Max, The Chef.

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"Max, why weren't you fighting with that guy? He was about to slaughter you in peices."
"Cause I know what he's going through. Hurry we have to go back to Rony now."

Max reached Rony's office and told all the information to him about Evan. He was pleased to hear it. Now he's going for another mission, this time, he has to find Evan and....

"You've done well Max. Now listen, I want you to, go find Evan, once you do, try to-"
"I'm sorry, find him? I don't know where he lives."
"That's not my problem-"
"But boss, you tell me to kill someone and give me money for it, I'm not a spy. I want missions where I can kill someone easily. Not finding them like spies."
"It a part of doing assassin stuff."
"Yes. Now listen, once you find Evan, kidnap him."
"Okay...I guess Mary, you're coming with me again.
"This time, please try to stick with me as much as you can."
"I-I will!"
"Okay. Let's get going now."

Max went off to his mission but then he realised that he has work at 12 pm.

"Mary....We have work at 12 pm..."
"Oh, sure let's finish our work first."

They both went to their home and rushed to work wearing their uniform. They reached in time. As Natasha was talking to a customer, she noticed the both of them stepped in her restaurant.

"Miss Natasha! Sorry if we came late-"
"Nope, you're just in time. Exactly 12 pm. Now get back to work."

Max and Mary, both of them went back to their duties. Mary went to the kitchen to cook. Max as a waiter doing....Waiter stuff. 2 hours passed by and inly 3 customers came. Max was shocked by this. Then, Max had an idea. Since he's very good at cooking, and knows a lot of recipes he made at home, he went to the kitchen.

"Hey Mary."
"Uh, aren't you supposed to over there?"
"Can you do me a favour..."
"Make it quick."
"Can we switch for a moment?"
"Switch? Like, what?"
"Like....You be the waiter and I be....I don't know....Chef...?"
"Ehe. Don't you think Natasha would be mad?"
"She's not here anymore. She left."
"Okay. I suppose I can get a break from cooking."
"Alright thanks! Here, your uniform."
"Thanks I guess. There's yours at the back."
"Alright, also, when you're taking orders from the customers, ask them to order ANYTHING they want. I'll make it."
"What? Max won't that be a bit too pressuring on you?"
"Nope! Just try. Also don't rip the menu yet otherwise I'll be fired."
"Okay...If you say so"

They both switched. A few minutes later, a customer came.

"Hi welcome to Natasha's Nice Diner, please ask us anything you want to order and we'll make it possible."
"Wait, really? I heard this place serves basic things with low price."
"We uhh...Changed that."
"But do you even know how much it'll cost?"
"Depends on what you order. And the ingredients."
"Okay...Then, can you give me some uhh...Fried chicken legs, 4 peices, and...A cup of water."
"Okay. Coming soon."
"Man this is nice."

Mary went to the kitchen and ripped the page she wrote the order, and showed it to Max.

"Four peices of chicken legs? And a cup of water? EASY."
"What the-"

Max started cooking right away, he chopped up the chickens in 3 minutes. Mary was SCARED OF THIS. It takes her 30 minutes to chop off one chicken.

"Max, are you okay?"
"Andddd...A little bit of seasoning, and then DONE! Oh yeah a glass of water."
"You forgot one thing about me. I am an assassin."
"Oop- Well, yay I guess.."
"Wait the price for this will be...Hmmm....It took maybe 3-4 ingredients....190 dollars."
"What the-"
"I mastered in maths haha."
"Oop- Okay Imma serve them right away. Damn these make me hungry..."

Mary served the customers food and he was surprised.

"What the- I was watching a video that's like 15 minutes long and not even 10 minutes passed by, IT'S ALREADY SERVED?!"

Max went out of the kitchen for a moment to see and hear the customers reaction.

"What is your chef?!"
"Our chef is very talented. And also a little handsome..."
"Damn girl, you got yourself a nice man."
"Wha-WHAT? NO NO! We are just close friends!"
"Nah you called him handsome, he right behind you sis."
"Uhhhh....Imma just get back to the kitchen."
"Don't worry, just give him some time."
"Anyway what's the bill? I will pay first."
"190 dollars."
"Alright. Here you go. Thank you."
"No problemmmmm....."

After the customer went away, Mary immediately went to the kitchen.

"So you think I'm handsome?"
"No no, I was uh...I was saying you looked very tiresome by doing your work alone."
"I heard EXACTLY what you said."
"Anyway, be ready for the next customer."

After Mary left, Max had a shy smile on his face.

"She's so funny."


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