The Library. (2)

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"I never knew this library would be so popular. Are the books that incredible here?"
"I don't know. I never visited this Library before."
"Same. Mary, we should split. Here, take this earpiece, it'll help us a lot to communicate to eachother."
"Okay. Which direction should I go?"
"You will go distract the librarian."
"I don't know, maybe like, talking to him about stuff. Just try!"
"I'll go look for the guy."

Mary starts looking for the librarian. He was sitting down drinking coffee, staring at his partner.

"Max! You said the librarian is keeping an eye of that guy right? I found him staring at a...Science Fiction aisle. Maybe that guy's in that aisle!"
"Fantastic Mary. I'll go right away. You go distract him."

"May I help you?" The librarian asked in a cold hearted voice.
Mary got scared for a second.

"Oh um...Hey yeah I do need some help."
"Do you know where you keep books about....About....Uhh..."

Max whispered in Mary's ear through the earpiece:
"Say thriller."

"Th-thriller! Yeah. Do you know where you keep thrilling books?"
"Hmmm...It's right beside the Science Fiction. Just look to the left, and you'll find it."
"Thank you, also um..."
"Miss, please ask me. I'm working on an important- Wait...." The librarian heard a noise. Since the Library is calm and people aren't making any noises, he could hear everything well...Sharp ears.

"Is everything alright?"
"Miss, do you happen to bring a friend here of yours?"
"Uhhh...No! No, I'm alone."
"I'm pretty sure I heard someone call you 'Mary, keep distracting the librarian' hm?"
"U-uh...Um...WELLLL UHH..."
"Is there something you're trying to hide?"
"N-n-no! Of course not! I just umm..."
"Heyyyy! Mary! There you are. Hello sir, sorry, this is my wife, Mary. She's very nervous and has  terrible aniexty."
"Oh? I asked her if she brought a friend here of hers and she didn't answer."
"That's because, um...We are not friends. We're just...We just got engaged last week!"
"Oh. Congrats. You could've atleast told me you brought your husband here."
"Y-yeah. Sorry...I'm not good at talking to people..."
"No worries, have a good day. Enjoy."
"You too!"

Mary and Max went away to another aisle.

"Max, you were just pretending right?"
"Yes of course. I heard you stuttering. I had to make a move."
"Yeah. Thanks for saving me out there."
"You're welcome."
"Wait, who will distract him then? Do I have to go back now?"
"No. Actually. I met a friend here. His name's Damien. He will distract him."
"Oh! Nice."
"He's.....In this aisle. The Fantasy books aisle. Let's move."

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