This episode of bluey is called: Trampolinium!

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Evan was outside doing some exercises and Bandit was fixing the lawnmower at the shed, inside the house Bluey and Bingo were play doctors in the living room then Chilli arrived back home

Chilli: hey kids guess what?

Bluey, Bingo: what?

Chilli: we're going to Trampolinium!

Bluey: Trampolinium!

Bingo: hooray!, Trampolinium!

Chilli: alright now when we get there don't get hurt you two okay?

Bluey: we will mom!

Bingo: are dad and Evan coming with us?

Chilli: yeah could you call them?

Bluey, Bingo: okay!

At the backyard Evan was finishing his work out and Bandit got the lawnmower working again and was mowing the grass then Bluey, Bingo appeared "Evan, dad!, we're going to Trampolinium!" Bluey and Bingo bot said gleefully and Band stopped and quickly went into the shed and ran out "well don't just stand there!, let's get going!" Bandit said and the kids followed him then Evan picked himself up and went inside to take a bath and dressed himself then they got into the car with Bandit in the driver's seat ready to go Evan got in and Bandit drove out the Cul-de-sac

Bluey: are we there yet?

Bandit: nope

Bingo: now are we there yet?

Bandit: nope not yet

Bluey, Bingo: are we there yet?

Bandit: here's and idea let's play a game, look at where we are

Bingo: we're at the road?

Bandit: and i spy with my little eye is.. black

Bingo: that car?

Bandit: nope

Bluey: is it that bird?

Bandit: nope that's not it

Chilli: is it your snout?

Bandit: hah not the slightest

Evan: my long hair?

Bandit: bingo

Bingo: yeah?

Bandit: whoops wrong bingo

Chilli: my turn, i spy with my little eye something.. blue

Bluey: is it me?

Chilli: no

Bingo: dad?

Chilli: yup

Bandit: that was kind of easy

Bluey: my turn!, i spy.. something white!

Bingo: that building?

Bluey: hehe no it's not

Chilli: the sky?

Bluey: mom the sky is blue not white

Chilli: oh yeah!, i forgot

Bandit: it's probably that bird

Bluey: no it's not the bird

Bandit: what?, then what is it then?

Evan: our teeth?

Bluey: yeah!

Chilli: well your dad's teeth are yellow so yeah

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