Let's go.

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Rome's pov:

The air in my private jet was thick with tension, nobody moving a muscle in fear I'd bite any moment.

A stabbing pain had occured in the left side of my head but I tried ignoring it as best as I could.

My phone rang cutting through the silence but no one's heads turned to look who or what it was except for Luca ofcourse.

Dismissing the constriction in my chest I answered the call from an unknown number.

"Rome Moretti," came a man's voice from the other end in a thick russian accent.

"Finally the day has come." he chuckled, and with every passing second my heart sank deeper.

"Boris" I spoke through gritted teeth making him chuckle even louder.

"So you do remember me Mr.handsome." he replied laughing, an ugly venomous chuckle.

"If you even get near me wife Boris-"

He clicked his tongue, "Apologies but I'd like to stop you right there. Let's not call her your wife since the divorce papers would be reaching you anytime soon." he replied.

"And who is going to decide that Boris? a cuck like you that can't keep his girlfriend's legs closed?"

If my father was ever right about something it was about when he said my attitude is going to either break everything or make everything and the shit I was pulling right now? way too close to the former one.

Boris's chuckle got even bitter and venomous if it were even possible.

"Let's ask your wife's opinion on it then shall we?" I heard shuffling voices before an all too familiar hiccups sound making my heart drop.

"Baby? I'll find you hang in there." I said fighting through the lump in my throat.

There was no response except her sobs getting louder. "Kate dont cry baby talk to me please where are you? did he do something? I swear to God he's going to regret doing this with every being in his body on my dead mother."

I heard shuffling again and then Boris's ugly chuckle.

"Oh wait I forgot she doesn't want to speak to a cuck that fucks and kills other people's girlfriends." he said.

Fuck. I grunted throwing the phone across the jet.

"How much more fucking time?" I asked the woman that looked like the air hostess.

"Three minutes sir." she stammered speedwalking back to the cabin.

"This is crazy Rome. We can just go back home and make sure the girls are safe and Dante is still fucking al-" Luca said standing up infront of me.

"Or fucking what? you'd rat out their whereabouts too you fucking two faced cunt?" I sneered at him grabbing his collar.

The horror on Luca's face was as clear as the day sky. In my entire life I'd seen that look on his face twice. When his mother was killed infront of him and right now.

"Rom-" he started trying to cover up.

"Dont. Don't try, there's nothing you can do in this world for me to look at you the same again." I spat, pulling myself back with disgust plastered all over my face.

"I did it for us Rome. For me you and this mafia will always come before any woman. He'd take us all down without warning if I hadn't formed the truce." He replied looking at me his voice small and eyes glossy.

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