Not mad?

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Waking up in the morning has to be the weirdest experience ever. It's like, as soon as your senses alert so many memories and emotions rush back to you of the last day. And then your brain and heart randomly decide to dwell onto one specific one that then decides the course of your day and mood.

That is exactly what happens to me though, and what I was feeling was contentment. I don't about what where how but I just did felt it.

After making my bed and getting ready, I went downstairs to Martha's room and to my surprise everyone was already present there.

"Hey you should not feed her icecream early morning just because she asked for it, the doctor's gonna be angry." Jade said, scowling at Dante that had an entire bowl of icecream in his hand standing beside Daisy's bed.

"Relax it's just a bullet wound, it's totally normal." he winked.

"What do you mean just?" Luca said sounding irritated.

"Uncle D is right." Daisy intervened smugly.

"Daisy!" came Martha and Rome's voice simultaneously, both frowning.

"Relax guys, and Daisy if you want something sweet, I can make you pancakes." I said smiling announcing myself.

Daisy stared at me and then whispered something to Martha, "She says you're beautiful and don't worry she's a little shy." Martha said chuckling.

"Aww," Dante and Jade cooed at her while I just stood there with a lopsided smile ready to bawl.

"Thankyou so much baby, you look like a pretty little princess yourself," to which her cheeks turned pink and she shyly gave me a "thankyou".

"Okay then come on, breakfast is getting late," I took her hand in mine and we went in the kitchen, with everyone else following us.

There were enough bar stools to accomodate everyone so we didn't have to go to the dining table.

Martha helped me make the pancakes and everyone else helped with the plating.

I sat down between Rome and Martha, Luca beside, while Dante, Jade, and Daisy sat across us.

"How is your improvement in maths?" Luca asked Daisy which made us all turn and look at him, specially the audacity.

Who the fuck asks about math early morning????

Daisy looked at him unimpressed and shrugged, "I'm trying", to which he nodded, "Good."

"So, what are the plans for today?" Jade asked us wiggling her brows at me and Daisy.

"Well, my friend Sarah is going to come over, and I think we're going to go shopping. You guys should join us too!"

Both Jade and Daisy grinned, "We'd love to" they said at the same time, making me laugh.

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