Friends to Lovers (Yunho)

249 9 14

content warning: none...but YOU WISH THAT WAS YOU HUH? (literally same. i should retire from writing bc i will never write a better one shot)

word count: 1851

You sat on the back porch of Yunho's house waiting for him to get home. You knew he walked back from his pre-med labs through the field that backed up to his house, and you impatiently awaited the moment you'd be able to see him in the distance.

Yunho was your best friend, and you needed him badly right now. Mascara streamed down your cheeks, and your phone was dead at this point from all of the angry messages you'd sent off to your now-ex whom you'd walked in on earlier that day in bed with someone else.

You needed a hug from Yunho more than anything.

The sun was setting, and you could faintly make out his slender frame in the distance. You wiped your face and took off in a sprint towards him.

He seemed to stop mid-walk in surprise at your unannounced presence but opened his arms for you to crash into. The second your head hit his chest you allowed yourself to sob and finally feel all of the horrible things that James had done to you.

He'd cheated. He'd ignore you for days but got angry if you did the same thing. He'd told you to lose weight so he could take you to the beach...

You weren't sure why you'd stayed with him for so long, but the cheating was the final straw. At the first hint of disrespect, Yunho had told you to leave, but you'd convinced yourself he wasn't as bad as he seemed.

"(Y/n) what's wrong?" Yunho asked, clutching your head to his chest.

"You were right about him," you cried. "I caught him cheating on me."

Yunho took a deep breath and wrapped his arms tightly around you. He squeezed you to him and just let you cry. Yunho never let go of a hug first, and today was no exception. He held you until the sun went down...until you finally felt ready to walk back to his house.

He held his hand out for you, and you took it. It wasn't uncommon for the two of you to hold hands or hug. You'd been friends since you were little kids. It was just part of your friendship.

"Did he say why?" Yunho asked once you were seated on his couch with a pint of your favorite ice cream.

He plopped down beside you to hand you a spoon and put his arm around the back of the couch. You settled into the open gap of his shoulder.

"I didn't ask," you told him as you took your first bite. "It wouldn't make a difference."

Yunho slapped the couch excitedly, "That's my girl. Don't take shit from any guy ever again."

You grinned at how proud your response had made him.

"So what apps should I try then?" you laughed. "Tinder? Hinge?"

"Oh, they're all horrible," he mumbled. Despite being tall and smart and handsome, Yunho had a hard time meeting girls that he liked. He always found something small to fixate on and get annoyed by which eventually led to a breakup (assuming it got past the first few dates).

You playfully hit his arm with a giggle. "You're supposed to inspire me right now."

"Oh my bad," he rolled his eyes. "They're all great. That's why I've been single for like six years."

You shook your head and fed him a bite. "You're single because you're too picky. You broke up with Ami because she spelled her name with an 'i'. You broke up with Dylan because you got tired of telling people it could also be a girl's name. And you broke up with your last girlfriend because...wait why did you break up with her?"

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