This episode of bluey is called: We miss you part 1

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Calypso: Bluey what's wrong?

Bluey: Evan disappeared...

Calypso: what happened to him?

Bluey: he just went out to the backyard then we heard him scream and we went to him but.. he wasn't there and his hoodie was what's left we found.. *crying slightly*

Calypso: oh Bluey come here *hugs Bluey* it's going to be okay we'll find him

Bluey: *sniff* my mum said that she has his scent and could find him

Calypso: well i know your mum has a great sense of smell

Bluey: he promised he'd never leave us...

Calypso: don't look down Bluey, think about good things, like finding him and hugging him

Bluey: *wiped tears* okay Calypso..

Calypso: maybe i could help find him?

Bluey: for real life?

Calypso: *giggle* yes for real life

Bluey: hooray!

Calypso smiled but in her head she's very worried about him and could be in trouble or worse gotten hurt she doesn't want anything bad happening to him and would do what she has to find him

Meanwhile at the Heeler household Bandit was talking to his brother on the phone and telling him about the disappearance of Evan meanwhile Chilli was at work "Alright Stripe thanks bye" he hungs up the call and went outside and watered the plants "morning Bandit" he heard Wendy's voice and looked up and nodded and went back yo watering the plants "Bandit?, is everything alright?" Wendy asked Bandit and he replied back to her "not really Wendy.. Evan disappeared last night and the only thing we found was his hoodie and underneath it on the ground was a scratch mark" Bandit told Wendy of what happened to Evan last night

Wendy: oh my!, what happened before he disappeared?. She said it in a worried tone and her expression was full of worry and concern

Bandit: well before we all were in the living room and he left then minutes later we all heard him scream and we rushed and found his hoodie, that's all

Wendy: my goodness, wait doesn't Chilli have skills about hunting?

Bandit: yeah and she's currently at work right now but when she's back, she can smell Evan's hoodie and track his scent

Wendy: i want to be an assistants to finding him too Bandit

Bandit: *smiles* thanks Wendy i appreciate the help

Wendy: oh corse Bandit i'm really worried and i care about him

Bandit thanked Wendy and they continued about watering their plants a few hours past and at Bingo's kindy she was waiting for Bandit to pick her up "Bingo would you come here for a minute?" Bingo looked back and Mrs. Retriever called her and she went to her and they sat down on a stool "Bingo, i seen you have a frown on your face earlier, could you tell me what's wrong?" Mrs. Retriever told Bingo and she fiddled with her fingers and told her "Evan disappeared.." Bingo said it with a sad expression and tone "Evan disappeared?, did he tell you where he was going?"

Bingo: no.. he just disappeared.. and left his hoodie behind..

Mrs. Retriever: well don't worry i'm sure that he'll come back home and be happy to see you again

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