk to me right?"

I looked at Sally and nodded. She was the only one who understood my feelings about Luke. She was a grown woman. Chances are she had dealt with unwanted advances before too. There was a chance she would understand where I was coming from. So I spilled everything. From me changing my clothes at Diana's request to waking up with Luke this morning.

She waited until I was done before saying anything, "Cass, I'm so sorry."

"I'm sorry I lied to you. I didn't want you to freak out about who I was with. But after the way Luke took down Damon, I figured I had a better chance going with him than staying in that house."

"I understand. And I do think it was the right move to make."

"You do?"

Sally nodded, "You were in a room full of drunk people. Anything could happen. Sure, Luke... stabbed you. But from what you've told me, he was a more predictable option," she sighed, "Cass, I might not be your official mother but I do care about you like one. I'm proud of you for making that decision last night. You were put in a tough place. And I want to know that if you ever need someone to call in the middle of the night like that, you can always call me. I'd rather that than you getting hurt."

"I didn't want to inconvenience you," I admitted.

"You would not inconvenience me. If you ever need anything Cassidy, I'm always just a call away."

I leaned over the middle box of the car and gave her a big hug, "Thank you so much Sally. And not just for this but for everything."

"You're welcome."

We pulled away and were quiet for a little bit.

"You're still grounded though."

"I figured."

When we got to the apartment, Percy was waiting for us by the door. He has a big, mischievous grin on his face. If I hadn't known any better, I would've thought he was a child of Hermes for a moment. He'd gotten a haircut over the school year but it was starting to grow as long as it had been when I'd first met him. He'd gotten a huge growth spurt. He was just about as tall as I was now which was something he loved to remind me of. His eyes were still as blue as ever.

"You're in trouble."

I rolled my eyes, "Shut up Shrimp."

"Don't badger her Percy. I've already given her a talk. She doesn't need to hear anything from you either."

"Okay," I could tell Percy was disappointed about the missed opportunity to tease me but I was grateful for Sally shutting him down. Usually I could take his sass, but today I really wasn't feeling it, "Did you at least have a good time?"

"It started out pretty sucky but it ended up being pretty good," I gave him a small smile.

He smiled back, "Good. At least you didn't get in trouble for nothing."

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