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The ride to the bar was a short one everyone was chattering in the jeep as Kara drove to Al's. "Soo...how did you find this bar?" Lena asked. "Alex and I found it in college. We used to come here after finals every year. It was our own way to celebrate." Kara replied. "What's Alex like?" Sam asked. "She's just like any older sister. Overprotective, annoying, likes to try and intimidate any woman I bring around. In high school she'd scare off any girlfriends within the first two minutes of meeting them." Kara explained. "Hopefully she won't scare off the next one." Lena added. "If there is one to scare off." Kara replied.

"Stop! Stop being such a downer! Tonight no more self downing talk! Ok Kara!" Sam demanded. "Geeze Sam...chill...why don't you!" Lena groaned. "Sorry! Sorry! I hope we can still be friends after this!" Sam exclaimed. "Yea..sure! Whatever floats your boat Sam..." Kara replied. "Is she always like this Lena?" Kara asked. "Most of the time..but once she gets to know you, she'll calm down." Lena replied with a smile.

Kara parked her jeep next to Alex's truck and everyone got out. "Alex! Nice to see you again! This is my friend Samantha Arias. Sam, this is Kara's sister Alex." Lena explained. The woman shook hands before walking in to the bar. Kara already grabbed a table for them and had ordered the first rounds of beers. "I thought newbies paid for the first round?" Lena asked. "Normally they do..but you can get the next round if you like." Kara replied as the dark haired woman sat beside her. "Bet you ten bucks that my sister hooks up with Sam tonight." Kara whispered to Lena. "You're on Danvers!" Lena replied.

Kara ordered a few appetizers of wings, chips and dip, and jalapeño poppers. "Eat up Lee. It's the only way we won't wind up under the table. Alex has a high tolerance for alcohol." Kara whispered. Lena chuckled at the blonde as she took a wing and popped into her mouth. Kara would be lying if she wasn't impressed by Lena's eating abilities. It's what she most liked in a partner. Someone who wasn't afraid to eat whatever whenever and not care about calories, or carbs.

Three beers deeps and several appetizers in Kara was feeling pretty well. "Come on! Dance with me Kara!" Lena whined. She'd been begging the blonde for the last two songs, and Kara turned her down each time. "Oh go on Kara! Dance with the woman already! Show off those Marine Corps Ball moves!" Alex exclaimed. "Marine Corps Ball? So you do dance!" Lena exclaimed happily. "Ugh..I hate all of you! And if I see one phone out I'll kick the persons ass! Come on Lena...you win!" Kara sighed as she got up from her chair just as a song began playing.

Alex and Sam watched as Kara and Lena danced to the music. Even with her prosthetic leg Kara still had the moves. "You need to set those two up. They're perfect for each other." Sam whispered to Alex. "Ya think?" Alex asked. "Most definitely!" Sam replied as they saw Kara spin Lena out before pulling her back in close to her as they continued dancing. "You're a great dancer Miss Danvers!" Lena whispered in the blondes ear. "Thanks...I had lots of practice with my squad members. There are still videos on youtube if you look hard enough for them." Kara replied.

"Wanna dance Sam?" Alex asked as another song began playing. "Sure what the hell!" Sam replied with a smile. Kara and Lena continued dancing to the songs that played completely unaware that the other two at the table joined them or that they were being watched. Over in the corner sat a very angry looking Madison and her fiancé Lucy Lane. "Can you believe it? She's out here with her boss! Your boss!" Madison groaned. "Sounds like you're jealous Madison. I honestly don't see what's wrong with her. She looks fine to me." Lucy stated. "She's missing a leg!" Madison groaned. "So she has a prosthetic. She's not broken!" Lucy deadpanned.

"I don't know how you do it." Kara whispered. "Do what Kara?" Lena asked. "Get me to dance, get me to let you into my bubble. How did you do it?" Kara asked as she twirled her around. "Simple. I know what it's like to be called broken and unlovable. My adoptive mother said that to me when I came out as a lesbian in my senior year of college." Lena replied softly. "Gosh...I'm sorry you had to go through that Lee." Kara whispered as they swayed to the music. "It's ok. I got over it when she died. I know it sounds morbid but it's true." Lena replied with a smile.

"Do you have any other family?" Kara asked. "Nope. Well unless you consider Sam family. She's my only friend besides you and now Alex here." Lena replied. Green eyes met blue as the song came turned slow. Lena's body was pressed close against Kara's as the music played. "You have really beautiful eyes Kara. They're like two blue pools of water." Lena whispered. The words sent shivers down her spine. "You have beautiful eyes too Lee. I'm crap at descriptions but they remind me of this blanket I got off a local woman in Iraq. She made them by hand and gave me one as thanks for saving her son. He had gotten shot, through and through. I just bandaged it up and got him and her to the local hospital. The next day she came to base and gave me the blanket." Kara replied.

"That's the nicest thing anyone has ever told me about my eyes. I've heard the most basic lines like they look like emeralds or something. But hearing you tell me that they remind me of something that means so much to you...that's really nice. You're really sweet Kara Danvers." Lena whispered. "Thank you Lee." Kara replied. "You're welcome...now tell me what is the real reason you don't want to get into a relationship with someone?" Lena asked. Kara met Lena's eyes and stared into them for a long moment before answering. "Truth?" Kara asked. "Yes." Lena replied. "Truth is I don't want to get hurt again." Kara replied. "I can understand that. That's the reason I don't date much either." Lena replied.

They continued dancing for a few more songs before they decided to take a seat and order some more drinks and more food. "This is the most fun I've had in a long time!" Lena said as she ordered two more beers and four more appetizers. "I'm glad you're having fun Lee! And this is the first time I've had real fun since I got injured." Kara replied with a smile. Lena looked around the bar looking for a sign of Sam or Alex. "They're gone! They've been gone since the fifth dance." Kara stated. "Of course you'd know.." Lena replied as Kara looked at her phone. "Fuck! They're at Alex's place! Looks like I'm gonna sleep in a hotel." Kara groaned. "You can stay over at my place." Lena replied. "I'd still have to sneak in and grab clothes and my wicked awesome wheelchair." Kara replied. "That shouldn't be a problem Kar." Lena replied.

After the beers and appetizers were gone Lena quickly paid the tab and walked out with Kara. The drive back to Alex's apartment was short. And they were nothing but quiet as they tiptoed through the place getting to where Kara slept. "I'll grab the clothes. You get the chair." Kara whispered. Lena nodded and followed her out again.

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