Max's Visitor.

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After Max's mission, he went straight back to his home after eating in a good-looking restaurant with that fine 1,000 dollars. Won't you feel like jumping on a comfy bed after an EXHAUSTING day of finding a killer? Max is no resting guy. As soon as he steps foot inside his house, he can feel the stress of his household chores. First, clean the house. Second, water the plants that are on his balcony. Third, exercise. Fourth, I don't know, sleep? That's Max's everyday routine. As an assassin, he has to stay fit and be aware of anything at all costs. He has to stay fit and healthy, and not feel dizzy during his mission at all. I'm sure 70% of people have this kind of routine. Max lives in a small apartment. He doesn't need anything too fancy hanging around his house, or something unnecessary to put for looks just to waste money. Max is a quiet person. Loves animals, and is a kindhearted person. He loves helping others even if they don't ask for it. I don't know if that's the reason why he became an assassin because-

"Are you done yet?! Jeez! You've been talking about me and ONLY me for the past 2 minutes! Why?! I'm just a random guy who does killing for a living! Gosh!"

Whatever. Max hates attention. He is more likely to be a humble man-


*Someone knocks on the door*

"Um. I should go check who that is."

*Max opens the door.*

"Hey Max, it's me, Mary."
"Oh Mary, hello! Wait, what're you doing here...? Shouldn't you be at the company right now working for Mr.Rony?"
"Ehe....Um...I asked Rony for some
leisure time."
"Oh? Okay. So what're you doing here?"
"I just...Wanted to visit you."
"Oh? Yeah sure! Come in, make yourself at home."
"Thank you."
"Mary, this is the first time you've visited me. I guess you came for the cooking skills I told you I had?"
"OH HEH...No no no...! I just um...Wanted to see you!"
"Hmm...Okay. But I'm still preparing something for us to eat for dinner. Please, I insist, I'd be delighted to let you stay at night."
"No no, it's okay! I get it but no need! I have so much work to do at home, I don't wanna be a bother!"
"Bother? No! Never! Here, enough talking, just sit. I'll cook some eggs for you. I heard they're your favourite."
"Why are you acting so nervous? Relax, I'm not gonna assassinate you."

After a few minutes, Max went to cook some eggs for Mary. The kitchen is very close to the living room and Mary could hear Max talk. They both had wonderful conversations. Mary ate her eggs and found them delicious.

"Wow! Max you cook better than me! There's gotta be a secret you have."
"Haha, I appreciate it. There's no secret. I've been learning how to cook since my childhood. After losing both of my parents, I had to learn how to take care of myself on my own..."
"I'm sorry you went through all of that. You have a nice job now."
"Yeah haha. A nice job...As long as it's keeping a roof on top of my head then I'll be good."
"True, very true."

Both of them had fun talking to each other, and creating fun conversations. Soon, it was time for Mary to leave.

"I hope you can come back again another time Mary. It's been great talking with you, it's nice to have someone to hang out with especially when you're living alone."
"I can feel that. I must take my leave now. It was nice seeing you Max."
"You too."
"Cya! Have a good one!"


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