Episode 7: Hope

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6 months later,

Cennet is making all the concubines do the work and helping them.

Cennet: Make sure everything is ready! Kosem Sultan will be reaching soon. She will be returning from Sehzade Mehmet's sanjak.

Meleksima: Cennet, will Sultan Osman summon me tonight?

Cennet: He summons you only, and you are still worried!

Concubine 1: Nowadays the Sultans here likes to have only one concubine. Last time Sehzade Mustafa and now Sultan Osman.

Concubine 2: What's the point of having so many concubines in the harem then?!

Concubine 1: Sehzade Mustafa used to be so smitten by that girl, Nurat Hatun. She got executed unfortunately.

Meleksima: Why are we talking about this?!

Concubine 2: Meleksima don't you have anything to say, she tried to kill your Sultan despite being your friend?!

Just then,
Voice: Dastuk, Sehzade Mustafa is present!

Sehzade Mustafa walks in. In these 6 months his apperance changed. Instead of curly hairs his hair is better combed now, and he has a slight beard too. He looks much more mature now.

 He looks much more mature now

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Mustafa: Listen carefully. None of you should mention Nurat Hatun's name. If the Sultan hears this, he won't like it.

Mustafa goes away from there.

Cennet: In these 6 months, Sehzade Mustafa have changed so much.

Concubine 1: Wasn't he mentally unstable? How did he recover?!

Cennet: After Nurat Hatun's death he was taken to Bursa for treatment. It looks like the treatment did wonders for him. Sehzade Mustafa recovered and he became just like other Sehzades, focused on his trainings. His mind recovered unfortunately the wound he got in his heart doesn't have a cure.

Mustafa is in his room.
He takes the scarf of Nurat and looks at it.

He recalls their moments. How he first met her and when she fell asleep and later left her scarf. Their moments at the garden, their kisses under the snow and how many nights they spend together.

Mustafa: (in his mind) Nurat, I know you are alive somewhere. I try to find you, everyday but I never find you. I have a feeling you are out there somewhere. Why did you leave me?! You promised me, you will never leave me.

Remote Place,
Meanwhile somewhere in Turkey, there is a house that is hidden among the bushes in the jungle, in a remote place.

A young lady is humming as she is doing embrodiery of flowers. She is smiling and her eyes are familiar.

An old lady walks to her with a glass of milk

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