Episode 12: No Peace

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2 months later,
Mustafa is with some of the foreign ambassadors and merchants so he held a feast for them tonight.

Guy: Thank you, Sultan Mustafa for inviting us for the feast.

Mustafa: Enjoy the feast. And also I would take this chance to discuss the plans I have for the navy. This will also benefit the merchants a lot.

Guy: We are ready to hear about your plan.

Mustafa discusses with the foreign ambassadors.

Merchants: We loved your idea Sultan. But we need futher discussion amongst ourselves. We will let you know soon.

Mustafa: Okay, take your time.

Ambassador: Sultan, it was an honour to eat with you. I have brought a gift for you.

A beautiful lady comes there dressed up. She starts her dance performances.

The ambassador and merchants enjoy her performances. Mustafa also enjoys her dance.
She is done.

Ambassador: How was the dance?

Mustafa: It was good.

Ambassador: This is a gift from me. Her name is Maria. She is yours now.

Mustafa looks at Maria.

At night,
Mustafa comes to Nurat's room and see Nurat looking at the window sadly.

Mustafa: Nurat...

Nurat: Her name is Maria, right?

Mustafa: I can explain.

Nurat: It's okay. I know you need more concubines for dynasty sake.

Mustafa: Nurat... You are the only one who I love. About Maria, I rejected her. I told the ambassador to take her back.

Nurat: (relieved) Really!

Mustafa: You really think I will spend time with another concubine when I have you!

Mustafa kisses Nurat on the lips.

Nurat: Mustafa, there is something I want to tell you...

Mustafa: What is it Nurat?

Nurat: (holding his hands) Remember few years ago, when you found me during your hunting trip. I was pregnant with Aysun and Ahmet that time.

Mustafa: Those days... I don't know how I spend those 6 months in your absence. When I saw you alive, I was relieved but I had a lot of questions.

Nurat: You know, I felt guilty that I hid about my pregnancy from you. Because I had no option back then. But...

Nurat takes Mustafa's hand and makes him carasses her stomach.

Nurat: I am glad this time I am able to tell you. I am pregnant.

Mustafa: Nurat?! Really? I am becoming a father again!

Nurat nods.

Mustafa hugs her happily and kisses on her forehead.

Next day,
Mustafa is getting ready to attend the council.

Halime: Mustafa, I heard from Menekse you rejected the gift the ambasssor brought! Why? You didn't like her?

Mustafa: It's not that! I don't want any concubines!

Halime: You are the Sultan now! You need to have more children so the line continues from your children. So you have to start keeping concubines instead. Only your wife is not enough!

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