chapter 3

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Stephanie - 28
Sebastian - 30

      My tears dried but my heart still feels shallow . I pick up my phone to call my sister but my fingers stop , I place the device down and walk into the shower. Pulling my office wear off my head , stepping out of my panties and unhooking my bra I step under the warm water . Drenching my body and hair I look at the walls of my bathroom numb.

      It happened, it happened , the only think I wished I never saw. The only promise I wish was never broken. Him with another woman, a woman who is not me. He is still so handsome, so charming , still the only guy that makes my heart skip. But I gotta move on . It's time. My eyes shred tears for the last as I remember the night that has me broken for the last 8 years.


      Stephanie -20
      Sebastian -22


   "Baby" I cooed hugging him from the back . My fingers wrapping around his waist feeling his abs through the fabric of his shirt. I feel him smiling and letting out a tired sigh , throwing his head back he pulls me in front of him and kisses me softly . I giggle at his actions and look at his eyes lovingly.

     " You know what? It's been 2 years since we have been together " I say smiling at him . We were never official, he's a distinct family relative of mine and as an Italian it's not alien to marry a distinct family member. We both had eyes for each other and our actions and any public gathering made it very evident. Glancing at each other from long distances and blushing that's how we fell for each other gradually. We just knew we were in love so none of us ever proposed and just assumed of being monogamous. In conclusion we never had an anniversary date.

    " Is that?" He asks smiling back at me ,pushing his fingers into my hair grabbing hold of my clip before letting my hair fall free.

    " Do u not remember? "
     " I still can't piece the time we've had together, it just isn't enough".

His eyes sadden , his tongue poking
the inside of his cheek looking onto the floor. I figure out something isn't right . I try to push my face into the frame of his eyes before I can ask him what's wrong his eyes meet mine ad he voices out.
      " There's something I've been wanting to say". Judging from the expression of his face I know shit is not in place . He's not gonna say something pleasy .

     " That is?"

    " I don't know how to frame it. You know Stephanie you come from an extremely privileged background where you are provided with each thing you name. My family has a wine making business, it's not sufficient for us to make our ends meet . I think I'm not suitable or qualified for your love."

    " No ..... No what are u even talking about? Sebastian I love you"

   " I fucking love you more ,my doll. And I'm not saying we must break up or separate, love. Listen just give me a few years that I can mould my career into something where I don't need to look at the price tags before buying you anything "

  " I want you , please we can stay by each other's side and still focus on our careers"

  " My attention drops all on you honey. I wanna be that man that can give you the world where we rule together. I can't see you in the conditions my mom had to go through."

    "Sebastian, baby I...." My mind stops functioning I don't know what to speak . My body starts to sweat and shiver.

    " Please baby , this is all I'm asking for you know I've never asked you for anything. I myself don't wanna live where I cannot provide my family" he looks deep in my eyes. He has suffered all his childhood. He has been working in the grocery shops of Sicily since he was 15 to support his family. He deserves the world. I can't hold him back


Stephanie -28
Sebastian -30


After that night we cut all sources of contacts with each other ,but I still was fortunate enough to catch glances of him at family events. Two years after I moved to New York and haven't seen him since. No picture, no contact, no nothing. He promised me that he would come back within 5 years and officially make me his. 8 years past and there is no word from him, he has seemed to left me behind in the chapters of his life where I stopped writing my fate for him. I was naive enough to believe I'd have him back in my arms.

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