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"Thank you for breakfast, and now lunch." Lena stated as she put some Chinese food on the paper plate and sipped her strawberry lemonade. "Yes thank you! Lena says you guys are going to Al's dive bar tonight?" Sam asked. "Yes. Alex and I always go there on Friday nights so I thought I'd invite Lena to come too if she wanted. You can come too if you want. We're just gonna have some drinks, play some pool and complain about work." Kara said. "Alex?" Sam asked. "My sister. She went into the FBI while I went into the Marines. I like to tease her that went the easy route." Kara replied. Sam couldn't help but look a the blonde's muscular body.

"What did you do in the Marines?" Sam asked. Lena paled at the question knowing what the answer was but she didn't say anything. Kara swallowed her mouthful before speaking. "I specialized in a wide range of things. I was a sniper, a K9 bomb trainer, I flew drones, you name it I did it." Kara stated. "What was your favorite part?" Sam asked. Kara rolled up her sleeves as she sipped her drink completely unaware that both woman were practically drooling over her arm muscles. "Probably when I took out ten targets in an hour from the same snipers nest. Or the time I meat Mark Harmon from NCIS. He and the cast was shooting in the area for a few days and it was my job to protect them from enemy fire. They were the nicest people I've ever met." Kara explained as she absentmindedly rubbed what was left of her left leg.

Lena noticed it quickly. "Are you ok?" She asked. "Yea...just thinking..." Kara replied. "About what? If you don't mind me asking. I'm just nosey." Sam added causing Kara to chuckle. "I don't mind any questions. Two weeks  after the cast of NCIS left us I was on a trip in an armored vehicle...when it hit an IED...after saving everyone else I got out of the vehicle. I had a feeling it was on the passenger side anyway so I ushered everyone out the drivers side. When I got out I was thrown back twenty feet. Lost my leg here because of it." Kara explained. Lena put her hand on Kara's back drawing circles on it while Sam had tears in her eyes.

"It's ok...really...It's all healed up and ready for action. But it does give me a good excuse not to dance with anyone!" Kara replied chuckling. "You don't dance?" Sam asked. "Nope. It'd take a lot of one kind of liquor to get me to dance." Kara replied. "What kind of alcohol?" Lena asked. "Ha! Nice try! I'm not saying because I'm not dancing!" Kara replied. "I'll ask Alex!" Lena retorted. "Go ahead...I know my way back to her apartment." Kara shot back. "So you really won't even dance with me?" Sam asked. "Or me?" Lena asked. Before Kara could respond her phone went off revealing Alex was video chatting her.

"Ugh!" Kara groaned as she answered it. "Hey Alex!" Kara greeted. "Whatcha doing sis?" Alex asked. "Sitting having lunch Al...what is you need?" Kara asked. "Who with?" Alex asked. Kara rolled her eyes at her sister. "Lena." Kara replied. "Oh? That's nice!" Alex replied. "Me too! I'm here!" Sam announced. "Who's that?" Alex asked. "Sam." Kara replied. "Hi Sam! I'm the older and much more fun sister Alex!" Alex stated. "She's not really that fun...she used to pee her bed if we watched a slasher movie before bed!" Kara exclaimed. "Hey! It was one fucking time! I'm just calling you to remind you that I'll meet you at Al's at six." Alex stated. "Ok bye Al!" Kara replied. "Nooo! Don't hang up yet..I..wanna..." Alex was cut off by Kara hanging up the call.

Shoving her phone in her pocket she returned to eating. "That was kind of rude." Lena stated. "Oh well...what's she gonna do kick me out of her place?" Kara asked shrugging her shoulders. "She could! You don't know! But if she does...you can come stay with me! I have a spare room..." Sam half groaned. Lena glared at her as Kara obliviously took a sip of her drink. "No thanks...I've made an appointment to see some apartments Saturday afternoon. I have a rule about living with people." Kara replied.

"Oh? Whats the rule?" Sam asked. Lena shook her head at her friend. "You're very curious...are you sure you're not some type of detective?" Kara asked. "No...I'm not.." Sam replied looking away. Kara began chuckling. "The rule is no living together unless I've been dating the person for at least six months...and they gotta meet the criteria." Kara replied softly. "Criteria? Kara Danvers..you have a criteria for woman you date?" Lena asked. 'Fuck! Double fuck fuck!" Kara thought to herself. "Yes...after Madison's actions...Alex and I made a list of what I need and want in a potential life partner." Kara replied avoiding eye contact.

"Madison?" Sam asked. "She was..my girlfriend when I was in the Marines. When I woke up in the hospital she came to visit me and well instead of me purposing she ending things very harshly by saying I am a broken and unlovable woman. So basically I went through therapy sessions for my leg and my mind for months till I was healed physically and emotionally. Now I don't date. I make friends and thats it." Kara stated. "That's sad. Do you think you'll ever date someone again?" Sam asked. Kara remained quiet for a moment before responding.

"I've actually set a goal with Alex that I'd give myself six months to settle in National City again before I let Alex set me up. She's got an ever growing list of women for me to date...it's really annoying. However it was apart of my agreement when I came here." Kara replied as she gathered up the garbage oblivious to the shared looks that Lena and Sam were sharing behind her. "So six months? That's not long at all. And where is this list?" Sam asked. "Uh....which list?" Kara asked.

"The criteria list! I want to see it!" Lena stated. Kara looked at her. "Uh...it's in my office..." Kara replied. "And the list of women?" Lena pressed. "Again my copy is in the office." Kara added. "Can I see them?" Lena asked. "Why?" Kara asked. "Cause I'm curious Kara that's why! Now let's go to your office and see these lists!" Lena exclaimed happily. Kara groaned and went to stand up not knowing that her sock was loose. Her prosthetic leg fell causing her to fall backwards. Lena quickly stood up and grabbed her easing her down to the sofa again. "You ok?" Lena asked concern filled her voice.

"Yea. Just be a second." Kara replied. She pulled her jeans up and adjusted her socks revealing her toned calf muscles. Both woman's mouth were open at the sight. Kara got the socks back in place and stuck her stump in the hole before putting her pant leg down. "All set!" Kara stated pulling the woman from their dirty thoughts.

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