Chapter 13: His Pale Eyes

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I didn't expect to see Zwei come to the Vergrumble's residence. Then again, everything that enters and leaves the Sigma resident goes through to him. However, the Vergrumble House looks down on the current Monarch for crowning the former enemy of the Nova Kingdom as their Queen. While a few of the citizens of the Nova Kingdom disapprove of Alice as their Queen, the majority of them love her. She was their savior along with the current king, Reinhart, who drove out the tyrant. Overruled by the majority, they could only spread gossip and rumors about the Monarch. Their last act of disapproval, unlike the Spheral House who are actively looking for ways to overthrow them.

When I saw Zwei enter the ballroom and toss Maria to the side, I was concerned for him. It wasn't that long ago since I last made connect, and even then it was only a brush touch against his hand. Colors had returned to his eyes, however, after that small action of displaying his power, his eyes had turned dull again. If what Rebecca told me was true, I want to go to his side this very minute and guide him. 

But he'll never let someone from the Spheral House touch him...

"Duchess Sigma," Rebecca called out to me, "Are you alright?"

I smiled at her, "I'm alright. What about you, Rebecca?"

"It's just a small scratch," Rebecca quickly hid the scratches on her elbow.

I took out a handkerchief and placed it in her hand, "Even if it's a small scratch you still take care of it."

Before I could say anything more to her, one of Zwei's knights came up to me. He gave me a bow and asked if he could escort me back. Zwei may not be big on public image, but his knights who cared about him dearly knew what to do. Not just the knights, but even the maids, butlers garden, kitchen staff, and other staff members.

"Um... Duchess Sigma, would it be alright if I come to visit sometime?" Rebecca asked.

Funnily, I was going to invite her over as well, "Of course. I'll be waiting for your visit."

Rebecca smiles at me happily while bidding me farewell. As I headed outside with the knight, I couldn't stop thinking about Zwei. We reached the carriage I took to get here. The knight opened the door for me, but I didn't take his hand as a support to head into the carriage. Instead, I just stood there still thinking about Zwei.

"Is my lord heading back as well?" I asked the guard.

The knight nods in response, "Is something the matter my lady?"

"Take me to where my lord is."

The knight was somewhat puzzled by the request but didn't refuse me. He led me to where Zwei had stationed his horse alongside the other knights that came with him. I took in a deep breath before approaching Zwei.

"My lord, may I have a moment please?"

The moonlight luminated Zwei's pale dull yellow eyes. If I didn't know he was an Esper, I would have assumed these were his eye color. Even though dull, they were still breathtaking.

"Are you in need of assistance?" Zwei said with a cold tone.

He was already setting a wall between us. If I wasn't careful with my next few words, Zwei could end my life right here. Not just because I am the daughter of the Spheral House, but also because he was close to losing his reasoning. I'm assuming he was taking those drugs that dull his pain, that's the only explanation as to how he was holding out for so long without a Guide.

"No," I step closer to him as I assert myself.

My voice was steady despite the tension rising, "I simply wish to speak to you."

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