Chapter one - The beginning of it all.

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In a gloomy and unsettling atmosphere, foggy streets. Everything was vacant. The bright yellow moon and the crimson red sky made everything even stranger than it should have been.

The entire scene left this place feeling abandoned and powerless, and the most obvious thing that could be seen was that it was empty. Nothing but utter emptiness.

or maybe not entirely empty.

The view quickly shifts to show tall trees encircled by fog. The sound of faint footsteps continued until the sight of seven teenagers running through the forest with weapons revealed itself.

Each of them fled for their lives. They did not even want to try and risk the possibility of being stopped, let alone turning around to look.

"Time?!" Once everyone had picked up their pace, the group leader yelled at the boy behind her.

"Eight minutes!" Glancing down at his watch, called out to the boy with the blue eyes and glasses.

'Just a bit longer,' Ashlyn thought in her head, looking to her right as sweat formed on the side of her forehead.

'It's Close!' The redhead gave it some thought, then looked ahead to see where they were and called out to the group.

"THE GRAVEYARD!" Everyone ran in the direction of the gate. Their faces gradually became fearful as their grips on their weapons became more firm.

Ashlyn went inside first, followed by Taylor, Ben, Logan, and Y/n, and Tyler, who arrived just in time.

"Close the gate! CLOSE THE GATE!" Everyone held their guard up until Ashlyn slammed down on the button as Tyler yelled at her.

When the gates closed, the group sighed in relief, with some slumping to the ground and others pausing to catch their breath.

"Alright, Let's head to the bus." Ashlyn spoke before they began their journey to the buses.

On the bus

Everyone sat down, Ashlyn alone, Aiden and Ben sharing a seat, and Y/n and Logan sharing another. They all took a moment to process the situation.

Once Taylor took a seat, Tyler groaned in frustration and plopped himself down onto the bus seat next to her, throwing his head back.

"That sucked." Tyler spoke up, breaking the silence as he stared at the ceiling. The banging of the phantoms could be heard outside the bus.

"Tell me about it." Y/n mutters under her breath as Ashlyn massages her foot. The banging stopped abruptly, and everything went silent.

"Ah. The banging stopped." Ashlyn speaks as she looks up from her foot.

"It probably gave up or- someth.." Tyler attempted to say something before everyone's attention was completely focused on the front of the bus. The door was opened, and they could see the phantom's claws as it walked deeper inside the bus, revealing its horrifying face to all.

"HOW?!" They all yelled as the phantom approached them, and everyone stood up and began backing up in the back of the bus.

"Can we open the backdoor?" Ashlyn asked, her voice slightly panicked.

"It's blocked!" Tyler called out.

"What do we do?" Asked Logan.

"I do not know-" Y/n began, but was interrupted by someone else.

The ones who live - School Bus Graveyard x (Fem) Reader Where stories live. Discover now