This episode of bluey is called: Before we met part 2

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As Evan opened his eyes slightly his vision adjusting with a bright light shining down on him he was on the ground near the water as he looked around his surroundings he let out a sigh  "alright, so what hit me last night?"as Evan was scratching his head he then saw a piece of wood on the ground and he touched his forehead he felt a little pain as he then slowly put his backpack down

He checked if everything was in it with a sigh of relief everything was here he picked up his backpack and walked back the path he took before as he followed the path he was greeted by nothing but more trees "wait what?, I could of shorn it was not that far from he parked his bike and plus the roads gone he them went back to the creek he put his bag does and lay down on a tree as he laid there he slowly drifted to his thoughts

He was thinking about his parents he usually just shrugs it off but right now he was in in fully in it he slowly closed his eyes and drafted to sleep when he woke up he was in his room not his room today his old room when he was 8 he was surprised that he remembered every single thing in his room with details when he looked more around he heard the door open he was caught off guard

when he saw who it was tears started to pour down his eyes his mother was there standing with a small smile "m-mum?"

Evan sat there in his bed while his mother stood there "m-mum, I mis-ssed you s-so much"Evan stubbing over his words while crying then he got up from his bed and walked towards his mother "mum, p-pplease don't go" he said then his mother turned around and slowly walked away "m-mum?, where a-are you going?" Her mother said turning back "MUM!, P-PLEASE DON'T GO I DON'T WANT TO BE ALONE AGAIN!, P-PLEASE please please..." More tears dropped down his mother now slowly fading away as he woke up in the real world he was in a cold sweat he was breathing heavily

All he could think was his mother he wipe off the sweat and noticed that the sun was setting he didn't eat earlier se his stomach started growling he opened his backpack and found 2 candy ears and one bottle of water he knew that this couldn't last him a week he was doomed but he didn't want to give up he ate 1 candy bar and drank little of his water "I need to survive i should start by hunting some food"

He grabbed the piece of wood that hit him on the head and broke it in half so he could use the shark part to look for food look over the creek and looked for any fish that swam near he spotted one he hesitated for a bit he had never taken a life before not even bugs but he knows that he needs to eats and survive he stabbed the fish it tried freeing itself but it past away he picked it up with disgust

"I-i can't believe I just killed something but I need to survive I'm sorry little fish" as he walked toward the tree he place the fish down so that he could start a fire he remembered that when he was in the junior boyscout he learned how to start a fire so he did the same thing and it worked he took the fish and some sticks and made a roster standhr slowly turns the fish around his stomach growing more

"I know please be patient" alter a while he took the fish and smelled it and then he bite in it he was surprised that it tasted pretty good for his first time cooking he finished the fish after that dug a hole burred the fish remains and covered it back up he made a tiny cross and placed it on top of it he went back to the fire and warmed himself he then went to sleep he made sure to blow out the fire to not make a forest fire

He dreamt again but this time it was if father "dad?"but he knew that he wasn't gonna give him an answer "hey there kiddo" Evan felt his heart beat faster after hearing his father voice "it's been, so long kid I missed you and you siblings"his father said "is it really you dad?" Evan surprised"no, it's not really me I'm just in your head"his father said "o-oh" Evan said with a frown on his face

"even so, it's nice that I can talk to to though" with a small smile on his face "hey cheer up, i know I'm not the the real deal but, hey at least you got something to talk about i know that you saw you mum but don't forty she's just... scared" his father said with a sadden expression "what's she scare of?"Evan said "i don't know either, she wouldn't talk to me at all, but i think she'll come around and talk to you" his father said with a smile

"thanks dad"Evan sain " no prob Bob"his dad made a joke and Evan giggled at the terrible joke they both hugged eachother before Evan woke up his slowly got up his throat was dry he then drank the whole bottle but still thirsty he then walked towards the creek and crouch over and started to drink the water as he drake the water

he then heard a stick brake he was startled but he thought that they could help him He turned his head and saw the person behind him as he looked back at them he was frightened
to see a small blue bipedal dog right there steering at him both of them stood there but as he slowly stood up while he was surprised that the dog was small almost like a child the blue dog slowly

walked towards evan
and he turned around and grabbed my backpack as he runs away
The dog stood there with a surprise expression jaw awe just them the bipedal dog heard a noise and it ran towards it

To be continued

Hello and thank you Vaultboy00 and Augusto2006sr and all of you guys i can't believe that i just made 3 chapters in one day that really makes me happy that people are enjoying what i made so i thank you all for your support of and for those again want to know who are Evans parents are Wel here

James ciao age:45
(Evans father was a barber and he'd always tend to Evans hair he like doing his job and his hoby was painting)

Maria ciao age:41
(She was a kind women she's the younger sister of Glenn great and her hobby was fitnes but sometimes she would run her store)

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