This episode of Evan is called: Half way done

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Evan was at the park eating an ice block/popsicle then a ball rolled to his leg "excuse me mister, could we have our ball back?" the Dalmatian kid said and Evan looked and was surprised to see a soccer ball he put his frozen block in his mouth and stood up and he took his right foot and placed it on top of the ball and rolled his foot down the ball just strong enough to create a backspin on the ball then he placed his toe underneath the ball and allow the ball to roll up his foot then immediately kick the ball straight up and it hits his knee and he kicked the ball but not to strong towards the kids

"Thank you mister!" the Dalmatian kid said and ran back to his friends to play soccer, Evan slightly smiled because there were dogs who played his favourite sport soccer or football if you like to call it what the frenchs calls it, Evan then sat back down and continued eating but his eye caught someone he knew and he looked to see Dougie and his mom Emily playing at the playground "the funs here hehe.."

Meanwhile at the Heeler household

Bandit and Chilli were at the kitchen and talking about Evan's sudden change and they're starting to get worried about him and Chilli took a sip of her tea

Chilli: do you have any ideas of why Evan is acting different these past few days?

Bandit: no i don't know why.. he's been acting weird like us calling him multiple times or doesn't interact much with the kids

Chilli: yeah and his.. movements have been really weird, like his back was hunchbacked and his hair has really gotten really long and covered his face

Bandit: and also have you seen his eyes?

Chilli: his eyes?, what about his eyes?

Bandit: ya didn't see his eyes?, his eyes have become red and it makes me feel.. nervous and it gives me an uneasy feeling..

Chilli: *sigh* i just don't know what to do cause we haven't ever raised a human as our kid before

Bandit: i know.. but we have to try and understand and maybe try and help him

Chilli: maybe it's a human phase?, like when i was young i went through a rockstar phase till i grew out of it

Bandit: yeah maybe or it could be because he's not feeling good about something?

Chilli: i just want him to be his old self again

Bandit: *wraps arm* me too babe *smoochy-kiss*

Back at the park

Evan slowly approached Emily and tapped her shoulder "oh!, yes Evan?" Evan then gestures his hand to follow him "Dougie in just stay here okay?, mom is going to be back in a minute" Emily told her son Dougie and he nodded and continued playing with turtleboy, then she followed, Evan led them to the forest not to far from the playground where Dougie was at "uh.. why did you lead me here Evan-" Emily questions Evan but was stopped by Evan and he grabs her paw and pushes her back against the tree and Emily's face blushes and Evan looks straight into her eyes "y-your eyes are.. red?"

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