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The shows after argentina went great, it wasn't as hot so everyone was okay. The stadiums still allowed water, per taylor's request, she was still getting over the whole fan dying incident. I went to all the shows, the russo brothers said i could take a month, so i did. Taylor had a long break until the next chuck of shows, so we flew back to new york and i headed back to filming. It has been so much fun, i never imagined i would become an actor but here we are. I'm enjoying filming with scarlett, we don't always spent lots of time together so i've enjoyed the time we've spent together. Right now im filing a scene where my character jumps off a building and then to another building to escape the villain. My character, the white widow, is the sister of the black widow. She helps take down the red room with natasha, I've had to go through lots of training to be able to fight like scarlett. It's been an interesting experience, but i still have a stunt double for the tricks i can't do.

Currently, i'm strapped into a harness that will bring me into the air, it's suppose to help with the CGI and make it more realistic. Someone from the set helped me into the harness, then pulled me into the air. I looked down and I realized i was very high up, i am not the best with heights. I look down at scarlett and we lock eyes, she mouths "you'll be fine" to me and we start to film the scene. Honestly, it's been really cool to see behind the scenes of the crazy movies they make. I've obviously seen all the movies scarlett has been in , so it still blows my mind to see how its made. As we are filing the scene, I start to feel the harness getting loose. I ignored it and just kept filming, i couldn't be the reason why they had to redo the whole scene. Somehow the entire harness came loose and i felt my self falling to the ground, very quickly.
"oh shit"
i heard from someone say from beneath me. Someone tried to stop the harness from falling all the way to the front but they failed.
The next thing i remember is me on the ground and everything hurting, "cam are you okay"
i heard scarlett say next to me
"fuck no, i just fell. everything hurts"

"someone called 911, they are gonna bring you to the hospital"

"i'm so tired" i say as my eyes start to shut

"hey, no, stay awake"
i heard what scarlett said but i was so tired so i just shut my eyes.


Taylor's POV:

I was sitting in the studio with jack, writing some new songs. They were about cam, things were going really good with us. she makes me really happy, happier that trav ever made me. I'm really glad we are dating, she's my best friend and girlfriend all in one,

"does cam know you are writing songs about her?" jack said, before i could answer my phone rang, it was cami.
I smiled and showed jack the phone, he nodded saying that i could answer the phone.

"hi cami!!" i say excitedly into the phone

"hey it's scarlett, i just wanted to tell you that there's been a incident at work. cam fell from a harness and now she's unconscious, they are loading her into the hospital now."
as soon as she said that i felt my heart drop into my stomach, she's unconscious?? shit i need to go. I felt my mouth start to go dry and i managed to get a response out, "is she okay?"

"she should be fine, they don't know anything yet"

"thank you scarlett, i'll be right there"
i said before hanging up, i felt the tears start to fall down my face. I walked back to the room where jack was to grab my stuff,
"taylor you're gonna love thi-
woah, are you okay?"

"um" i started, but the tears kept streaming down my face

"cami is going to the hospital, she's unconscious. i have to go, i'm sorry"
I didn't really wait for a response before I gathered all of my stuff and told my driver to drive extra fast today

When i arrived at the hospital, I saw scarlett pacing back and forth. She saw me from the side of her eye and rushed over to me and pulled me into a rib crushing hug,

"is she okay?"

"well there was some complications and she's in surgery right now, i'm waiting for an update"

we both sat down in the waiting room until the doctor came out, i started to pick at my finger nails just trying to pass some time.

"family of camryn johansson?" the doctor said, scarlett and I both stood up, i looked over at the clock and saw that an hour passed.

"is she okay" scarlett and i both managed to say at the same time

"yes, she's fine. there was some complications and we had to perform surgery, right now she's not awake but you can see her. her left arm is broken and we will have to put a cast on it soon. when she does wake up, she will be a little loopy from all the medicine"

i let out a sigh of relief as soon as he said she was okay, i cant lose her. she is my everything

The doctor told us her room number and we headed to the elevator, we walked down the hallway and we could see her room in the distance. I looked through the window and saw her all banged up laying in the bed. I opened the door and sat in the chair next to her bed.

"she'll be okay" scarlett said, i looked over to her with tears in my eyes
"i know she'll be, shes been through a lot" she added onto her first sentence

"i need her to be okay, she's my other half. what would i do without her?"  i said as i looked over to her and then back to cam

"you love her a whole lot don't you?"

"more than anything"

Hours went by and she wasn't waking up, scarlett suggested I take a walk and get something to eat while she stayed in the room. I finally gave in and walked around to find a vending machine. When i arrived at the vending machine i took sometime to decide what i wanted, i settled on a bag of doritos. I was never a fan of them before meeting cami, she forced me to eat some everytime she had a bag. and overtime i just enjoyed eating them. I took out my wallet and slide two dollars into the machine. I grabbed my bag of chips and walked back to the elevator and back to her room. When i arrived i saw she was awake and moving around, i quickly ran over to her and gave her a hug.

"you scared the shit out of me, don't do that again" i said while there was tears falling down my face
she gave me a confused look and didn't say anything for a little while

"im sorry but who are you?" 

and as soon as i heard that my heart dropped.

authors note: whoops sorry, it will be okay

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