The Arch

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 That night I had nightmares about the snakes in Medusa's hair. The way they hissed and snapped at Percy's face. The scales on their faces. Their slits for eyes. Suddenly I was right back in the Garden of Hesperides at 14 years old. Ladon, the hundred headed dragon. All of those eyes stared me down, paralyzed me with fear. I'd trained so hard but I'd never trained for this. Ladon lunged and-

"Cass!" someone was right next to me. I didn't know who it was and frankly I didn't care. They couldn't help calm me down. Only one person could. I sprung up from my spot on the forest floor. Luckily Percy had found some drachmas at Medusa's. I snatched one of them up and walked far enough away from them that they could still see me but they couldn't hear the conversation I was about to have.

I created a rainbow using the water from a nearby creek and threw the drachma, "Oh goddess, accept my offering. Luke Castellan."
I worked to keep the rainbow going as it thought for a moment. Then there he was. It was night at camp too so he was sleeping of course. Just seeing his peaceful face made me smile a little. Oh what I would give to cuddle up next to him like I used to do when he would sleep over at my cabin. To close my eyes and shut out the rest of the world. But he was there and I was here.

I almost cut off the message when Luke groaned a little. He opened one eye and saw me, "Cass?"

I managed a weak smile at his voice, "Hey Luke."

"Give me a minute so I don't wake the other campers. I'll call you right back, okay?"

"Okay," I said quietly.

The Iris Message ended right there. I closed my eyes, waiting for Luke to call back. They flew open though when I saw Ladon's many faces coming after me again. That nightmare had stopped plaguing me a year ago after many nightmares. How long would it take before it left me this time?

A rainbow appeared in front of me. I realized I'd let the one I'd created fizzle out but I didn't need it anymore since Luke had sent the message to me this time. He came into view and we just studied each other for a while. His brown curls were messed up from sleeping. His shirt was very ruffled and looked like it needed a good ironing. His usually bright brown eyes looked duller.

"Are you okay?" Luke asked softly.

I shook my head a little bit, "I saw him in my nightmares again. I thought I was done seeing him but apparently not."

"Was it right before... you know?" Luke probably knew this nightmare like the back of his hand. Not only had he witnessed what happened firsthand, but I also had come running to him everytime I had it. I never liked bothering him about it, but he was the only one that could calm me down from it.

I nodded this time, "It cut off right before it actually happened."

"Do you know what could've triggered it to start again?"

"Medusa's snakes."

"Medusa? Cass, what do you mean Medusa?" Luke looked at me intensely. His eyes were blazing with a million emotions I couldn't begin to process in my current state.

"We faced Medusa today. Don't worry, we're all okay. She's dead. But the snakes on her head... they just brought me back to that day. Or at least they did when I was finally able to relax. I just... I can't go back to having that nightmare. I really can't. Not when I have to be in good shape for this quest," I put my face in my hands, "Why did I have to be so stupid that day? We probably would've succeeded the quest and I wouldn't be having these damn nightmares."

"Don't talk like that Cass, you know it's not true. I made the call to fail the quest, not you. None of that was your fault," Luke sighed, "Look Cass, I know I never told you but I don't think that quest could've ended any other way. It was fated to fail from the beginning and the gods knew that. Otherwise, how else would you be on this quest right now?"

Tidal Wave (Luke Castellan)Where stories live. Discover now