This episode of Bluey is called: Welcome back home!

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Evan was placed in a room with doctors around and that started checking his body, they first treated his wounds around his body, but when they took off his shirt there was a large scar on his chest, they examined it and it looks to be not infected

They put a mask on his mouth with nitrous oxide gas, then he was placed in a room to rest his body, they checked on up him to see and results of him gaining consciousness


Bandit was shocked then he quickly ran out the living room and went to the kitchen where Chilli was drinking tea

Bandit: Chilli!, Evan is back!

Chilli: *spits out tea* what!, Evan's back!?

Bandit: yeah!, the news just said it and he's at the same hospital where we placed him in

Chilli: well what are we even doing here, let's go see Evan!

Bandit: alright

Bandit and Chilli left the house and got into the vermilion jeep and they drove out the Cul-de-sac, they've arrived at the Royal Brisbane Hospital where Evan is currently at staying, Chilli and Bandit quickly got out the car and into the building

They went to the receptionist with a Dingo nurse typing on a computer "excuse me, we're the parents of Evan Ciao Heeler" Bandit told the receptionist and they checked the name "ah yes here he is, Evan Ciao Heeler is at the 2nd floor in room 206"

Bandit thanked the receptionist and they ran up to the elevator, they got on the 2nd floor and made their way to the room 206, they opened the door and there they saw him, there was a holter monitor and a IV fluids hanging on its stand beside his bed and a mask around his mouth with a canister of nitrous oxide

Chilli and Bandit approached the side of his bed, they touched his hand and the warmth of of it was there and they can feel it, Bandit then excuses himself out the room to call the others

Chilli was left in the room with Evan and she caressed his face, meanwhile outside Bandit called his little brother Stripes, next his parents Bob and Chris about the news, all of them were happy that Evan was back after 2 weeks, they said they're on their way

Bandit then puts away his phone and goes back inside the room, he and Chilli then sat down and waited for the others to arrive there

2 minutes later

Stripe and his wife Trix arrived and they went to Evan's side to check on him, later Bob and Christine arrived as well, both of them were crying tears of relief that their grandson Evan has finally come back, soon a Jackle with a Dalmatian both wearing white doctors coat entered in

Dr. Jackle: ah you all must be his family

Chilli: yes we are, how is he doctor?

Dr. Jackle: nurse Maggie could you show them the results of the examination?

Nurse Maggie: yes doctor, name: Evan Ciao Heeler, age: 15, height: 5.6 breed: human, his condition is normal nothing life threatening, but we did find a large scar ar on Evan's chest, but don't worry when we saw it it wasn't infected what so ever, the scar had healed up when we saw him

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