This episode of bluey is called: Picnic party part 2

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Evan had found all the stuff that the Poodle needed for baking pies then he rang it up and scanned the items and told the Poodle how much "it's 3 dollars and 57 cents, thanks and have a nice day sir" then the door behind Evan opened it scared Evan and the owner of the store was holding a book Evan was confused and he placed the book down and pointed at it

Evan then understood and opened it and it contained lots of different recipes about baked goods Evan was confused by this and the Pekingese then showed Evan the notepad again and it reads "i watched you over the camera and i saw how you were kindly towards the customer i was suspicious about you at first by judging by how you did earlier i trust you and also you can have any item in the shop it's on the house"

Evan was hesitant but he then sighed and accepted the offer of the pekingese then he looked through the book and looked for different goods that looked good and showed it the the owner by he refused over and over again then he found a page and showed the owner the page showing the recipe about gingersnaps, he looked at the page and then wrote something and showed Evan what he wrote

???: "that's a good choice i think this'll be good enough for you to bake easily and fast"

Evan: really?, well your not wrong i do want to bake theses fast, and i guess i should get the ingredients now?

???: "yeah also my name's Jeffery but i prefer you call me Jeffy instead

Evan: s-sure uh Jeffy, and thank you again for the free ingredients Jeffy bye!

Jeffy: *waves*

Evan exited the shop holding the bag of ingredients he needed then he then checked the time and it was 4:53 and he was standing there Infront of the shop and then he moved to look for Bluey, Bingo snd Doreen but no luck he then went to a bus top and sat down and there was a Samoyed sitting and she looked to be and elderly woman he then waved and smiled at the Samoyed she did as well

Bluey and Bingo were helping Doreen wrap the gift and was Finnish they then celebrate with ice cream Bluey had strawberry and Bingo was holding two one for her and the other for Evan hers was vanilla and for Evan was chocolate and Doreen had mango ice cream they walked outside and went to a bus stop to go home

Then a bus arrived and the Samoyed stood up and went in the bus but Evan noticed that she left her wallet he took and tried to go in the bus but it closed and drove away then he heard someone behind him he put the wallet in his hoodie for safe keeping

Bluey,Bingo: Evan!

Evan: hey you guys how are you two?

Bluey: it was fun we got to help Doreen pick out a Christmas present for her friend, and we have ice cream!

Bingo: yeah this one's for you!

Evan: thanks you guys, hey Doreen we're they behaving good?

Doreen: nah it was fun helping me find a present for my friend so how'd you get here?

Evan: i ran here

Doreen: wow really?, well you must've had strong legs to be standing right now

Evan: yeah hehe, well i got the ingredients we needed for baking

Bluey, Bingo: hooray!

They waited for the bus and went in and the kids fell asleep the same goes to Doreen Evan was awake and watched over them while they sleep, they then arrived and woke them up and got out the bus Evan carried both Bluey and Bingo and Doreen was holding the bag of ingredients for baking they finally got on top of the hill and place the kids on the bench outside and took the back "well have a nice evening Doreen and thanks for watching them" doreen nodded and went inside her house

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