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Lena and Kara visit two more apartments before going to lunch together where they discuss the pros and cons of every apartment. "I think I like the second one best. Something about the place seems familiar to me...I can't put my finger on it though." Kara said as she ate her potstickers. "Hmmm? I liked it too. And you're right it did seem feel familiar." Lena added. Kara looked over her notes as she ate and thought of what one she liked best. "So? What do you not like about the last one?" Lena asked watching the blonde cross it off the list. "It was too far away from the dog park, and that 'outdoor space' was horrible. I think I've made my decision! I'm gonna go with the second one." Kara stated. "Wonderful! That's an excellent choice!" Lena replied. "Thanks...I'm gonna call the realtor right quick." Kara said as she excused herself from the table.

Lena watched as Kara made the phone call to the realtor with a smile on her face. "Your girlfriend is really beautiful." The waitress said as he collected their empty plates. "Oh..we're just friends." Lena replied. "So she's available?" The  asked. "If you want to ask her out  go ahead buddy! And while you're at it bring us another round of potstickers and some more drinks." Lena replied. Kara finished her call and returned. "Hey, you ok?" Kara asked looking at Lena. "Oh yes! I'm ok. Everything go well with the realtor?" Lena asked. "Yes! I go pick up the keys and parking garage pass later." Kare replied as their second round of food appeared. "Did you order more?" Kara asked. "Yep! It's a celebration after all!" Lena replied.

The sound of someone clearing their throats caused Kara to lookup at the waitress. "Yes?" Kara asked looking at her. "Would you...like to go out sometime?" The waitress asked. Kara looked at her for a moment before speaking. "No!" Kara replied. "What why?" The waitress asked. "Not my type!" Kara replied. "But I could be!" The waitress stated. Kara looked her up and down slowly. "Nope! Your no older then what eighteen? You're working through college so you can become what a life coach? Or something? You have not really worked a day in your life, and your parents said either work during college or they'd cut you off... In high school you were head cheerleader and prom queen...and stop me if I'm wrong but your only interested in me because you've watched way too many soldier movies and you think 'you love a woman in uniform.' Am I right?" Kara asked.

The waitress nodded slowly. "See not my type. I need someone who's gonna challenge me mentally and physically...not a college woo girl. Go on...find someone at your college...don't worry I'll tip you good for being so cheerful." Kara added shoeing her away. Lena looked at Kara in shock. "What?" Kara asked. "That was the nicest harsh way to put someone down I've ever heard! That was simply amazing!" Lena replied. "Well I wanted to let her down gently...I suppose....it happens..." Kara replied as she dug into her potstickers. "So what is your type?" Lena asked. "Like I said...someone who can challenge me mentally and physically." Kara replied. Lena wanted to ask more but decided against it and instead continued talking about random things.

"So will you need help putting up the furniture?" Lena asked. "Yea if you want...only thing that I'll be getting new is a bed..."Kara replied with a smile. "Well whenever you want help just say so, and I'll wrangle Sam to help too." Lena replied. "I'll keep that in mind. Are you ready? I'd like to get everything headed this way so I can go buy a bed." Kara asked as she looked at their empty plates. "Yes! I'm all set." Lena replied as Kara snapped a twenty dollar bill down on the table and followed Lena to the jeep.

Kara took a moment and removed the canvas top before climbing in the drivers seat. "Here. You'll need this to keep your hair tamed down." Kara said passing Len a cap. "Thanks..." Lena replied taking it. "It's new..ish.. I received it when I returned to the Marines." Kara replied with a half smile. "Oh ok..." Lena replied as she put the hat on her head and smiled. "Looks good on you Lee." Kara added as they headed back to the building.

They pulled into the parking garage and then it hit her. "Holy shit!" Kara exclaimed. "This is my building!" Lena exclaimed. "We're neighbors!" Kara added as they parked next to the realtor. "Here is your parking pass and your keys! The water and electricity is already on. Only thing is you'll be sharing a private elevator with the resident on the top floor." The realtor said. "I don't think that'll be an issue!" Kara replied looking at Lena. "Ok! Well I'm off! Thank you for doing business with us! Enjoy your new condo. Miss Danvers." The woman said as she left them alone. "Condo? I thought that was just a regular apartment...Kara Danvers..what did you do?" Lena asked as they headed to the elevator. "Bought a condo...I already looked at it..it's got more rooms then I let on...there's four exactly...I just didn't let on." Kara replied.

"You sneaky pain in the ass! Come on neighbor! I hope now that I've offered to help set up the place there's food involved! And more breakfast on the go!" Lena jibed. Kara laughed at her. "Yes! There will be food and more on the go breakfast food for you. Now come on...I need to call my mother and let her know she can tell Randy to bring my stuff here." Kara replied. "Randy? Old boyfriend?" Lena asked teasingly as they go onto the elevator. "Oh god no! He was my old basketball coach. He owns a furniture moving business now and offered to move my crap for free." Kara replied with a smile.

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