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A few hours later Randy and his sons had unloaded all of Kara's furniture while Kara and Lena were out looking for beds. Lena laughed at Kara as she lay on yet another bed and tested it out. "What?" Kara asked looking up her. "You.. you look ridiculous trying out beds!" Lena replied. "I do not! And besides...I need a nice bed for when I start dating again..can't have an uncomfortable bed making some woman limp...thats my job." Kara replied with a smirk. Lena turned away and blushed at the blondes words. "Ah did I make the tough CEO blush? Don't be ashamed Lee...us amputees are hell cats in bed." Kara replied with a smile. That didn't help Lena's blush or the instant heat that flooded her body.

A few beds later Kara had picked out a bed for the master bedroom, and the other rooms as well. "Ready to go back and set everything up? I ordered bedding and stuff a week ago, so Alex will be bringing it over." Kara replied as they headed out of the shop. Lena nodded afraid to speak in case she let a moan escape her lips. The ride back to the condo was short and the women headed up to Kara's place. As they walked in the door they were greeted by Eliza standing there. "Mom?" Kara asked surprise in her voice. "Hey honey! Oh? Who is this?" Eliza asked. "Oh..this is Lena Luthor...by boss and uh friend. Lena this is Alex's and my mom Eliza Danvers." Kara said as the woman shook hands.

"Beds will be her in a few minutes. Where's the food? Im starving!" Kara exclaimed as she hugged Alex and Sam. "Foods on its way. We got the furniture set up with Randy and his sons. So thats all done, so let's relax and have some drinks and eat the food that'll be here." Alex replied. "I agree with Al. Your mom's nice by the way...and she seems to like Lena too..." Sam hinted wagging her eyebrows. Kara rolled her eyes and scoffed just as the food arrived. "Mom come sit! The sheets can wait!" Kara groaned as she sat on the sofa. "You girls sit. I've just gotten here, so let me do this." Eliza replied. Kara shook her head and opened a beer before grabbing some pizza.

"You need pictures hung up...it looks bland." Sam said looking around the room. "They're in one of the spare rooms. I'll hang them up tomorrow." Kara replied. "You know...I recognize this place...it's Lena's building too! Oh my god! You moved in here! Your neighbors! What the hell is the rent here?" Sam asked. "Rent...I bought it....oh god! You're not gonna give me hell too? Lena already did..and hit me..." Kara replied. "No! I'm not..." Sam replied as she moved from her seat beside Alex to sit on Kara's lap. "Sorry Al...but I've decided to leave you for your little sister! Since Lena here is too oblivious to do so! I live here now with you Kara!" Sam teased. "Ha ha! Nope! You're my sister's problem now...and Lena...well she's abusive so thats a no...I don't want to go into work with bruises on my arms all the time." Kara teased.

Lena rolled her eyes at the blonde even though deep down she'd love to wake up next to her every day for the rest of her life. "There! That's done! And Kara those beds are comfortable! Your's is all made up and ready for you. Now point me to the beer and save me some Hawaiian pizza!" Eliza stated. The woman hadn't even noticed that Karas bed had arrived or that the women delivering it were eying the blonde. They were too busy making jokes with one another. When Eliza came back she sat next to Sam and Alex and ate her pizza.

"So? Lena, how's L Corp doing? I've been reading the recent articles." Eliza replied. "It's doing really well. I'm surprised Kara hasn't told you about it. On her first day she found several holes in my cybersecurity and even made code and a private back door to everything. She's a real genius!" Lena stated. "That's not all she is! She's one hell of a dancer too! Here! I have the video from the bar of her and Lena dancing together!" Sam exclaimed as she held the phone out for the older woman to watch. Eliza smiled as she watched them dance together. She could easily see the chemistry and the sparks between the two women. It would only be a matter of time before they were dating.

After a while the pizza was gone and everyone was feeling the beers and other alcoholic beverages they drank. Eliza was the first one to go to bed. Shortly followed by Alex and Sam...both women taking the other spare rooms to themselves. "You may as well stay here tonight too. You can bunk with me." Kara replied as she stood up extending her hand to Lena who took it and followed her to the master bedroom. Red sheets dawned the bed with batterie operated candles sat on the dresser. Lena took a moment to look around the room, this was the only room where some pictures were hanging up. Kara handed Lena some pajamas as she went to the bathroom to change while Kara changed in the bedroom.

Kara was in the midst of putting on her shirt when Lena emerged. She stumbled back at the sight of Kara's muscles again... 'Lord this woman was gonna be the death of me!' Lena thought to herself. Kara turned in the bed to take off the prosthetic leg and set it by the bedside table. "Want some help?" Lena asked. "No!" Snapped Kara. "Sorry...it's just...well when people generally ask me if they can help they always make a joke of it...I'm sorry I snapped, I shouldn't have." Kara replied. "It's ok Kara really. Just know that if you ever want help with anything I'm here for you." Lena replied.

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