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"Do you...ever think about..." Lena trailed off. "Think about if I didn't get hurt? Got married to Madison? Had kids?" Kara asked. "Yea..." Lena replied. "At first I did. After waking up to see that I was missing a limb...that's the first thing I thought of. But now...looking back at everything I gained after losing the leg, the girlfriend...I wouldn't have met you or Sam, or gotten this amazing condo." Kara replied. "Sooo you don't want all that?" Lena asked. "Don't want what? A family? Marriage?" Kara replied. "Do you not? Want it I mean?" Lena asked. "If I meet the right person, then maybe. If not I'm ok being on my own. What about you Lena?" Kara asked. "Me? I never gave it much thought actually. I guess I'd like to have a couple kids. But only with the right person it would be great." Lena replied.

The washer dinged and Kara left to get the clothes into the dryer leaving Lena in the living room. Lena continued looking at the different pictures on the wall stopping when she came to a picture Kara and some other women in uniform showing off their tattoos. 'Hmm? Wonder what other tattoos she has..' Lena thought to herself. Ah the tattoo pictures..yea I have a few.." Kara replied. "Where?" Lena asked. Kara laughed as she pulled up her shirt and took off a skin colored patch off her shoulders and back. "There. I keep it covered up in case people don't like them. This one on my left shoulder is for my dad. The one in the middle is for my friends I made in the Marines, and the one on my right shoulder is one I got most recent. It's to remember my time in the Marines." Kara explained as she pulled her shirt down.

She bent over and removed the patch off her stump and her right leg revealing some more tattoos. Then she removed her shirt and with it the cover on her abs. "That's all of them. Do you have any Lena?" Kara asked. "No...did they hurt?" Lena asked. "No...it's like getting a bee sting. Alex has some too." Kara replied as she put her shirt back on. "Do you have plans for today?" Lena asked. "I was gonna go into the last spare room and use my gym...but I can hang out with you if you'd like." Kara replied. "Oh...don't let me keep you..." Lena replied. "Wanna join me? I can wait till you go get into some exercise clothes...I'll take it slow.." Kara replied.

Lena thought for a moment before agreeing to work out with Kara. 'What harm could it hurt...right...just two friends working out together..' Lena told herself as she got some exercise clothes and some clothes to change into afterwords. She quickly returned to Kara's place and they headed to the spare room with the gym equipment. "You use all this?" Lena asked. "Yes. I told you I work out religiously. Come on, let's go for a run." Kara stated as she put on what appeared to be a weighted vest of sorts. "How much does that even weigh? Lena asked. "Eighty pounds give or take. I used to run with this all the time. It helps keep my back muscles tight and toned." Kara replied.

"Oh...almost forgot." Kara added as she took off the vest putting it on the floor and peeling off her tshirt. Lena's mouth immediately went dry as she watched Karas back muscles ripple as she put the vest on again. "Come on Lee...let's see what ya got. We'll start off slow with a short jog ok?" Kara asked. Lena nodded as they got onto the treadmills. Lena began jogging with Kara and was already sweating a bunch compared to Kara who was barely sweating at all. "You ok Lee? Do we need to stop?" Kara asked. Lena wanted to impress Kara so she shook her head no and continued.

They continued running for a few more minutes before Lena had to stop. "It's ok Lee...here sit I'll get you a water." Kara said as she hurried off to her kitchen. Grabbing two waters she ran back to gym. Sitting down beside Lena she handed her a water. "Drink slowly Lee." Kara cooed. "My legs...are sore...." Lena groaned as she lay back. "Ah...would you like me to give you a rub down?" Kara asked. Lena snapped up hearing that question fall from the blondes lips. "Not like that weirdo! I used to do it all the time in basic. Us girls would get together and rub each other down after long runs. So Lena? Would you like me to rub you down or not?" Kara asked.

"Uh...will I be able to walk in the morning?" Lena asked. "Yes..you'll be able to walk in the morning. I mean...I can make it possible for you to walk funny but...I'm not sure you could handle it...and you'd have to at least take me to dinner first.." Kara replied with a smirk. The smirk caused Lena to blush. "Lay back down and relax ok?" Kara added. Lena nodded and lay back on the floor. Kara took off Lena's sneakers and socks and began massaging her feet with her hands slowly.

'Oh my god! Her hands! There pure magic! Don't moan..don't moan...don't moan...' Lena told herself. "You ok?" Kara asked.  "Yep." Lena replied. "Your leg muscles are really tight. You need to stretch more. Maybe yoga or something" Kara stated. "Do you do yoga?" Lena asked. "Sometimes. It helps with my muscles after exercising for a long time. We can do it together if you like...get Alex and Sam to do it too." Kara added. "Uh..that would be ok...let me guess you have yoga mats here too?" Lena asked. "Yes, over in the corner." Kara replied.

Kara continued rubbing Lena's legs and feet for a little while longer before checking to see if Lena was ok. "Thank you..Kara.." Lena stated as they sat on the sofa. "You're welcome Lee...I'll be right back..that's the dryer." Kara stated as she ran off to get the clothes. Lena had to hold her legs together due to the heat that was pooling in her core. "Here's your things Lee." Kara said as she put a bag on the coffee table. "Thanks." Lena replied. "So now what would you like to do?" Kara asked. "How about we just sit and talk. Learn more about each other." Lena suggested. "Sure.. what would you like to know?" Kara asked.

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