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Riding to work alone never used to bother Lena. She was so used to it for the longest time. But now after riding into work with the blonde every day since she moved in the same building, it just didn't feel right riding in her personal drivers suv alone. Arriving at work she was greeted by Jess who asked where Kara was. "Has an appointment today to get a new prosthetic leg, but you, me and Sam are going to her place for a home cooked lunch. So you'll be able to see her then." Lena replied. "Uh..Ive already made plans for lunch today..." Jess replied softly. "Would it happen to be with Sam's assistant? Kara let it slip last night. Don't worry I completely approve of it, in fact I ship it. Enjoy your lunch Jess." Lena replied. "Thank you Lena, enjoy your lunch as well." Jess replied as they both began their work day.

Back at Kara's condo she was waiting on this new physical therapist to come with her new prosthetic leg. She'd already taken Sirius out for a run and now she was back inside eating some breakfast while she waited for whoever was coming. Just as she finished the dishes there was a knock on her door. Kara walked over and opened it up to see someone she hasn't seen in a long while. "Sara? You're a physical therapist?" Kara asked pulling the woman into a hug. "Yea! I am. I needed something to do after my now exe wife cheated on me...so I went back to school and became a physical therapist. And now I'm here to help you with your new leg!" Sara replied. "Awesome! Stay for lunch won't you? I'm having some friends over from work, since I'm working from home today." Kara replied.

"What are we having?" Sara asked as she put her stuff down. "I'm gonna make a couple pizzas. Are you ready to get this started?" Kara asked. "Ready when you are! Wheres your chair? You'll need it when you change into this leg." Sara stated. "Over there in my room." Kara replied. A few minutes later Sara had the chair for Kara to sit in while she got adjusted to the new prosthetic. "Ok...let's get this one off. And we can begin with this one." Sara replied. "Ok...so what happened with the exe? Who'd she sleep with?" Kara asked. "Madison...yup! Your exe and my exe wife were shacking up behind our backs while we were deployed." Sara replied.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry Sara. I can't believe Lucy would do that to you." Kara said. "It's ok...I'm well over it now. Besides it brought me back to you. You seeing anyone?" Sara asked. "No...my friend told me she liked me but she's being respectful and letting me come to her on my own time." Kara replied as she took off her old prosthetic and sat it on the floor. "Oh well thats nice of her. Will she be coming to lunch today?" Sara asked.  "Yea her and my other friend will be here. There great. I was hesitant about even making friends when I moved here but Lena and Sam just let me be myself, no pity or anything. I was just Kara Danvers cybersecurity girl." Kara replied.

"That's wonderful for you Kara. Ok now how does that feel?" Sara asked as she ran a finger around the prosthetic leg. "Feels good. Not too tight, not too loose. It even matches my skin tone! Sara you did one hell of a job on this!" Kara exclaimed. "Thank you Kar...now let see how you walk on it." Sara replied as she stood up and extended her hands out to Kara. Kara stood up slowly and took one step forward, then another step. "It's perfect! Look at this!" Kara exclaimed! "Amazing! Ok now walk to the door and back to me." Sara replied.

Kara walked to her front door and back again with a smile on her face. "Good job!" Sara exclaimed. "It feels good, looks good, and it doesn't look odd with shorts on!" Kara exclaimed. "I'm glad! Now...you said lunch?" Sara asked. "Yea, I should get started on that." Kara replied. "Ok, well I'm gonna take this old one and the rest of my things to my car and do some paperwork and I'll be right back." Sara said as she walked out the door.

Kara had began cooking the pizzas when there was a knock on her door again. Hurrying to the door she opened it to see Lena and Sam standing there. "No Jess?" Kara asked. "She's on a date with my assistant." Sam replied. "How come there are five plates out?" Lena asked. "Oh...one's for Sara. She is the new physical therapist who brought me this!" Kara replied pointing to her new leg! "Oh my god! It looks so good Kara!" Lena squealed as she pulled the blond into a hug. "Indeed it does! So this one is water proof?" Sam asked. "Yes it is! Pretty great isn't it! Sorry...I should have introduced myself first...I'm Sara, Sara Lance." Sara replied with a smile.

"Sara this is Lena Luthor and Samantha Arias." Kara said introducing them. "Pleasure to meet you. How do you Kara?" Sam asked. "We were deployed together. She saved me..." Sara replied. Kara turned to her oven to pull out the pizzas. "So you're now a physical therapist?" Lena asked. "Yes. I became one when my exe wife cheated on me with Madison Kara's exe girlfriend." Sara replied. "Small world." Sam added. "Indeed it is! I'm gonna go see if Kar needs help." Lena replies as she heads into the kitchen.

"Hey Lee! Hope you're hungry...I made two pizzas with different toppings on both." Kara said as Lena entered the kitchen. "They look fantastic Kara....and so don't you in shorts..." Lena replied. "Flirting with me to get the first slice of pizza? Or to get the receipt?" Kara shot back. "Both...maybe...I actually came in here to help you if you needed it." Lena replied. "Oh...you can cut the pizza's if you like...that would be a help. I'm gonna grab some drinks any requests?" Kara asked. "Whatever you have is fine with me Kar." Lena replied.

A few minutes later the pizzas and drinks were on the table as everyone sat down. Kara sat next to Lena while Sam sat opposite them and Sara sat at the end of the table. "So..do you get some work done?" Lena asked looking at Kara. "Oh yes, I was up at five and worked all morning in between taking Sirius for a run and all this. I managed to update some new codes and wanted to talk to you about this discovery I found." Kara explained. "Do they do this often?" Sara asked looking at Sam. "The nerd talk? Yea all the time." Sam replied.

"Oh well...I can come over after work...and we can go over it." Lena replied. "Actually Jess may or may have not given me your meetings for this afternoon so you can stay here if you want to go over things with Kara now?" Sam replied looking at them. "Oh ok. Is that ok with you?" Lena asked. "Fine with me! I don't have any plans for the rest of the day." Kara replied.

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