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After the game, everyone suggested we go to a bar. I'm not one for drinking but once blake said there was gonna be karaoke, i was in.
Taylor said Travis was going to come and I internally rolled my eyes, I'm happy for taylor but after what andrea said, i've been thinking a whole lot about taylor and I. could we work out?
i mean she's be talking a whole lot about how travis was "the one" so I don't really think we have a chance to be something amazing. I don't even know if she likes girls.
But she liked me? does she still?
I should have not asked Andrea

I was so deep in my thoughts I didn't realize we already arrived at the bar. It was average sized bar, many seats and tables, and most importantly, a karaoke machine.  hm, maybe i can ask taylor to do it with me. In highschool, we were known for doing karaoke everywhere! i mean bar, we did karaoke. someone house, karaoke.  party, karaoke.
"Taylorrrrrr" i said, walking over to taylor's table where she sat with travis by her side
"what" travis said, answering for her. he sounded so pissed off, probably because he just lost a game. loser

"i was talking to taylor, wanna do karaoke??"
he cleared his throat before she said, "no sorry, maybe another night camryn"
the full name AND she denied karaoke. something was wrong with her
"oh okay, whatever taylor" with that, i walked away, annoyed with her
I went up to the bar and ordered so many shots, i couldn't keep track.  i grabbed the microphone and a random song started to play, i'm following the lyrics on the tv when i see that the upcoming lyrics say "your boyfriends a bitch" ironic. when that part comes up I look directly at taylor and sing it, we locked eyes for a solid moment. After the song i ran to the bathroom to go and throw up. i should have not drank that much, god damn. As i'm washing my hands and making sure i look okay, the door opens and taylor walked in.
"what the fuck camryn" she sounded mad
"what taylor" i say back, telling her that I don't really care
"why are you so mean to him, good god. i've only been supportive of you when you were talking to julien, and when it's my turn to fall in love, all you do it get jelous and you're not happy for me! he's a good guy, just because some girl dumped you doesn't mean you can sabotage my relationship"

"woah taylor, okay, i'm gonna leave now" i just wanted to go home and watch greys anatomy with shadow
"wait, i didn't mean that" she tried to apologize to me
"well you said it didn't you?" i didn't even wait for her respond before i got a cab and went home. as soon as i entered the door, i saw scarlett sitting on my couch, i regret giving her a key.
"hey what's wrong?" she stood up from the couch and pulled me into a hug, i sobbed into her shirt before i finally gave her an answer "taylor" i mumbled into her shirt
i explained to her what happened, still sobbing.
"do you need anything from me?"
"no, i'll go and probably just write a whole shit load of music. thanks tho" I could probably finish my album with the amount of things i will most likely write about. scarlett left shortly after saying she had to go home and take care of rose, i miss her. i should probably visit.

The next morning I woke up feeling like absolute shit, i popped some advil into my mouth and decided to get ready. I checked my phone, i had zero notifications from taylor. I hopped into the shower and let the warm water drip down my back. I finished up and started to do my makeup and get dressed. I skipped over to my car and started my drive to scarlett's, it wasn't a long drive but with all the traffic it makes it longer. I turn on the radio and 'twist and shout' by the beatles came on, "great" i'm mumbled to myself before switching it to some fleetwood mac. I pull into scarlett's driveway and open her front door with the key i was given. "scarlett" i shout before i see her come down the stairs, "how are you feeling today?" she asked before pulling me into another hug, similar to the one from last night. "better" i mumble into her shoulder,
"promise?" she really worries about me
"mhm" i hum as i look around for rose "where rose?" i havnt seen her in a quite some time.
"school" oh yeah, today was monday, i looked at the clock and it was 2:57, rose usally gets hone at 3:15. i sat on scarlett's couch for a few minutes, or i think. the next thing i heard was the front door opening and rose running inside, had it really been 15 minutes?
as soon as she see me she runs over to give me a big hug "auntie cami!!!"
"hi rosie" i boop her on the nose, she giggles and start to fill me in on all the 3rd grade drama, how exciting. it takes my mind off of the taylor thing

A few months later....

it's been about 4 months since the whole bar situation, i havnt heard a single word from taylor. was this the end of us? i hope not, i miss my best friend. i occasionally see news about her and travis when i'm scrolling through my phone, she looks happy and i'm happy for her. even though i wish she was mine. i screwed everything up, i wish i could go back and not say those things. I still kept up with the chiefs news, i was still a fan despite travis. They did great this season, even wining the superbowl. I was scheduled to open for the eras tour in 2 months, over her past few concerts , i wasn't suppose to open. even if i wasn't, i still went to the show to interact with everyone. I guess some fans noticed i wasn't there and made up all these false rumors about what happened between taylor and I. These past months it's been really lonely, i have scarlett but a big part of me is missing. taylor. I want to call her and apologize, and i have serveral times over the last four months and i got zero calls back. It's bothered me a lot but this is her decision to make, she's happier with travis than she every was with me. Scarlett and I were sat on my couch watching some dumb ass movie when my phone rang, she paused the movie and I looked down at my phone to see who it was. Taylor. I looked at scarlett, "it's taylor, i have to answer" she nodded at me before i walked out of the living room into my bedroom. "hello" i answered, maybe she finally listened to my voicemails. i was greeted with sniffles coming from tay, "tay? are you okay?" she was not okay, why the fuck was i asking. "um no, can you-" she started to say something but cut herself off "you know what, mevermind"
"no no, taylor what's wrong?" did travis make her like this?
"can you come over?" her voice was shaking and she sounded like she has been crying for a while
"yes, i'll be right over"
"thank you cami" oh how i've missed that name coming from her
"of course tay" and with that she hung up. i walked into the living room and told her i had to go to taylor's "what happened" she asked, concerned about taylor. this is the first time she's called me in four months, and she's crying asking me to come over. "i'm not sure but she was sobbing on the phone. i have to make sure she's okay"
"no it's okay, i understand"
"thank you scarlett"
i got into my car and drove as fast as i could to taylor's house, definitely breaking about four laws on my way over. i got to her house and the security let me right in, "taylor?" i called out, not seeing her around. "upstairs" i hear her faintly call out. I run up the stairs, skipping aboit 2 at once, one advantage of being tall.me and taylor are around the same height. expect I was about 3 inches shorter than her and i never heard the end of it. I made it up the stairs and navigated my way to her room, i knocked on the door before entering. when i walked in i saw taylor sitting in her bed full on sobbing. "oh tay" i said as i walked over, removing my shoes and getting into bed with her. i pulled her into a hug and she nuzzled her face into my neck, crying as she sat there. we sat in silence for a little while before i finally asked her what was wrong, "um well i found out that travis cheated on me" that bitch, i'm going to kill that man. "oh my fucking god, i'm going to beat his ass"
"i'm sorry" she said, looking down at her hands, slowly fiddling with her comforter
"why are you apologizing sweetheart?" i pulled my sweatshirt to cover my hand and i wiped the tears that slowly fell down her face. she laid her head on my chest before sighing
"for all the things i said at the bar" to be honest, i forgave her about a week later
"it's okay taylor, i was being a dick to you and travis. i should be the one apologizing " i've really reflected on what i did, it felt good to have her hear those things from me. i don't know if she listened to the voice mails i left her
"i just-" she started to say before sighing again, "i just thought him and i had something good. why can't i ever have a decent relationship. first joe and now him" she said before more tears fell.
"tay, it's not your fault. men are dicks, hence why i like girls" she laughed a little and cracked a smile, i've missed her
"i missed you" she said
"me too"
she leaned over to grab the remote before turning in greys anatomy to our favorite episode, the weed cookie episode. after about 10 minutes she spoke again, "how did you know"
"that you liked girls" well taylor, it was actually you. i turned to face her before telling her,
"uh well in high school, there was this girl that i was friends with and i realized i wanted to be her girlfriend than just her friend" it was the truth, just didn't use any names

"why didn't you ask her to be your girlfriend?"
because you had a boyfriend that's why
"she had a boyfriend and i didn't think she liked me like that" i said, looking back at greys anatomy
"but i did" i whipped my head to look at her, HOLD UP! did she just say i? like she knew it was her . did i hear her right? i was shocked to say the least, i could feel my mouth start to dry. "wha- what"
authors note: i hope you enjoyed, this was way longer than i intended it to be

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