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When I woke up the next morning, Taylor was not in bed. I looked over at the clock, it read 11:28, god damn i slept for a long time. I decided it was time to get up so headed to taylor's bathroom before grabbing my tooth brush and brushing my teeth, I grabbed some makeup remover, wiping off the makeup I missed from last night. I walked into taylor's closet before grabbing some sweat pants and a sweatshirt. I started to walk down the stairs before I heard taylor on the phone,
"mom, i really like her, and I cannot mess it up"

"Taylor, you won't. she's liked you since high school. You just have to talk to her, okay?"

Andrea have given me good advice over the last 19 years, no matter what it was. She kind of became my mother after my own family disowned me for liking woman, scarlett was the only one to still keep in contact with me, i still get the occasional text on my birthday but i don't talk to them as much as i do scarlett. she's my best friend besides taylor. I don't know what i would do without the both of them.

"alright mom, i have to go before i burn these pancakes. love you"
"love you too hunny, talk to your girl"

Taylor laughed before she hung up, i stayed on the stairs for a minute so it seemed like i wasn't listening to her conversation. I finally made my way to the kitchen to see taylor plate-ing a thing of pancakes. As i walked in, she looked at me and smiled
"good morning tay" i said, going over to the fridge to grab a drink. she didn't say anything back to me so i looked at her and she was pouting at me,
"what?" i said with a smile on my face, she is so fucking cute
"you didn't kiss me" she said, almost a whisper

"i'm so sorry princess" i said, her face turned bright red. i walked over to her and placed my hand on her cheek and the other on the back of her neck, her arms wrapped around my neck. i pulled her into a short kiss, i could feel her smile into the kiss.
"better?" i would quite literally do anything for her
"yes. here" she said before sliding a plate over to me with pancakes on it.
"thanks tay" i said, i started to eat the pancakes

"these actually taste good taylor"

"why are you saying it like i can't cook?"

"well um because you can't"
she scoffed before sitting next to me at the table

"how do you feel about tour starting back up?"
i know somtimes she can get really worked up over stressing about songs and traveling. we have 6 shows in la, gracie and i were the openers. I really liked talking to gracie, big fan of her music too.
"eh, i mignt drop 1989 my verison in la?"
"WHAT?" i practically shouted
"geez say it any loud" she giggled
"sorry, but 1989??"
she needs to stop dropping bombs on me like this
"can you sing new romantics?" i pleaded, even gave her my best puppy dog eyes
"i will think about it"
she will most likely play it for me . i layed my head on her shoulder and we just sat and enjoyed each others company for a while.
"wanna go to rhode island?"
"sure, what time? i just need to go home and take shadow to scarlett's, hopefully she doesn't mind"
"how about at 2? i can get parker to drive us. We can go to your house and then to scarletts?"
"yeah that's fine"

somtimes taylor just throws ideas out there and i just go with it, this has been happening since high school. she really got me out of my shell and introduced me to many great things. i would have never done karaoke at bars, i also don't think i would have become a singer, i really owe my career to her. Taylor got up and walked up stairs, presumably to get ready. i cleaned up her kitchen and followed her up the stairs. She was in the bathroom putting on some makeup so i went into her closet and stole some more clothes to wear.
When we were both ready we went down the car , i opened the back seat to let her in before climbing in after her. It wasn't a long drive to my house but stupid traffic always makes things longer. We got out of the car and walked to my front door, i unlocked it and shadow came and greated me. Taylor immediately picked him up, i ran upstairs and started to pack a bag, clothes, makeup, bathing suits, etc. I touched up my makeup before heading back downstairs to taylor, she was curled up on my couch with shadow.
"can you get his carrier please?" i asked as i started to grab stuff for this spontaneous trip,
"yea" she walked over to the closet and pulled out the same cat carrier she uses for meredith, olivia, and benjamin. She actually bought it for me for my birthday like 3 years ago, interesting gift giver.
"i'm just gonna call scarlett real quick"
i pulled out my phone and put it on speaker because i was trying to get some food for the trip, taylor always complains she's hungry. she's like a little toddler.
"hello?" scarlett said as she answered the phone
"hey, taylor and i are going to rhode island. can you watch shadow?" i already counted on her to watch him, plus rose loves to see him
"yeah sure that's fine, hey are you guys together yet. you should, honestly, all you do it talk about her " god damn scarlett
tay and i both looked at each other and laughed
"she's right here scarlett" i sighed and countined to pack some snacks

"hi scarlett" taylor said

"oh shit" scarlett whispered on the other line

"so sorry camryn, have fun. love you"  she said before hanging up the phone

i put my head down on the counter and sighed, i knew exactly what was coming my way
"you talk about me?" she said, almost as if she was mocking me
"yes as a matter of fact i do, and don't sit here and act like you don't. i heard you on the phone with your mom" i giggled as i said the last part, she did not know i heard that conversation, i've been obsessed with her since like 9th grade and i havnt shut up about it, it's nothing new.

"you heard that?" she said, almost nervous. i could visibly see her face starting to go red

"mhm, don't be embarrassed by it sweetheart" i walked over and gave her a hug

"you can't call me that and expect me to be normal" she whispered in my ear

"alright, and what are you gonna do about it?"
i teased her

"this" she said before shutting me up by kissing me

After a couple minutes of kissing and giggling to each other, we collected my bags and the cat, and walked back out to the car. Parker started his drive to scarlett's house,

"if it makes you feel any better, your mom actually told me she was rooting for us and that you have had a major crush on me since high school" i said so casually 

"nuh uh! there's no way" her jaw was on the floor at this point
"also doesn't make me feel better, that my mom revealed my feelings for this girl that i like"

i laughed before i scooted over to the middle seat and gave her a hug, i placed my hand on her thigh and kept it like that for the entire ride to scarletts house. I ran in and dropped off the cat and said hellos to rose, colin, and scarlett. I jogged out to the car, i sat in the middle seat again. We chatted the whole way there about tour, cats, music, and pretty much everything in our lives at the moment . Her security helped us unpack and bring all the packs upstairs
"ms swift where would you like these bags?"

"all of them in my room please" she replied before they went up the stairs.

it warmed my heart that she wanted us to share a room, baby steps but we are making progress. Travis messed her up a lot and i just want to make sure i'm there for her. what we have is good, and i cant afford to mess it up.
"wanna go swimming?"

"yeah sure"

it was still august so the temperatures in rhode island were pretty hot, perfect for swimming. We put out bathing suits on and grabbed some towels and walking down to the beach. I was a little ahead of taylor so i stopped and just looked out to the sea, it was very peaceful before i felt someone grab me and pick me up,
"taylorrrrrr put me down" i beg

"nope!" she's really strong holy fuck.

she started to walk closer and closer to the water,
"taylor alison swift, do not throw me in the water"
she completely ignored me before tossing me in the water, i tried my best to get out of her grasp. i emerged from the water and quickly started to get up. i think taylor knew what I was going to do, she started to also run quickly, away from me. She may be stronger but i am as sure as hell a lot faster  than her, i caught up to her and gave her a huge hug, pulling her down as i did.

"that was mean" she tried to pout but it didn't work this time
"all you are is mea-" i started to sing before she hit me

"sorry, you should have thought about that before throwing me into the fucking ocean"

We both eventually got into the water, just swimming around and enjoying each other for a while. New york is very hectic, somtimes all you need is a break from everything and everyone.
The sun was starting to set so taylor pulled me out of the water before wrapped a towel around me, we walked back to the house hand in hand. One day she will be mine, but right now, whatever dynamic we have going right now is working for us both.

authors note: i need suggestions please and thank you!

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